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2-year-old boy shoots mother dead in US


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She was stupid. Things worked out the way nature intended.

Now, if the kid had shot himself ..

What if you were standing in front of them and he shot you or a loved one ? We can play this game all day, but I find it hard to believe that things are really that bad in the Midwest that you need to carry a loaded firearm for a trip to the shops - saddened to hear otherwise.


I am not so naive as to believe a perfect world is possible through legislation.

Australia is not perfect but it's a lot closer to perfect than the USA. There is strong legislative gun control but of course the criminals always manage to get guns. Despite that, the last time there was a shooting in a school, or a cinema, or in a shopping mall by non-criminals was NEVER !!!!!!

i have a lot of Australian friends so this is by no means bashing Australians. Due to Australia being infested by liberals, those people are no longer allowed to own a fire arm for self protection. The criminals love liberals. Criminals can break into homes down under without having to be concerned about being harmed. They can even murder innocent people with no worry of facing the death penalty.

It was a conservative government who led this charge. Your willy nilly throwing around the word 'liberal' has no reference in the australian context.

We've also had no mass shootings since. Farmers, hunters and those who legitimately need weapons can still get them.

The death penalty was done away with mostly in the 1960s in Australia. Anyone who knows australia would hardly call the 60s a time of liberal ascendency.
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Hey everybody, let's all leave this thread where one person got killed in America by accident, and start posting on that other tread where 9 Canadians were slaughtered, including children, with a stolen 9mm handgun.

Seems in the same timeframe, there are sixty posts here, and only five there ….

What? What's that? You want to stay here so you can bash America?


Not at all - the US gave us hot rods, muscle cars, a sizeable chunk of high-end audio, the personal computer and the music of Bruce Springsteen : without those things my life would have been much poorer. Swings and roundabouts, no question, but its hard to look at the events at Sandy Hook and Columbine without asking yourself how intelligent people can allow that madness to happen. Ultimately, all this thread has done is re-ignite a debate which has run its course through several earlier threads, with a predictable outcome - I vote we call it a day and enjoy our respective NYE celebrations.

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I may probably upset a few people here for which I apologise but it seems to me there is a simple solution to this 'gun' problem. Not only in the US but everywhere where there is a 'sane' government. ( I use this word because without naming specifics there are some places in the world that do not fall into that category- in my opinion)

So here's an idea. Ban them full stop.

There are no need for guns in a civilised society.

Make it a long prison sentence for owning and certainly carrying one. Then if the bad guys don't have them, the police don't need them and so they stop carrying them and innocent people don't get shot by mistake.

Some years ago I was asked to work with a tennis player who at the time was based in Denver Col.

Everybody had guns. They were everywhere, even in gun racks in cars!!!

I was there 3 days and witnessed an altercation over a parking space in a car park and one of the guys pulled a gun!

That's was that, just came home.

If anyone can explain to me why anyone needs a gun to live a an ordinary life I would like to hear it.

I guess the gun lobby in America is too powerful and there are votes at stake which means a president puts his self interest at a higher priority than the lives of the people he is sworn to protect.

And in the UK why the need for a gun? In case you get mugged by a marauding gang of squirrels?

I see no need, just ban them and withdraw police use when the streets are clean.

No guns, no problems like this.

RIP lady, and sympathies to the 2 year old who hasn't got a clue what he's done but at some point will become aware which may cause him irreparable damage.

"So here's an idea. Ban them full stop. There are no need for guns in a civilised society." That is a naive idea. Do you honestly think gang members, or criminals in general will turn in their firearms? If so, my guess is you still believe in the tooth fairy.

The U.S. is plagued with street gangs that will be with us to the end of time. These people are like cockroaches. If you happen to live in a nice area in the U.S., there is no need to carry a firearm. Although I would own a firearm for self protection in my home regardless. Criminals have been known to break into homes in nice areas occasionally, and it would be nice to have a firearm to greet them with.

If you can come up with an idea to rid America of black and Mexican street gangs, then please share that idea. America is not like Australia, or the UK. No one in their right mind would try to disarm legal gun owners in the U.S.

You mentioned having people spend more time in prison if caught with a firearm. The U.S. already has laws that if a crime is committed with a firearm, the felony will be enhanced. Liberals already weep over criminals spending too much time in prison as it is.

Edited by CMNightRider
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My assumption is that she had a round in the chamber and the safety off - exactly how much training anyone prepared to walk the streets with a live grenade in their purse can possibly have had is one I'll leave to our very own gun lobby.

Do you think that the police walk around without a round in the chamber? Do you think that all handguns have a safety per se? You know what they say about "assume."

The lone mistake which was deadly was leaving the gun within reach of the child.

The crass mistake was to have a gun ready to discharge a round. The second idiotic mistake was to have it easily accessible to anyone including her toddler. It's about time the US gun lobby was overruled and making the carrying of them in public places a crime.

