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Don Muang Airport Boosts Security After Foiled Bomb Plot In London

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Twenty-one people have reportedly been arrested in connection with the foiled plot, all of them British Muslims.

Why cant Britain just put its foot down and say no to anti British British????

If there were people in Thailand who openly hated Thailand and caused damage to Thailand etc the Thais would have no problems giving them the boot. How ridiculous is it that the British have absolutely no power to do the same???? If you don't like the place your living - get out!!!

We are becoming the powerless in our own country.

but more abuse of power inother part,s of the world

So basically, you're advocating the rescinding of the nationality of natural born citizens?

I suppose you support the Thai government not giving citizenship to 4th and 5th generation Thai-born hilltribespeople?

Perhaps you'd also like to see all Scots. Welsh and Irish repatriated OUT of England?

The UK Government does have laws they can enact, but unlike some countries the UK operates under the premise of innocent until proven guilty, and demands a burden of proof be laid before the judiciary.


i think if you read his post correctly he states only that if you dont like the place you can leave ?

dont think he meant to kick out all non white or non born brits.

but i could be wrong so what does the author really mean here ?

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Twenty-one people have reportedly been arrested in connection with the foiled plot, all of them British Muslims.

Why cant Britain just put its foot down and say no to anti British British????

If there were people in Thailand who openly hated Thailand and caused damage to Thailand etc the Thais would have no problems giving them the boot. How ridiculous is it that the British have absolutely no power to do the same???? If you don't like the place your living - get out!!!

We are becoming the powerless in our own country.

top bit of thinking there my man and how hard is that to work out ?

if they dont like the place, im with you and say get the frig out of here. :o

Thailand I think has it about right in many ways. Criticism is accepted [just look at TV!] but open denunciation of the State and all it stands for is not and should not in my opinion be tolerated.If the suspects in this case are found guilty, then what? 7 or 8 years in Prison? Out in 4 or 5 to start plotting again? In Thailand I doubt if the CONVICTED suspects would see the light of day again.

Twenty-one people have reportedly been arrested in connection with the foiled plot, all of them British Muslims.

Why cant Britain just put its foot down and say no to anti British British????

If there were people in Thailand who openly hated Thailand and caused damage to Thailand etc the Thais would have no problems giving them the boot. How ridiculous is it that the British have absolutely no power to do the same???? If you don't like the place your living - get out!!!

We are becoming the powerless in our own country.

top bit of thinking there my man and how hard is that to work out ?

if they dont like the place, im with you and say get the frig out of here. :o

Thailand I think has it about right in many ways. Criticism is accepted [just look at TV!] but open denunciation of the State and all it stands for is not and should not in my opinion be tolerated.If the suspects in this case are found guilty, then what? 7 or 8 years in Prison? Out in 4 or 5 to start plotting again? In Thailand I doubt if the CONVICTED suspects would see the light of day again.

That,s the free world In usa !mr Bush say that all the time !!i wonder what that is.

Twenty-one people have reportedly been arrested in connection with the foiled plot, all of them British Muslims.

Why cant Britain just put its foot down and say no to anti British British????

If there were people in Thailand who openly hated Thailand and caused damage to Thailand etc the Thais would have no problems giving them the boot. How ridiculous is it that the British have absolutely no power to do the same???? If you don't like the place your living - get out!!!

We are becoming the powerless in our own country.

Some images of friendly,British muslims exercising their right to protest in London.

Aren't they nice? Should they be deported? They hate all infidels and non believers. HATE! Slightly scary.

If farangs threatened Buddhists in Thailand like this they would all be down in jail or on the next plane out of here. At least that's my guess.


cricky's mate,

that is truely scary stuff isn't it. how can the goverment let this rubbish go on as there's got to be a law raised conserning the above behaviour.

like instant deportation would be the 1'st one that springs to mind.

im from aussie and a professional firefighter.

we are just waiting mate as we know its coming to us as they got us in bali.

where just hoping that it doesn't so wish us guys luck will you.



Thailand I think has it about right in many ways. Criticism is accepted [just look at TV!] but open denunciation of the State and all it stands for is not and should not in my opinion be tolerated.If the suspects in this case are found guilty, then what? 7 or 8 years in Prison? Out in 4 or 5 to start plotting again? In Thailand I doubt if the CONVICTED suspects would see the light of day again.

That,s the free world In usa !mr Bush say that all the time !!i wonder what that is.

Sorry, I dont get your point.


Send the miserable apologist in-denial sceptics to Iran, old Iraq, old Afganistan, or Burma or China and let them see what a 'non-democracy' is like. We may not like Tony Blair's closeness to Bush or Israel's aggression but in all three places you can say or print or demonstrate your democratic freedom of speech and work and vote for parties that will change things.

