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Booking hotel for Christmas online - interesting experience - watch out!


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We're planning to head south for a few days over the Christmas/New Year break. We know that outside of the major Western resorts, Christmas is a pretty quiet period.

So I contacted a small resort on the east coast to make a reservation. We've stayed there many times in the past but not for about two years. They emailed back telling me how simple it was to book online and I followed their link to a very well known agency. We expected to pay about 650 THB for a room. We wanted two rooms for one night. So I was very surprised when said well known online company asked for 2850 THB for one night, including a 400+ THB booking fee.

I sent the resort a screen shot of the online "bill" and got a yarn about cookies and apologies and they agreed to two rooms at 650 each . So problem solved but thought readers might want to know this is about and perhaps make bookings directly with hotels etc if they are making reservations for Christmas.

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Interesting that the hotel would suggest a web booking at such an incredible mark-up. If booking a new property where you are uncertain of a good price - it is always best to suggest a few websites and contact the hotel directly - then book the best option.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Your post would be more informational (and helpful) if you identified both the "resort" and the booking agency....otherwise, it's not really much help to prospective travelers other than a vague "compare prices" warning, which is pretty generic travel advice.

Maybe a fear of defamation laws? Maybe use email instead.

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A friend of mine wanted to book for 2 week holiday. 3* hotel right next to our home. its a lovely place and normally great value at 900- 1200THB

TGF asked hotel how much for a room and to book for 2 weeks..
Hotel said they were full, but price 1500THB per day..

My friend booked into the same hotel online for 480THB.


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I don't want to get into naming and shaming because I don't think it is the right thing to do. The online agency is so well known that I doubt whether you would have to think very hard so pointless naming it really. More important to be aware this is a possibility when booking hotels online for the Christmas as opposed to New Year break. That is/was my point - Christmas is decidedly quiet in my experience in most non-Western places in Thailand. A lot of travellers and visitors as opposed to long term residents will not know this, methinks, so thought the possibility of being charged as if it were peak season should be flagged up.

As for the resort they addressed my concerns immediately and sent me there own screenshot showing rooms coming in at 800 THB. I got the desired rate once I contacted the resort. It's a great little resort and was one of the best deals in town, in Chumphon to be precise. As far as I am concerned the jury is still out on the resort and I will write about it once we have been there.

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Some of these booking sites take a chunk of up to 20% from the hoteliers. Now this no small amount when spread over the year/s and could well be the deciding factor whether to redecorate/upgrade rooms etc etc.

All good for the traveler as they could be getting better prices. All good for the booking sites because they are getting their fees and commissions but the hotelier is the one losing out and that could be the reason why breakfast is not included or there is no free water or why the mini-bar prices are so high etc etc. Unfortunately though, because these sites are so convenient for those wanting to book somewhere from the comfort of their armchair or wherever, they are in fact a necessary evil for the actual hotel trade.

Just MHO.

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Consumers who continue to book via online agents like expedia and agoda contribute greatly to increased commission costs to hotels which over time means higher rates or fewer amenities. . Expedia average commission from hotels exceeds 20% which is a hell of a big cut for a process that is essentially done by computer programs. Expedia and other big boys have become a BULLY with many hotels worldwide where they pretty much tell a hotel give us the commission/rate we want or we will blacklist you or put you very low in the listings. This works well if it is a smaller independent hotel who are literally afraid of the big players like priceline, expedia, orbitz, hotels.com etc. Check the earnings of these guys and you'll quickly find that the VAST majority of their revenues come from HOTEL BOOKINGS and certainly not from airline tickets.

The SMART way to do it is to use the online agencies to sort through various choices and then once you see what you like contact the hotel and BOOK DIRECT. You will save the hotel paying an obscene 20% + commission and my guess is that you may well end up with a better room as the hotel actually gets more money for the room. PLUS if you do have a problem with the hotel in my experience a direct with hotel booking is much easier to sort out than having a middleman company involved. I have NEVER found a hotel that would not accept a direct booking at the same rate featured by online agents.

Or keep on booking via online agents and watch hotel prices continue to rise...somebody has to pay those big commissions and guess who that will eventually be?

Well why should we not book on hotel booking sites when they are often cheaper than booking directly with hotel.

Two weeks ago I booked Hotel Lanna Palace in Chiang Mai for 900 B per night via hotel dot com.

When asking at hotel reception what their price was if I stayed a few nights more the reply was 1300 B per night. Do they think I am stupid. Why should I pay more for booking directly with hotel? They would even save on commission.

Of course I booked via same agent for the extra nights too. I even get a free night from them after 10 nights.

