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Prayut lambastes paper that picks on him

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I cannot believe members are posting links to and quoting from that poor excuse for a website, Prachatai. It is full of red propaganda and anti-monachy ramblings, enough material on any one page to get you banned from the forum.

It links to such sites as - Bangkok Pundit, Political Prisoners in Thailand, Asia Sentinel and Khaosod, all blatantly red propaganda sites.

Fab4 would be proud of you.

Forgive me, Big Brother, for being naughty.

May I please use your kind censorship to help me from getting banned, by allowing me to forward my humble opinions to you before posting them in public?

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"... the paper made him angry, and thus reduce his demeanour as the prime minister." cheesy.gif:cheesy:cheesy.gif Oh... grow up will ya. Your predecessors - regardless of which party or colour camp they came from - had better form when dealing with dissenting media. You want people to be open and offer opinions - but only if the opinions put you on the pedestal. Really. So this media outlet is full of crap. So be it. Be the bigger person and take the high road! Laugh it off. Join in the banter. Invite the paper for tea, if you want! You will gain more GENUINE respect like that! People can decide if the paper is crap or not. You don't have to throw a tantrum and your toys out of the pram everytime people say something against you. Sheesh... keep calm man.

Yrp.. He should have a natter with Tony Blair, who is currently in the business of offering advice to leaders. He travelled to Australia before his election to have a chat with Murdoch, owner of the Sun
I believe Murdoch is a U.S citizen and lives there.

I cannot believe members are posting links to and quoting from that poor excuse for a website, Prachatai. It is full of red propaganda and anti-monachy ramblings, enough material on any one page to get you banned from the forum.

It links to such sites as - Bangkok Pundit, Political Prisoners in Thailand, Asia Sentinel and Khaosod, all blatantly red propaganda sites.

Fab4 would be proud of you.

Thank you for advertising this P website. After peeping there I guess my thoughts are filthy now, and I really need a brainwash. Any ad for that?


The point he may be making is that some journalists see their role as wall-to-wall criticism. Some journalists make an art of negativity and do not mention/stress/point out the positive things. Constructive criticism is obviously important but destructive criticism is a bit weary. I think it may have something to do with journalists trying to be noticed, trying to be more radical than their colleagues, trying to be holier than thou or simply trying too hard. Perhaps they're trying to build a career in which case truth, honesty and intelligence takes a back seat. I have some sympathy for dear leader.

You may or may not have noticed but that goes for many posters on here, in fact more so in some cases.

The point is this guy accepts no voices of opposition what-so-ever. Truth, honesty and intelligence are exactly the things Prayuth is railing against, he wants propaganda, censorship and blind acceptance - three things you have swallowed in ample quantities. The good and the capable have nothing to fear from freedom of speech.

Depending on how freedom of speech is used or interpreted.

Remember the McCarthy era?

How many people or their reputations were destroyed during that period of free speech?


Just last month Prayuth asserted “that his government was not dictatorial although he admitted that it ‘may not be 100 per cent democratic’…. But don't ask for democracy or an election now. I can't give it to you….I may not be 100 per cent democratic” - The Nation 2014-11-22

But he assured that he would exercise Article 44.

I’m concerned he has either become an egomaniac, senile, or/and afflicted with bipolar affective disorder. For the sake of national security he should seek possible need for psychotherapy and/or medical treatment.

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Just last month Prayuth asserted “that his government was not dictatorial although he admitted that it ‘may not be 100 per cent democratic’…. But don't ask for democracy or an election now. I can't give it to you….I may not be 100 per cent democratic”

Khao kit wah, khao bpen krai ??? bah.gif


The headline in post 87 says PM threatens to shut down local Thai daily.

but I don't see any quotes from him to confirm this. Did Prayuth threaten this or not? Reminds me of the kind of anti-red/PTP reporting during earlier troubles which similarly appeared to be stirring up situations without concrete quotes.

