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PM Prayut rides high-speed train in China


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The irony that the detractors don't seem to grasp, is that Prayuth and his posse are actually in a position to make high speed rail a reality in Thailand - with positive economic ramifications for decades to come.

Detractors may think that the Construction will benefit the construction companies and local "Politicians", whilst the money "For the people" wound be better spent on Hospital , schools and teachers. China will benefit because they will be barreling as much freight down it as they can. Nothing for ordinary people here

I think I have yet to see any suggestion as to what monies would be 'better spent' on - any such questions would probably be met with the usual waffling.

I'm not even talking about direct ramifications, ie who gets the money for construction and maintenance - I was thinking that a high speed rail dramatically cutting down travel times could significantly alter the dynamic and economics of workers in cities like Bangkok. Suddenly, it would be possible for workers to live in cheaper towns and accommodations, or even for those living in towns along the rail's path, to have cheap transportation to Bangkok or other major hubs.

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Are you still going on about him being banned from Europe, even after I showed you an article that said he wasn't?

I misunderstood this to be a ban on travel for the 'NCPO' - that is not the case so my previous posts were wrong.

It would appear that the 'PM' would be able to travel to Europe if he wanted to. My bad.

Very impressed about this retraction. Kudos.

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The irony that the detractors don't seem to grasp, is that Prayuth and his posse are actually in a position to make high speed rail a reality in Thailand - with positive economic ramifications for decades to come.

Detractors may think that the Construction will benefit the construction companies and local "Politicians", whilst the money "For the people" wound be better spent on Hospital , schools and teachers. China will benefit because they will be barreling as much freight down it as they can. Nothing for ordinary people here

I think I have yet to see any suggestion as to what monies would be 'better spent' on - any such questions would probably be met with the usual waffling.

I'm not even talking about direct ramifications, ie who gets the money for construction and maintenance - I was thinking that a high speed rail dramatically cutting down travel times could significantly alter the dynamic and economics of workers in cities like Bangkok. Suddenly, it would be possible for workers to live in cheaper towns and accommodations, or even for those living in towns along the rail's path, to have cheap transportation to Bangkok or other major hubs.

Reliability is the key, if you can run a service on Time you attract passengers, at the moment you can be in the station for hours. I would assume this Railway will have something like 60 year lifetime , depending on what the build it with. I suppose if you look 30 years down the road it may be a sucess

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Reliability is the key, if you can run a service on Time ...

Oh, and we're talking about Thailand here... Never mind, forget any hopes for that happening, unless the Germans build it for them.

... albeit skytrain and Metro seem to work reliably, right?

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If he were allowed to travel to Europe, he could take a high-speed train ride there, too. smile.png

lol, he went to Europe few weeks ago, and he is still allowed there, not many European country have high speed train , we don't have it in Scandinavia, you are just a loser, love to bashing.

you missed the fact that was an exception for travel to the EU for that summit.

And if you don't have high speed trains in Scandinavia, that is not the point.

The French and the Germans both have systems that stretch across the continent. Not to mention, the French trains which run at 160 km/h are 40 years old.

And yeah, I'm not impressed by this self-appointed PM and what he represents. No secret there.

Are you still going on about him being banned from Europe, even after I showed you an article that said he wasn't?

no, thanks for that.

Now I can go on about how he should be banned from travel in Europe.


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