Edited by martin81
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Consumers who continue to book via online agents like expedia and agoda contribute greatly to increased commission costs to hotels which over time means higher rates or fewer amenities. . Expedia average commission from hotels exceeds 20% which is a hell of a big cut for a process that is essentially done by computer programs. Expedia and other big boys have become a BULLY with many hotels worldwide where they pretty much tell a hotel give us the commission/rate we want or we will blacklist you or put you very low in the listings. This works well if it is a smaller independent hotel who are literally afraid of the big players like priceline, expedia, orbitz, hotels.com etc. Check the earnings of these guys and you'll quickly find that the VAST majority of their revenues come from HOTEL BOOKINGS and certainly not from airline tickets.

The SMART way to do it is to use the online agencies to sort through various choices and then once you see what you like contact the hotel and BOOK DIRECT. You will save the hotel paying an obscene 20% + commission and my guess is that you may well end up with a better room as the hotel actually gets more money for the room. PLUS if you do have a problem with the hotel in my experience a direct with hotel booking is much easier to sort out than having a middleman company involved. I have NEVER found a hotel that would not accept a direct booking at the same rate featured by online agents.

Or keep on booking via online agents and watch hotel prices continue to rise...somebody has to pay those big commissions and guess who that will eventually be?

Well why should we not book on hotel booking sites when they are often cheaper than booking directly with hotel.

Two weeks ago I booked Hotel Lanna Palace in Chiang Mai for 900 B per night via hotel dot com.

When asking at hotel reception what their price was if I stayed a few nights more the reply was 1300 B per night. Do they think I am stupid. Why should I pay more for booking directly with hotel? They would even save on commission.

Of course I booked via same agent for the extra nights too. I even get a free night from them after 10 nights.

You have to book direct from the very beginning....once you are a guest that was booked via an online site the hotels are usually required by contract with the hotel booking site to quote you rack rates for any extensions. Another example of the heavy handed tactics of online booking sites....hotels are fearful of the repercussions from the on line sites if they extend a guest at lower rates as the online site may take them completely off their site. As I said many of the big online sites BULLY the hotels to do what they are told and you can be sure it will not be to YOUR advantage.

If you had booked direct with hotel at 900 you would have most likely been able to extend at the same rate unless of course they were full or going into some peak season rate change.

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Consumers who continue to book via online agents like expedia and agoda contribute greatly to increased commission costs to hotels which over time means higher rates or fewer amenities. . Expedia average commission from hotels exceeds 20% which is a hell of a big cut for a process that is essentially done by computer programs. Expedia and other big boys have become a BULLY with many hotels worldwide where they pretty much tell a hotel give us the commission/rate we want or we will blacklist you or put you very low in the listings. This works well if it is a smaller independent hotel who are literally afraid of the big players like priceline, expedia, orbitz, hotels.com etc. Check the earnings of these guys and you'll quickly find that the VAST majority of their revenues come from HOTEL BOOKINGS and certainly not from airline tickets.

The SMART way to do it is to use the online agencies to sort through various choices and then once you see what you like contact the hotel and BOOK DIRECT. You will save the hotel paying an obscene 20% + commission and my guess is that you may well end up with a better room as the hotel actually gets more money for the room. PLUS if you do have a problem with the hotel in my experience a direct with hotel booking is much easier to sort out than having a middleman company involved. I have NEVER found a hotel that would not accept a direct booking at the same rate featured by online agents.

Or keep on booking via online agents and watch hotel prices continue to rise...somebody has to pay those big commissions and guess who that will eventually be?

Well why should we not book on hotel booking sites when they are often cheaper than booking directly with hotel.

Two weeks ago I booked Hotel Lanna Palace in Chiang Mai for 900 B per night via hotel dot com.

When asking at hotel reception what their price was if I stayed a few nights more the reply was 1300 B per night. Do they think I am stupid. Why should I pay more for booking directly with hotel? They would even save on commission.

Of course I booked via same agent for the extra nights too. I even get a free night from them after 10 nights.

You have to book direct from the very beginning....once you are a guest that was booked via an online site the hotels are usually required by contract with the hotel booking site to quote you rack rates for any extensions. Another example of the heavy handed tactics of online booking sites....hotels are fearful of the repercussions from the on line sites if they extend a guest at lower rates as the online site may take them completely off their site. As I said many of the big online sites BULLY the hotels to do what they are told and you can be sure it will not be to YOUR advantage.

If you had booked direct with hotel at 900 you would have most likely been able to extend at the same rate unless of course they were full or going into some peak season rate change.

Doesn't make any difference, bookingsites will quite often be cheaper also if not yet booked.

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If you book a hotel directly via a site like agoda or booking.com without checking the hotel web site first then you deserve to pay whatever price they can get out of you. Last several times I booked a hotel it was cheaper by a nice margin to book on the hotel web site.

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If the booking website says a hotel has no availability, it may very well be they still do have rooms, they just took themselves out of Agoda or whatever for certain dates in order not to get overbooked, if there are only few rooms left. One more reason why I cut off my contract with Hostelworld.

Sometimes booking sites apply the trick of listing a hotel they don't do business with, people interested in booking get the message the hotel is full, and are suggested alternatives.

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