Goes to show the extent to which news media can foment disquiet.

" I don't see any quotes from him to confirm this"

blink.png cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

"I will shut it down, really. Otherwise the existing martial law will be useless.”

Did you read the article?


"This time I will seriously shut them down. That’s what martial law is meant for. I’ll use Article 44 [of the 2014 Interim Charter] creatively."




Keep reading Sunshine...you'll get there eventually.

What he said was he will put in a complaint to the press council.

You really need to understand what rhetorical means.

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But wait there's more cheesy.gifclap2.gif

"The government wants to create national reconciliation, but some media agencies write or present news in the way that causes disputes," said Gen. Prawit, who also serves as Minister of Defence, "They also like to ask about things that cause disputes. They really like doing it. They never ask constructive questions. They like to pick up fights. I don't know what's wrong with them."

Gen. Prawit's comment came a day after his boss, NCPO chairman and Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha, threatened to invoke Section 44 and close down media agencies that ruined his "leadership image" with their negative reporting.

"I think it's a good idea," Gen. Prawit said of Gen. Prayuth's threat.

and from the PM

He continued, "But this time, I will shut them down for real. I cannot allow them to continue their disrespect. Otherwise, what's the point of me being [Prime Minister]? What's the point of having the martial law?"


It's comedy goldcheesy.gif

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I cannot believe members are posting links to and quoting from that poor excuse for a website, Prachatai. It is full of red propaganda and anti-monachy ramblings, enough material on any one page to get you banned from the forum.

It links to such sites as - Bangkok Pundit, Political Prisoners in Thailand, Asia Sentinel and Khaosod, all blatantly red propaganda sites.

Fab4 would be proud of you.

You are hilarious. Being red is bad, but being a coup loving westerner is cool.

Fascism is the new black? Sometimes, it really becomes apparent that a western education is really wasted on a lot of people.

perhaps it might be more accurate to describe Red as being the new Fascism.

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Welcome to politics. There have been some positives but this is not good general. Hopefully you have an advisor that will steer you away from such a decision.

Or, perhaps a kindergarten nurse? huh.png


Here's the aforementioned clip of Prayut at the press conference threatening to shut down the newspaper.
He does look pretty annoyed.


He has no right, certainly not a legal one, to be PM. His true colours are now beginning to show - he's like a petulant child who can't get his own way.

You have to consider his position; after all years in the military with everyone saying 'Yes Sir' and now people opposing him and his views.

I strongly suspect he'll go on embarrassing himself and the Thai people on the world stage.

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People are so used to bad manners they can't imagine it any other way. He is popular with the public and is doing a good job. The media, who are a malevolent force in western nations, should cut him some slack. Who owns them and directs their content? Having a choice of two sets of elite-directed scoundrels is not 'democracy'.


First of all I think much of it is lost in translation, and second of all, he's got a point when he says the country is still under Martial Law, and that the media is subject to this as well, there are no exceptions. On top of that, criticism is one thing, but unsubstantial daily PM bashing is something entirely different. In a developed country where the majority has had enough education etc, to know the difference, this wouldn't be an issue, but TIT, where this is not the case, and the uneducated majority has proven to be easily manipulated time and again.


Egotistical, megalomanical, despotic self-obsessed, self-serving, rogue ex-military officers who illegally and unjustly seize power from the people, are rarely portrayed in a favourable light. Get used to it bro.

Hysterical mis-use of adjectives 101 ! cheesy.gif

So he has your full support. Good for you.

I don't see any "mis-use" of adjectives... I only see pertinent words to describe this dolt., perhaps you could enlighten us?

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When "Democracy" is not working....what do you cans expect? He is right....Marshall Law was set to be respected...if not..everything will happens again, and that was Caos...not Democracy.


The headline in post 87 says PM threatens to shut down local Thai daily.

but I don't see any quotes from him to confirm this. Did Prayuth threaten this or not? Reminds me of the kind of anti-red/PTP reporting during earlier troubles which similarly appeared to be stirring up situations without concrete quotes.

