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British Resident found dead at his North Pattaya home


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I just rejoined after not having posted for a few years .... however i do read Thai Visa quite often and I just have to ask ... there are so many negative whingers posting comments on most posts .... why the F do you live in LOS if its so damned bad ..... it is so much better in your homelands no?

Mate, you're preaching to the choir on this one, but 'GTFO' will get you slammed here - we could go there but it will only start a flame war. The same people that were crowing about the lives their pensions bought them in Thailand 10 years ago are understandably bitter that the pendulum has swung. That said, the 'Thailand doesn't need you' brigade are also pretty hard to stomach - we're judge, jury and executioner on TV ;)

Anyway, back to the topic at hand.

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Why should we care that he is British or whatever... you wanna tell us that thai people kill farangs or what ? or that his wife has organized his murder ? while it's just a guy who died among thousands others. What are

Are you using xenophobic fear to make your news look like a buzz?

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When she demanded 'off white' in the pool area i wonder if the painter got the wrong idea?

...and thais take lunch at mid day...you can set your watch by them.

Didn't mean to. But had to laugh.

Wifes away during home decoration. A clear give away.

Painter did not bring lunch to site of work. A clear give away.

Bump on the head fully clothed.

A clear give away.

Bump on the head swimsuit on.


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When she demanded 'off white' in the pool area i wonder if the painter got the wrong idea?

...and thais take lunch at mid day...you can set your watch by them.

Didn't mean to. But had to laugh.

Wifes away during home decoration. A clear give away.

Painter did not bring lunch to site of work. A clear give away.

Bump on the head fully clothed.

A clear give away.

Bump on the head swimsuit on.


Bump on the head fully clothed.

A clear give away.

really Sherlock ?

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The body was found at 4pm. When the medics and the police arrived the wife was there already. She said she was in Bangkok, but returned home as soon as she heard that her husband was dead.

If I read things like that I start to wonder, but it could also be that the newspaper was a little `confused`.

There you go. Little bit of careful reading, and can clearly see something not right. Who called her. The painter. What time did painter call.

2 o'clock. (2 hours from bkk) presuming upset wife went straight back. Why did painter discover at 2 o'clock. Which would have been a very long lunch break.

1 lie even a small one, begs the question. Why did he-she need to lie.

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Well why aren't people allowed to make their own judgements or call this one suspicious? There would have to be some room for speculation here surely. All those who are so quick to judge the "conspiracy theorists" or TV CSI. I would rather have those people on side than those that are so quick to just swallow the first thing they hear and are happy to believe everything they are told by the Thai media and RTP. Let's be honest there are thousands of suspicious deaths here. I know if it was me I would want family and friends pushing to find out the whole story. Accident or not.

And exactly how many of your TV 'friends' do you think would do something beyond banging their keyboards in the event of your death ? Unless you know someone here personally and you know they'll stand by you - not an easy assumption in Thailand - I find your statement extraordinary. I can live with skepticism re the willingness of the BiB to just write this off as death by misadventure, but the assumption that the people on this board could somehow influence their actions strikes me as fanciful. How many years have we been ranting about Tim Sharky Ward and the Red Bull heir, to no apparent effect ?

Occasionally you will see TV mentioned in a news story re something like the visa crackdown, but beyond that I'm not aware of any particular influence over what happens in the mainstream media - happy to hear otherwise. By all means, air your suspicions, but I'm more interested in reading a followup on this case than reading countless 'the painter did it' posts on Thaivisa.

Mate I don't care one way or the other, but it is an open forum. I agree nothing anyone says on TV makes an iota of difference and won't change anything. What I find amusing is people that get their panties in a bunch over people giving an opinion. We all know that it most likely was a simple yet tragic accident, yet if people want to put some outlandish theories out there or make some speculation, then it is no skin off my back as long as they are keeping it out of the gutter and not being disrespectful. I say it's entirely up to them how they waste their time and all those that would write just as many words or more condemning them and thinking the are being witty by using worn out phrases like bar stool CSI aren't much better IMHO

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Well why aren't people allowed to make their own judgements or call this one suspicious? There would have to be some room for speculation here surely. All those who are so quick to judge the "conspiracy theorists" or TV CSI. I would rather have those people on side than those that are so quick to just swallow the first thing they hear and are happy to believe everything they are told by the Thai media and RTP. Let's be honest there are thousands of suspicious deaths here. I know if it was me I would want family and friends pushing to find out the whole story. Accident or not.