If you read anything about extreme fundamentalist Islam you know they abhor democracy as it obstructs their fundamentalist political/religious aims of subjugating populations into their chosen fanatical way of life. By the way they shoot teachers and college students too, less you forget

Terrorism is the sudden violent death of innocent men, women and kids as they go about their own humble often innocent lives and in this case it would have been over three thousand world citizens during this key western holiday week.


100% bullshlt story

This is a total distraction to make gullible people fearful and forget the real terrorist are Bush and Co.

He and Co are the most dangerous men in the world absolutely.

9/11 was totally made up story too!

Look at the fact my friends.

Most of the Arab guys on those planes are not dead now and have normal job back in the Middle East right now.

But somehow they have perfect unblemished passports from them supposedly they found after those building fell down!

No huge jet even hit the Pentagon. It was a US military devise used to do that destruction. An airliner would have left a huge wide hole in the building. The size whole in the side of the building was tiny compared to a huge commercial jet liner. Hey it just doesn’t add up and there is a Gov conspiracy 100% behind all this I am sorry to report.

That story was eaten up hook line and sinker by the gullible masses... Study the fact and you will see this is all BS. There are excellent VDOs on the internet that explain a lot of it now. But not many people want to hear the truth let me tell you all about it!

Tomorrow the USA in Wash DC is having a huge mass demonstration anti war/ anti Bush.

This made up story is to try and take the headlines away from that as there will be a big turn out and the numbers will show the USA people mostly hate Bush more than you will ever know now…

As to your second question, it is quite clear that these lunatics live amongst us and YES they are all potetntial terrorists. We have no way of telling the good from bad Muslims. I lost a good friend to a terrorist bomb and I guess I have just had enough of being politically correct. Fight fire with fire. Screw 'em.

Its only a matter of time b4 a bomb detonates here in Bangkok. I wonder how you will feel then?

Sorry,just venting steam again....I will be ok in a few days.

You have all the right to vent your anger, and believe me, I know how you feel. I was living in Spain when the Madrid bombings on March 11, 2004 occurred and I also lost two friends.

On September 11, 2001 I was working for an airline in the Netherlands and my company went down partially because of the aftermath of these attacks.

But still that doesn't mean you should regard every muslim as a potential threat. I simply can't agree with that. But then again, that's my opinion.


Former Bush Team Member Says WTC Collapse Likely A

Controlled Demolition And 'In

Posted on Sunday, June 12 @ 12:18:45 EDT by drew

Highly recognized former chief economist in Labor

Department now doubts official 9/11 story, claiming

suspicious facts and evidence cover-up indicate

government foul play and possible criminal


June 12, 2005

By Greg Szymanski

A former chief economist in the Labor Department

during President Bush's first term now believes the

official story about the collapse of the WTC is

'bogus,' saying it is more likely that a controlled

demolition destroyed the Twin Towers and adjacent

Building No. 7.

"If demolition destroyed three steel skyscrapers at

the World Trade Center on 9/11, then the case for an

'inside job' and a government attack on America would

be compelling," said Morgan Reynolds, Ph.D, a former

member of the Bush team who also served as director of

the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for

Policy Analysis headquartered in Dallas, TX.

Reynolds, now a professor emeritus at Texas A&M

University, also believes it's 'next to impossible'

that 19 Arab Terrorists alone outfoxed the mighty U.S.

military, adding the scientific conclusions about the

WTC collapse may hold the key to the entire mysterious

plot behind 9/11.

"It is hard to exaggerate the importance of a

scientific debate over the cause(s) of the collapse of

the twin towers and building 7," said Reynolds this

week from his offices at Texas A&M. "If the official

wisdom on the collapses is wrong, as I believe it is,

then policy based on such erroneous engineering

analysis is not likely to be correct either. The

government's collapse theory is highly vulnerable on

its own terms. Only professional demolition appears to

account for the full range of facts associated with

the collapse of the three buildings.

"More importantly, momentous political and social

consequences would follow if impartial observers

concluded that professionals imploded the WTC.

Meanwhile, the job of scientists, engineers and

impartial researchers everywhere is to get the

scientific and engineering analysis of 9/11 right."

However, Reynolds said "getting it right in today's

security state' remains challenging because he claims

explosives and structural experts have been

intimidated in their analyses of the collapses of


From the beginning, the Bush administration claimed

that burning jet fuel caused the collapse of the

towers. Although many independent investigators have

disagreed, they have been hard pressed to disprove the

government theory since most of the evidence was

removed by FEMA prior to independent investigation.