Goes to show the extent to which news media can foment disquiet.

" I don't see any quotes from him to confirm this"

blink.png cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

"I will shut it down, really. Otherwise the existing martial law will be useless.”

Did you read the article?


"This time I will seriously shut them down. That’s what martial law is meant for. I’ll use Article 44 [of the 2014 Interim Charter] creatively."




Keep reading Sunshine...you'll get there eventually.

What he said was he will put in a complaint to the press council.

You really need to understand what rhetorical means.




"Prayut warned the media to be fair when criticising the government. He accused a Thai-language newspaper,

without naming it, of constantly reprimanding him and threatened to exercise martial law to shut it down."

"They always criticise, no matter who becomes [the prime minister]. What's good about that? The proprietor will end up dying in prison"


Apparenty, you don't read enough. blink.png

Did that help you "get there"?

Patronizing <deleted>...


Someone should send him a copy of John Stuart Mill's "On Liberty" for Christmas - it would help him chill out and the Thai happiness gauge would surge without any effort on his part. thumbsup.gif

  • Like 1

I cannot believe members are posting links to and quoting from that poor excuse for a website, Prachatai. It is full of red propaganda and anti-monachy ramblings, enough material on any one page to get you banned from the forum.

It links to such sites as - Bangkok Pundit, Political Prisoners in Thailand, Asia Sentinel and Khaosod, all blatantly red propaganda sites.

Fab4 would be proud of you.

You are hilarious. Being red is bad, but being a coup loving westerner is cool.

Fascism is the new black? Sometimes, it really becomes apparent that a western education is really wasted on a lot of people.

Exactly where did I suggest that "being a coup loving westerner is cool." ????

Show me, or withdraw your stupid comment.

You claim every website in your list to be red propaganda.

Open your mind a little and realise not everything the reds say is wrong just as not everything the yellow is right.

Coups are wrong, period. Terrorists are wrong period. Somewhere in between is the Thai reality and middle ground.

All propaganda. Try reading a little sometime.

Open your mind a bit my friend and realize that not everything is black and white.

"Coups are wrong, period"

By that statement you are belittling the patriotic millions who took to the streets of Cairo. They were the fuel that the soldiers used to legitimize that coup. Without the majority backing them the coup would not have happened. It was the first coup in history that came with such popular backing. With that statement you are also belittling the soldiers, who stood with the people, rather than against them.

Are coups really always wrong? Are legitimate presidents untouchable?

People have had some bad experiences with coups and we tend to permanently associate this with suppression, lack of freedoms, arrests, flamboyant generals, and decades long rule. Coups certainly have never lead to democracy, not with an ambitious officer class, weak democratic institutions, and Western meddling in their affairs. There are always exceptions though. We have the example of Adib al-Shishakli of Syria, a military general who toppled a democratically elected president, yet nevertheless, got his country running on its feet, economically, socially, educationally, and culturally. He scored poorly on democratic principles, but today, sixty years after his political demise, Syrians speak of his era with a sparkle in their eye. As for legitimacy, by virtue of its success, the coup itself has now become legitimate. Nice one.

As for Thailand's coup ask the people who lost family members to the terrorists that never faced justice under the government they were killing in the name of if they thought the coup was legitimate. Of course it was. That is why it was bloodless and there was no backlash. The majority spoke through silence and allowing the army to intervene. It is hard to accept, but it its the truth. 7% minority could never instigate a civil war. That fact alone shows that the world is not black or white.

So not only did Prayut successfully stop the deaths of innocent victims without firing a bullet he has also and may I add democratically approached this newspaper issue with a grace never seen by previous democratically elected governments.

He lodged a complaint. He didn't shut down papers by removing advertising from his associates or government agencies. That would be undemocratic and is what the democratically elected government did under thaksin. But that is OK right cause he was elected.