"I know if it was me I would want family and friends pushing to find out the whole story. Accident or not."

Posting childish speculation on an Internet message board has nothing to do with "pushing to find out" anything, and I doubt you would want or expect any of your friends or family to consider this an opportunity to start posting on Thai Visa.

It's just a bunch of bored layabouts trying to have a natter with other thumb-twiddlers in order to elevate their mutual sense of drama.

What does it say about the people that twiddle their thumbs writing self righteous replys? See the point of the full stop is to start another sentence. Initially I was saying who cares what people propose on her certainly doesn't effect me. My final sentence stated that if I were to die in Thailand no matter what the circumstances I would hope my family and friends (not posters on TV) would look into it fully. Hope that clears it up for you.

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RIP Mr Nicholas Morton-Smith and sincere condolences to his family and friends I hope the truth will be found out regarding his death bruise on the head usually sign of something not quite right about the accidental death, such a bad country for the Brits to come for a holiday and a Thailand holiday here can be fatal.

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Come on...

He could have just slipped and knocked himself out on the edge....Quite possible.

Pattaya is quite far from Koh Tao...

I have slipped and fallen many times, never lost conciousness.

And for such a thing to happen while near a swimming pool?

It could happen by accident, but seems unlikely.

Foreigners do seem accident prone in Thailand.

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Amazing how people immediately jump to the conclusion that foul play involved. Far more likely a tragic accident. Wait for the autopsy results.

Amazing how people immediately jump to the conclusion that foul play involved.

This becomes a natural habit if you are long enough in the country and from experience you learn- for a good reason. Just wait for the follow up of the story: ...and the widow and the painter lived happily ever after.

TIT There is always more to a story than what a news article or the police want to tell you.....

You are spot on.

I have been here 5 years and i have learned to look for the rest of the story....

Nothing is what it seems to look like at first.... TIT after all....

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Damn it, would foreigners please have the decency to die in their home countries!

Note to self - install CCTV around the house to video the culprit that kills me.

Yes, but off course dear Watson,

Very important.... got my CCTV set up with Cloud storage / duplication, so they can steal the box but there is at least one or two copies of the videos on the cloud and if anything suspicious happens, like i dies very sudden....

my solicitor does have his instructions....

don't you all have this????

you know the paranoids can actually be followed too.......... cheesy.gif

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Another day, another expat found dead in Thailand. I wonder what the total casualty figure will be for 2014 and how it compares to other countries with sizeable expat communities. I'm guessing Thailand will be in a league of its own.

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It may or may not be, but I will never be able to fully trust them as I have never yet once (once) ever known, myself, what exactly happened and then to have heard a Thai tell it exactly the way I know it happened. Not once. They bungle it every time, ...whether to hide their tracks or to utterly deny it in a narcissistic fit or rage, tears or alternately to accuse without any basis of supportive evidence at all. So, it may or may not be, but the subsequent chain of events here never ever mesh with what intelligent people would either know for certain, or even consider to be a naturally humane, logical and coherent chain of events. It is always lies, mitigation, forgetfulness, changing the story, apathy where there should be none, emphasis on the unprovable, avoidance of the obvious, omission of the missing pieces, etc. etc. ad nausea.

RIP to the deceased, and the rest of you be careful out there.

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Damn it, would foreigners please have the decency to die in their home countries!

Note to self - install CCTV around the house to video the culprit that kills me.

Yes, but off course dear Watson,

Very important.... got my CCTV set up with Cloud storage / duplication, so they can steal the box but there is at least one or two copies of the videos on the cloud and if anything suspicious happens, like i dies very sudden....

my solicitor does have his instructions....

don't you all have this????

you know the paranoids can actually be followed too.......... cheesy.gif

I think I have you beat, hire Cambodians or Burmese to follow me 24/7 with a yearly bonus if I don't die! burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRRlTrnUTOl

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He was probably a wealthy expat since he had his own house with private swimming pool . And his wife mingled with the hi-so Thais in Bangkok. Another mystery case or just a tragic accident. R.I.P

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