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50 years from now when the EU and Australia are seriously overrun and outbred by Islamists I won't be around to see it. But I hope my descendants in the USA still have guns and determination.

There will be, no doubt as there's more Charlton Hestons than limp-wristed, knee-jerk gun grabbers who recognize the value of the 2nd ammendment.

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People need guns to protect themselves as the country is awash with guns. One wonders why the country is awash in the first place.

Of all the threads like where can I buy a gun or what visa do I need to buy a gun, I don't recall one that was not started by an American. Gun nuts? Yep.

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A mother going to Walmart with a gun ....that's as ludicrous as someone going to the local talat with one in Thailand

Why would one need one going to the supermarket ?

Not saying I totally understand the NRA or USA in some of their odd habits and customs

Edited by LawrenceChee
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Woot woot I need a gun in my handbag....woot woot ........woops my 2y.o. Just shot me woot woot .

Stupid is as stupid does......definitely a chance for 2014 Darwinism award.

The only sad part is later when the child is old enough to understand that he played a role in the death of his own mother......the child is definitely an innocent victim. That part is sad.

What actually has to happen to make some of these gun slingers realise it's not a good idea to have tens of thousands of people strolling around with loaded weapons in their pockets and bags.....ohh yeah and that there's no civil war looming ?

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I may probably upset a few people here for which I apologise but it seems to me there is a simple solution to this 'gun' problem. Not only in the US but everywhere where there is a 'sane' government. ( I use this word because without naming specifics there are some places in the world that do not fall into that category- in my opinion)

So here's an idea. Ban them full stop.

There are no need for guns in a civilised society.

Make it a long prison sentence for owning and certainly carrying one. Then if the bad guys don't have them, the police don't need them and so they stop carrying them and innocent people don't get shot by mistake.

Some years ago I was asked to work with a tennis player who at the time was based in Denver Col.

Everybody had guns. They were everywhere, even in gun racks in cars!!!

I was there 3 days and witnessed an altercation over a parking space in a car park and one of the guys pulled a gun!

That's was that, just came home.

If anyone can explain to me why anyone needs a gun to live a an ordinary life I would like to hear it.

I guess the gun lobby in America is too powerful and there are votes at stake which means a president puts his self interest at a higher priority than the lives of the people he is sworn to protect.

And in the UK why the need for a gun? In case you get mugged by a marauding gang of squirrels?

I see no need, just ban them and withdraw police use when the streets are clean.

No guns, no problems like this.

RIP lady, and sympathies to the 2 year old who hasn't got a clue what he's done but at some point will become aware which may cause him irreparable damage.

You did the right thing. You went home. Enjoy your life there, and don't worry about the United States. We can live without another tennis coach.

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I may probably upset a few people here for which I apologise but it seems to me there is a simple solution to this 'gun' problem. Not only in the US but everywhere where there is a 'sane' government. ( I use this word because without naming specifics there are some places in the world that do not fall into that category- in my opinion)

So here's an idea. Ban them full stop.

There are no need for guns in a civilised society.

Make it a long prison sentence for owning and certainly carrying one. Then if the bad guys don't have them, the police don't need them and so they stop carrying them and innocent people don't get shot by mistake.

Some years ago I was asked to work with a tennis player who at the time was based in Denver Col.

Everybody had guns. They were everywhere, even in gun racks in cars!!!

I was there 3 days and witnessed an altercation over a parking space in a car park and one of the guys pulled a gun!

That's was that, just came home.

If anyone can explain to me why anyone needs a gun to live a an ordinary life I would like to hear it.

I guess the gun lobby in America is too powerful and there are votes at stake which means a president puts his self interest at a higher priority than the lives of the people he is sworn to protect.

And in the UK why the need for a gun? In case you get mugged by a marauding gang of squirrels?

I see no need, just ban them and withdraw police use when the streets are clean.

No guns, no problems like this.

RIP lady, and sympathies to the 2 year old who hasn't got a clue what he's done but at some point will become aware which may cause him irreparable damage.

Surprised you live in Korat then,

Not only the huge army base, but almost every Thai family has at least one gun hidden away.

The number of Thai guys walking around with a loaded gun in a belly bag is astronomical.

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Before the usual anti-gun anti NRA crown chime in. If the poor mother has had two guns then she would have been able to protect herself. The answer is quite simple really, more guns equal less deaths. Feel sorry for the lady and the poor child really.

Historically, more people were killed with guns before they were invented than after. Not sure if I heard that of Fox news or an NRA pamphlet.

It must have been Fox. Only they could be so stupid to suggest that you can get killed by something that hasn't been invented and therefore cannot exist. Well, only them and the rednecks.

Like believing that if she had 2 guns she would have been able to protect herself. You are suggesting she should have shot her kid. Dumb, just plain dumb.

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The usual suspects rending their clothes and pulling out their hair over absolutely not one thing that will ever threaten them personally.

Why not worry about all those innocents being slaughtered in the thousands in Iraq and Syria?