Very glossy and rosy perspective of the Egyptian coup.



“Adly Mansour (was appointed:)”

“And he is now considering laws against terrorism that are similarly vague enough to be abused in an authoritarian manner."

“But as it turned out, it was also short on authority, direction, and coherence.”

“Security forces and the public prosecution have lent a helping hand — or to switch metaphors slightly, an iron fist — by jailing journalists, Egyptians and foreigners alike, who poke their noses in the wrong places.”

“With over 1,000 death sentences, thousands of violent deaths, and well over 10,000 people jailed since the overthrow of Morsi, the claim that Egypt is in the midst of a democratic transition has convinced few outside observers.”



PM threatens to shut down local Thai daily


BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha lost his patience at a press conference yesterday, emotionally lambasting a Thai newspapers which criticised him daily with bias, and threatening to shut it down.

He didn’t mention the name of the Thai daily, but said this papers strongly criticised him on all columns and all pages.

He said he didn’t read this paper, but was forced to when his aids bought it and showed to him what it said about him.

“I have been in long patience with it. What’s gone wrong with this papers. It goes mad, picking on me everyday and everyone. I don’t want to read it. If I read it, my patience will burst and that will tarnish my image as a government leader. I will shut it down, really. Otherwise the existing martial law will be useless.”

He then said this was a reason why martial law will stay to ensure smooth reform of the country to return happiness and stability to the country.

He said this was also a reason why the press media needed to reform itself.

But he assured that he would exercise Article 44 constructively and would never use it to put anyone in jail or put anyone on a firing squad.

He then said he would lodge a complaint with the press association against the newspaper.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/pm-threatens-shut-local-thai-daily


-- Thai PBS 2014-12-26

He really think that he is god, right ? Hope elections will show him soon that he is nothing !


Someone should send him a copy of John Stuart Mill's "On Liberty" for Christmas - it would help him chill out and the Thai happiness gauge would surge without any effort on his part. thumbsup.gif

I doubt whether he had read a serious book in his life.He is certainly turning out to be a Grade A buffoon.

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Very glossy and rosy perspective of the Egyptian coup.



“Adly Mansour (was appointed:)”

“And he is now considering laws against terrorism that are similarly vague enough to be abused in an authoritarian manner."

“But as it turned out, it was also short on authority, direction, and coherence.”

“Security forces and the public prosecution have lent a helping hand — or to switch metaphors slightly, an iron fist — by jailing journalists, Egyptians and foreigners alike, who poke their noses in the wrong places.”

“With over 1,000 death sentences, thousands of violent deaths, and well over 10,000 people jailed since the overthrow of Morsi, the claim that Egypt is in the midst of a democratic transition has convinced few outside observers.”


And yet it was still backed by the majority of Egyptians.

The world is certainly not black and white. Thank you for highlighting this.


Very glossy and rosy perspective of the Egyptian coup.



“Adly Mansour (was appointed:)”

“And he is now considering laws against terrorism that are similarly vague enough to be abused in an authoritarian manner."

“But as it turned out, it was also short on authority, direction, and coherence.”

“Security forces and the public prosecution have lent a helping hand — or to switch metaphors slightly, an iron fist — by jailing journalists, Egyptians and foreigners alike, who poke their noses in the wrong places.”

“With over 1,000 death sentences, thousands of violent deaths, and well over 10,000 people jailed since the overthrow of Morsi, the claim that Egypt is in the midst of a democratic transition has convinced few outside observers.”


And yet it was still backed by the majority of Egyptians.

The world is certainly not black and white. Thank you for highlighting this.

In your pitiful attempt (or lack of, I should say) to dodge your defense of coups', I will offer this:

In 1968 the Big Mac made its debut. And In 1969, McDonald's sold its five billionth "hamburger".

Just goes to show, some people will eat all sorts of <deleted>. biggrin.png


A real "poll" reader are ya?


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