Critics claim the Bush administration has tried to

cover-up the evidence and the recent 9/11 Commission

has failed to address the major evidence contradicting

the official version of 9/11.

Some facts demonstrating the flaws in the government

jet fuel theory include:

-- Photos showing people walking around in the hole in

the North Tower where 10,000 gallons of jet fuel

supposedly was burning..

--When the South Tower was hit, most of the North

Tower's flames had already vanished, burning for only

16 minutes, making it relatively easy to contain and

control without a total collapse.

--The fire did not grow over time, probably because it

quickly ran out of fuel and was suffocating,

indicating without added explosive devices the firs

could have been easily controlled.

--FDNY fire fighters still remain under a tight

government gag order to not discuss the explosions

they heard, felt and saw. FAA personnel are also under

a similar 9/11 gag order.

--Even the flawed 9/11 Commission Report acknowledges

that "none of the [fire] chiefs present believed that

a total collapse of either tower was possible."

-- Fire had never before caused steel-frame buildings

to collapse except for the three buildings on 9/11,

nor has fire collapsed any steel high rise since 9/11.

-- The fires, especially in the South Tower and WTC-7,

were relatively small.

-- WTC-7 was unharmed by an airplane and had only

minor fires on the seventh and twelfth floors of this

47-story steel building yet it collapsed in less than

10 seconds.

-- WTC-5 and WTC-6 had raging fires but did not

collapse despite much thinner steel beams.

-- In a PBS documentary, Larry Silverstein, the WTC

leaseholder, told the fire department commander on

9/11 about WTC-7 that. "may be the smartest thing to

do is pull it," slang for demolish it.

-- It's difficult if not impossible for hydrocarbon

fires like those fed by jet fuel (kerosene) to raise

the temperature of steel close to melting.

Despite the numerous holes in the government story,

the Bush administration has brushed aside or basically

ignored any and all critics. Mainstream experts,

speaking for the administration, offer a theory

essentially arguing that an airplane impact weakened

each structure and an intense fire thermally weakened

structural components, causing buckling failures while

allowing the upper floors to pancake onto the floors


One who supports the official account is Thomas Eager,

professor of materials engineering and engineering

systems at MIT. He argues that the collapse occurred

by the extreme heat from the fires, causing the loss

of loading-bearing capacity on the structural frame.

Eagar points out the steel in the towers could have

collapsed only if heated to the point where it "lost

80 percent of its strength," or around 1,300 degrees

Fahrenheit. Critics claim his theory is flawed since

the fires did not appear to be intense and widespread

enough to reach such high temperatures.

Other experts supporting the official story claim the

impact of the airplanes, not the heat, weakened the

entire structural system of the towers, but critics

contend the beams on floors 94-98 did not appear

severely weakened, much less the entire structural


Further complicating the matter, hard evidence to

fully substantiate either theory since evidence is

lacking due to FEMA's quick removal of the structural

steel before it could be analyzed. Even though the

criminal code requires that crime scene evidence be

kept for forensic analysis, FEMA had it destroyed or

shipped overseas before a serious investigation could

take place.

And even more doubt is cast over why FEMA acted so

swiftly since coincidentally officials had arrived the

day before the 9/11 attacks at New York's Pier 29 to

conduct a war game exercise, named "Tripod II."

Besides FEMA's quick removal of the debris,

authorities considered the steel quite valuable as New

York City officials had every debris truck tracked on

GPS and even fired one truck driver who took an

unauthorized lunch break.

In a detailed analysis just released supporting the

controlled demolition theory, Reynolds presents a

compelling case.

"First, no steel-framed skyscraper, even engulfed in

flames hour after hour, had ever collapsed before.

Suddenly, three stunning collapses occur within a few

city blocks on the same day, two allegedly hit by

aircraft, the third not," said Reynolds. "These

extraordinary collapses after short-duration minor

fires made it all the more important to preserve the

evidence, mostly steel girders, to study what had


"On fire intensity, consider this benchmark: A 1991

FEMA report on Philadelphia's Meridian Plaza fire said

that the fire was so energetic that 'beams and girders

sagged and twisted, but despite this extraordinary

exposure, the columns continued to support their loads

without obvious damage.' Such an intense fire with

consequent sagging and twisting steel beams bears no

resemblance to what we observed at the WTC."

After considering both sides of the 9/11 debate and

after thoroughly sifting through all the available

material, Reynolds concludes the government story

regarding all four plane crashes on 9/11 remains

highly suspect.

