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Startup with no employee?


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Hi, I have read a lot on the subject(although clear info is really hard to find) and am still a bit confused about how setting up a company in Thailand works. I'm a marketing consultant and am thinking of starting up that same business here(seeing so many farang business owners it's a nice market for me), but everything I read so far talks about having 4 employees, but since I'm a consultant I have absolutely no need to hire employees and it would be a waste of money. The 51% Thai part is covered, I just want to know if I can start up a consulting business without the need to hire anyone(and having to setup the 2Mthb that comes having to do that). Any relevant info would be greatly appreciated. Also if anyone knows some good business lawyers on Koh Samui please do share. Thank you.

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The rules are you need to have 4 employees to get your work permit. When you first start the company and apply for your work permit you can get away without having the employees for 1-2 months but after that it would be difficult. When I 1st opened my company I had one employee and then got a few Thai friend to be on the payroll for a few months until I finally found a factory to rent and hire workers. So if you want to be legal you need to have the 4 employees and 2 Million Baht registered capital for each work permit you require.

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