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Chiang Rai Recce


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Ladies, Gents.

Just to warn you all off I'm an Englishman (having just surpassed the Thai retirement age requirement) looking to semi retire in or around the Chiang Rai area after the first quarter of 2015. I've never been to this part of Thailand but have spent some time near Udon Thani previously. I'm popping over from Sri Lanka for a couple of weeks and should turn up on 2nd Jan. I'm taking the bus from BKK (due to domestic flights baggage restrictions) and will look for the nearest guesthouse on arrival.

I'd appreciate any alternative accommodation recommendations from anyone? I'll also be looking into sourcing longer term accommodation as of March/April when I should be there on a more permanent basis.

I'll also need somewhere to leave some kit, if there is any reliable storage facilities or someone who has some garage space?

I'll return to Colombo for a few weeks, a month or so in UK then to Chiang Rai. I've read a few of your forum posts and am looking forward to this latest adventure of mine. I guess I'll find a few of you in the Jetoyd Road area, then work out where to meet the sensible types!

Happy New Year to you all and see some of you soon.

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I have noticed you browsing some of the other topics so you probably have some ideas by now. You will have noticed that the newer main bus station is out of town aways so you will be wanting to look around nearer the old bus station in town, which is closer to our red-light district you mentioned.

Most people find Chiang Rai a friendly small town, easily navigated. Just come and have a look around, enjoying the journey of discovery. In my opinion people tend to over plan these days but then again when I moved to Thailand one didn’t have that option.
Some people here are quite sensitive when it comes to comments like “ I guess I'll find a few of you in the Jetoyd Road area, then work out where to meet the sensible types!” so no use ruffling feathers. You will soon sort out who is who but in the beginning be open to everyone as that will give you a better idea of who and what is out there. Plenty of time to sift through the results later. Sorry but I have no idea about storage.
Happy New Year to you too and I hope you enjoy your stay in our beautiful corner of Thailand.
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Good morning.

Firstly no offence to anyone, I'm a lightweight drinker so the non-sensible one with a beer would be me.

During this initial visit I've a lot to sort out in a limited timeframe, I'll cut about and get it all sorted out and look forward to meeting whoever I come across while I'm there. You're the cycling guy? I'll be dragging my old mountain bike with me on my 2nd trip, it's not been of much use in Colombo with the traffic situation here. I used to ride a lot but it's been a while, something I need to take up again. Although I am fond of biking with an engine, another reason for moving to Chiang Rai.

I'm sure out paths will cross at some point. Enjoy the New Year.

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For what its worth, Chiang Rai is one of my favourite places in Thailand - certainly top 3.

If you like a slower/relaxed pace of life but without the benefits that Chaing Mai/Pattaya offer (by way of big shopping malls/multiplex cinemas etc) then Chiang Rai may well suit.

The open-minded approach suggested by Village Farang is sound advice and I can understand that 'over planning' is not necessary for this area.

Don't forget to do the tourist things as well.... Trip Advisor is your friend here and a fair representation of what Chiang Rai can oofer a visitor.

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Hi Jip.

Thanks for the encouragement and conformation on the differences to the larger more populated expat selected cities. I've lived in a few cities but much prefer to visit when I need to, not be surrounded by them. Chiang Mai is a couple of hours away, so I guess I can choose when I'd like to indulge in cinemas and shopping. The 'slower pace' might not be as such in Chiang Rai as it's often mentioned there is so much to do and see during daylight rather than at night? Sounds idyllic.

Unfortunately I'll not get to see much on this trip as I've some admin to sort out, but it'll be a nice taster knowing what I've to look forward to once I'm there more permanently.

Have a good New Year and I hope to meet you in person one day.

P.S. What are the other 2 cities in your top 3?

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Good morning.

Firstly no offence to anyone, I'm a lightweight drinker so the non-sensible one with a beer would be me.

During this initial visit I've a lot to sort out in a limited timeframe, I'll cut about and get it all sorted out and look forward to meeting whoever I come across while I'm there. You're the cycling guy? I'll be dragging my old mountain bike with me on my 2nd trip, it's not been of much use in Colombo with the traffic situation here. I used to ride a lot but it's been a while, something I need to take up again. Although I am fond of biking with an engine, another reason for moving to Chiang Rai.

I'm sure out paths will cross at some point. Enjoy the New Year.