"In fact, the government has failed to produce

significant wreckage from any of the four alleged

airliners that fateful day. The familiar photo of the

Flight 93 crash site in Pennsylvania shows no

fuselage, engine or anything recognizable as a plane,

just a smoking hole in the ground," said Reynolds.

"Photographers reportedly were not allowed near the

hole. Neither the FBI nor the National Transportation

Safety Board have investigated or produced any report

on the alleged airliner crashes."


Rubbish? watch the VDO I just posted the link to and after viewing the whole thing then tell me its rubbish...

If u still think so I will stop sending in posts for 1 month

how is that for a bet?

but if its not rubbish..... I just want you tell others that what I wrote was NOT rubbish and you take it back...fair or not?

OK finally!!!!

one favor PLEASE watch this vdo and then

tell me what you think.

Don't tell me I am

crazy till you see this VDO and get back to me


911 Loose Change 2nd

(shocking to say the

least!) go to..... takes a while to down load with slow connection

here it is for free no less! >>>


It doesn't work but this one is as good.

Thank God there are vdos like these that let me know what the real world is.


sorry it didnt do anything for you

I think we should have a poll

lets everyone watch it and tell us what they think?

I still say most normal people who can think for themselves will be impressed to say the least

So what do you say

if most dont like it then i will stop sending post still for a month


Lets try to get back to the point of the original news report, shall we? Alot of people are interested in how this will affect their travel plans in and out of Thailand.

You want to discuss the attempted bombings please do so in this thread. But not here, ok? One thread of this is enough. So please, take your conspiracy theories elsewhere, thanks.

I would like to hear first hand from some people who have flown today, either from the UK or US or from Thailand.


I'm not quite sure how having Muslim only airlines/flights would solve the situation. What would it take for a bomber to shave and pretend they are a Christian for the flight. Passports do not have religion in them any more (at least British ones don't). Do we force them to have a pork sandwich? - then we hit veggies and Jews too. If anything, it would lead to a false sense of security and a laxing of security procedures - dangerous stuff! Not too mention the further isolation it would cause and the knock-on affects of that (recruites etc).

Only last year (or was it the year before?) we had tanks roling into Heathrow - now we have the extreme security measures - all will pass.


The intellectual level of discussion here is so utterly poor - when folk deny those massive atrocities of NY, Balli, Madrid and London and so on which killed so many innocent people and make Anti-Bush remarks they show a very weak grasp of politics. Its not a black & white world. Everything against USA or Spain or UK or Australia is not justified because they were trying to remove a tyrant in Iraq or are opposed to their foreign policy

The people in the UK are truly appalled and outraged by this plot by extremists and attempts by "old 1960s hippy throwbacks" to try and turn this into an anti USA discussion is pathetic. What these critics cannot do is address for us the aims and politics of extreme versions of Islam & Jihad. What these contributors cannot do is engage in the matter at hand- a plot of '9/11' scale. The UK is in a stage of critical alert as it digests tons of data and intelligence & contributions here are often at the level of 6th form schoolboy drunks.

So CNN is reporting: "Because the plot involved taking liquid explosives aboard planes in carry-ons, passengers at all U.S. and British airports, and those boarding U.S.-bound flights at other international airports, are banned from taking any liquids onto planes."

And then they have the photo of the Security guy dumping a tub of confiscated possibly explosive liquids into a bin in a crowd of people.

Explain that shit to me again?

That was likely a known not exploding bottle and second, explosives are not likely to be liquid Maybe the have a part in it like some powder which with liquid kind of gets to be a sticky mess. Unlikely that what they tell is the truth especially with undercover agents at work...

Whatever, sounds to me that some liquid with to much water in it or some other stuff making it impure and then getting a water withdrawal item could make a nice bomb. Pampers ought to be good for it...

I'm not quite sure how having Muslim only airlines/flights would solve the situation. What would it take for a bomber to shave and pretend they are a Christian for the flight. Passports do not have religion in them any more (at least British ones don't)

:D Perhaps we could make the bombers sit at the back 2 rows? :o

If you are worried about the possiblity of Muslim bomber surely the safest people to fly with would be with a Muslim airline.


Quote of the day, from the Muslim community in England where the suspects were sweeped up:

"Police still guarded homes in High Wycombe, where the Muslim community expressed outrage that their community and children have been thrust into the international spotlight.

"They are considered ordinary British Muslims and they haven't caused any harm to anyone," accountant Mohammed Naeem said of the suspects. "They come from decent families."

And I'm the Pope ...