One would assume you are on the road already if you plan to arrive on the 2nd. Observing the drinking and road carnage just in our area, I can’t help but wonder how much admin you will be able to sort out while you are here.
Yes, I am "a" cycling guy but I live far from town and ride alone in a perfect area for cross-country rides of 40 to 80 km. Cycling is very popular these days and you will see many people riding the roads especially nearer to town in the early morning or late afternoon.
I also rode a Ninja 650 for a few years and the roads of Northern Thailand are a paradise of twisties, sweepers and scenic views. It is dangerous, however, so be careful out there if that is your passion.
There are lots of organized group activities in Chiang Rai which serve as a great orientation, even if the activity itself is not all that interesting. You will find there is a core group which seems to frequent nearly all of these activities. Some are networking and would like to sell you something, will others are new and trying to find their feet. Others I assume just like joining or organizing groups.
While there is something to be said for meeting people just to meet people, sometimes you will find you have more in common if you focus on a hobby you really enjoy and see who you meet that way.
The warning I offered was based on personal experience and being the target of some very unpleasant individuals who don’t like my tone. I am a bit more selective in who I cross paths with these days but I am always open to new encounters so no doubt we will cross paths at some point. If someone hasn't already tried to recruit you via PM, then the chances are they have already formed an opinion.
Happy New Year.
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Hi Guys.

It's good to finally arrive, thanks for the welcome. Great bus trip up from Bangkok through the night, I even had the pleasure of a champion snorer behind me, 9/10 for volume and duration, 6/10 for technical merit!

Caught up on sleep now and have found a nice coffee shop, will get my bearings today and visit the night market later this evening. Agoda hotel prices are far cheaper than booking directly, so some work to do on that. I can't believe this wonderful weather, especially the temperature, it's been a while since I've slept without AC.

I'll explore the area, it seems word of mouth will be the best way accomplish some of my tasks here. I hope to bump into some of you over the next couple of weeks.

P.S. Those on PM I have a number now and I'll call in the next couple of days.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hope you are enjoying your stay in the Rai. It would be very nice, if at the end of your recce, you could provide us with a trip report containing as much detail as you feel comfortable sharing. I am sure we would all like to hear the impressions of someone new and it would no doubt be useful to other new arrivals. Sorry about that touch of rainy weather but isn't it a beautiful day today.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys.

Apologies for letting the secret out. I'll try and be more covert in any future correspondence once I've nailed my colours to the CR mast. My adventure continues in a couple of months, lips sealed until then. Enjoy it there to the full and overindulge on occasion!

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Oh don't be too apologetic, it's not a secret, it's been on Lonely Planet and the Rough Guides for decades.

It's really like anywhere else: if you have good family here it's good, if u don't it's not.

A contributor once described Phuket as having all the farang money, and Chiang Mai as having all the farang brains. She was wrong... but Chiang Rai has neither.

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Hi Tom.

I'm sure the travel bloggers have only scratched the surface of what delights are available in the CR area, as I only have. So many aspects will remain hidden, for the excitement of those spending longer time there to discover at leisure. I've much to research and more to learn firsthand, maybe I'll learn a few secrets of my own?

Unfortunately I don't have a family there, finding one may be the biggest adventure of all...

I hope to meet you and others in due course. Enjoy.

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Hi Tom.

I'm sure the travel bloggers have only scratched the surface of what delights are available in the CR area, as I only have. So many aspects will remain hidden, for the excitement of those spending longer time there to discover at leisure. I've much to research and more to learn firsthand, maybe I'll learn a few secrets of my own?

Unfortunately I don't have a family there, finding one may be the biggest adventure of all...

I hope to meet you and others in due course. Enjoy.

With finding a family it is best to wait and see what comes along, not go looking. Just as with the scenic delights the ones you find are much nicer than the ones people take you to.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Guys.

I've returned for just a couple of days to drop off some more kit. What have you done to the weather? Mind it's still relatively cool, especially in the evenings.

News on the 'family' front, I did have a dinner date with a charming lady one evening this week. Thank goodness for some limited Thai on my part and bless google translator! Roll on my Thai lessons at Walen. It's been many years since I've been on a date, it's actually quite daunting but turns out fun, well it was for me at least.

I'll be back in April. Enjoy yourselves and please look after the weather.

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Hi Guys.

I've returned for just a couple of days to drop off some more kit. What have you done to the weather? Mind it's still relatively cool, especially in the evenings.

News on the 'family' front, I did have a dinner date with a charming lady one evening this week. Thank goodness for some limited Thai on my part and bless google translator! Roll on my Thai lessons at Walen. It's been many years since I've been on a date, it's actually quite daunting but turns out fun, well it was for me at least.

I'll be back in April. Enjoy yourselves and please look after the weather.

You are going to love April. You may enjoy staying indoors and studying Thai during that time.

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