- FlightRisk



have to agree with your comments. If plots were allowed to go forward, and the charred and mulitated remains of close to 300 peolpe littered the Atlantic Ocean and continental USA, there would be no platform for the apologists for Jihad and fascsim. People would be outraged, as they should be. Since this plot appears to have been thwarted, the armchair apologists get to have their say with a bunch of vague hand waving. And in a democratic (not Islamo-Fascist) society, they certainly get have right to dissent.

FYI, there was an interesting segment in the news with a bomb expert yesterday. He said the ingredients that were being planned for the liquid bombs were lethal and highly effective. As a demo, he used what he called easily obtained low energy liquid explosive components, mixed them into a small bottle and sat it on top of a piece of plate steel, then detontaed it with a simple electronic switch. The violent explosion left a large round hole in the plate metal. So imagine what a real bomb with the planned ingredients would have done when denonated over a wing seat in a 747.

- FlightRisk

I think its time that Muslims had their own airlines and be restricted from travelling on non-muslim planes. This may sound radical and it probably is BUT I AM SO SICK OF THESE PSYCHO RELIGIOUS BASTARDS creating havoc for the rest of the peaceful population. Better yet, lets help them all find their way to paradise. That seems to be what they desire.

Sorry, I am just venting here in an irrational way. I am just angry. I am not a racist, I am just sick of these scumbags trying this stuff and yet the so-called "good" Muslims themselves not even bothering to police their own.

No doubt, the (muslim) terrorists would like the idea. At least they would be sure not to blow some of their own. Or do you think they would target muslim flights?


The intellectual level of discussion here is so utterly poor - when folk deny those massive atrocities of NY, Balli, Madrid and London and so on which killed so many innocent people and make Anti-Bush remarks they show a very weak grasp of politics. Its not a black & white world. Everything against USA or Spain or UK or Australia is not justified because they were trying to remove a tyrant in Iraq or are opposed to their foreign policy

funny how fast we forget history,and how it all started. Michael Moore's 'Farengheit 9/11' is a good refresher :D first Bush the father breeds & feeds mr's Osama & Saddam to fight than US enemies, than conveniently 'forgets' his old buddies .. the rest we remember. Muslims may have lower IQ, but they are good in spontanious revenge, that also makes it silly to try to impose democracy, because you can only guess what they'll choose :D .

Dubya should've been sent 2 manage NY zoo for a start & give them freedom ! than fly in, in a couple of months to shake paws with ( by than already hungry) strong lions & crocodiles lobby

the rest of the world would be spared than :o


""Twenty-five sniffing dogs from the army have been deployed at the Bangkok airport since Thursday night, and 50 security officers and handheld scanners have been added," said airport manager Chotisak Aspaviriya."

No confidence in the little strappers.

The military presence at Don M consists of bored, unarmed teenagers wandering the halls in camo fatigues. My only interaction with them came a couple years back when they wanded me (don't think it was even on because I neglected to remove my keys and change yet) and then they beg for cigarettes.

All we can do is listen to the airlines and follow their instructions.

They have a vested interest in not having planes fall from the sky as well.

Well done by the UK law enforcement.

They saved a lot of lives with thier prompt action.


The intellectual level of discussion here is so utterly poor - when folk deny those massive atrocities of NY, Balli, Madrid and London and so on which killed so many innocent people and make Anti-Bush remarks they show a very weak grasp of politics. Its not a black & white world. Everything against USA or Spain or UK or Australia is not justified because they were trying to remove a tyrant in Iraq or are opposed to their foreign policy

The people in the UK are truly appalled and outraged by this plot by extremists and attempts by "old 1960s hippy throwbacks" to try and turn this into an anti USA discussion is pathetic. What these critics cannot do is address for us the aims and politics of extreme versions of Islam & Jihad. What these contributors cannot do is engage in the matter at hand- a plot of '9/11' scale. The UK is in a stage of critical alert as it digests tons of data and intelligence & contributions here are often at the level of 6th form schoolboy drunks.

Finally... a rational, well-thought-out post. Thanks Peter48.

So many postings here remind me of the ramblings of some dingy, dusty expat sitting at some whole-in-the-wall, Pattaya "bar beer", soused and unshaven, spouting his inside knowledge of world politics and "why Bush is so bad". Knuckleheads like that drive me crazy, I must admit, and they do tend to wind me up a bit! :o

Thanks again Peter48 for posting such a calm and rational observation.


Thanks Membrane

I just thought too many innocents had died too often and this time lets give praise that several hundred or thousand people will still be around next week to enjoy each day of this warm summer. Of course we still have to sort out the Middle East problem and its endless cruelty.

I like the Pattaya bar bit and lets be grateful that the sceptics can perch there andd spout their free thoughts without oppression & its secret police.

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