You're going to have the same impact on them that you will have on the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution.

No. Not pulling anything out.

Actually, I'm having a laugh, for once, one of the dead is one of the loonies instead of some poor innocent. Too easy.

I wasn't even going to say a word until I saw one of your puppet mates dancing around over the issue....the theme of his ravings was that there's 'nothing to see here'. What a load of nonesense.

...and how do you know chuckd that this will never affect me, how do you know I don't need or want to go to the states soon?

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The usual suspects rending their clothes and pulling out their hair over absolutely not one thing that will ever threaten them personally.

Why not worry about all those innocents being slaughtered in the thousands in Iraq and Syria?

You're going to have the same impact on them that you will have on the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution.

No. Not pulling anything out.

Actually, I'm having a laugh, for once, one of the dead is one of the loonies instead of some poor innocent. Too easy.

I wasn't even going to say a word until I saw one of your puppet mates dancing around over the issue....the theme of his ravings was that there's 'nothing to see here'. What a load of nonesense.

...and how do you know chuckd that this will never affect me, how do you know I don't need or want to go to the states soon?

If my ancient memory serves me correctly, I recall you recently saying sometime, somewhere that you had no intention to travel to the US...ever.

And, no, I don't remember where your post is nor do I intend to look it up.

If you, indeed, do travel to the US, let me know and I will apologize. Until then, my statement stands.

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NRA opposes locking guns in safe place when not in use and trigger locks. No matter how careful you think you are as a parent, there will be lapses. Unfortunately lapses with guns can be permanent without the use of mandatory locking guns in safe place out of reach of young children and trigger locks.

Can any provide the statistics on number gun accidents per year versus the number if times the gun was used to shot an intruder since the mandatory lock up would be more of a home security issue.


A 3-year-old child in Guthrie died Saturday, after accidentally shooting himself in the head, according to the Logan County


The .45-caliber pistol that killed Lucas Heagren, 3, on Memorial Day last year at his Ohio home had been temporarily hidden under the couch by his father. But Lucas found it and shot himself through the right eye. Its bad, his mother told the 911 dispatcher. Its really bad.

A few days later in Georgia, Cassie Culpepper, 11, was riding in the back of a pickup with her 12-year-old brother and two other children. Her brother started playing with a pistol his father had lent him to scare coyotes. Believing he had removed all the bullets, he pointed the pistol at his sister and squeezed the trigger. It fired, and blood poured from Cassies mouth.


Caroline Starks was 2 years old. Her 5-year-old brother was playing nearby with his birthday present: a .22-caliber Crickett rifle. His mother stepped outside for a moment, certain the gun wasnt loaded. She was wrong. Caroline was pronounced dead a few hours later at the Cumberland County Hospital in Kentucky.


Edited by F430murci
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Be interesting to hear what the very vocal ThaiVisa Gun Lobby has to say about this, especially the clown who tried to tell me that 'the best way to stop a bad man with a knife is a good gal with a gun' after the Manoora tragedy. Imagine going through life knowing you shot your own mother dead before you were old enough to even understand the dangers of carrying a loaded firearm. RIP.

Regardless of your views (I'm pro gun control but not anti gun per se) I think what they'll say is that keeping a loaded gun within reach of a child is just plain dumb. Which it is.T

This is just incredibly sad.

But surely that should be part of the training required for anyone applying for a concealed firearms licence ? Many will recall the old chestnut about the Winnebago owner who - delighted to find that his new motorhome had cruise control - left his land whale in drive at 55 mph on the freeway and went to the back of the Winnie to make a coffee : even if it's fictional, it illustrates that you cant make assumptions based on the notion of 'common sense'.

My assumption is that she had a round in the chamber and the safety off - exactly how much training anyone prepared to walk the streets with a live grenade in their purse can possibly have had is one I'll leave to our very own gun lobby.

too sad to say som na na - but carrying a loaded gun with SAFETY OFF how dumb is that?


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You Americans never learn do you ? In most civilized countries a mother would not be allowed to carry an armed gun, if she was in service working as police, guard or a miliary I could accept accidents might happen, but not something like this, where a 2 year old shoot his own mom, only in the US.

But this is a nation where the death penalty is still alive and accepted so no surprise really.....

Edited by balo
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You Americans never learn do you ? In most civilized countries a mother would not be allowed to carry an armed gun, if she was in service working as police, guard or a miliary I could accept accidents might happen, but not something like this, where a 2 year old shoot his own mom, only in the US.

But this is a nation where the death penalty is still alive and accepted so no surprise really.....


There's nothing wrong with the death penalty.

Its something us Brits sadly lost when some dumb copper messed up and they hung the wrong guy!

The death penalty should always remain for the likes of Paedo's & terrorists.

I mean, anyone that's even remotely suspected of being involved in either crime is definitely a wrong'un !

Edited by Porkster
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You Americans never learn do you ? In most civilized countries a mother would not be allowed to carry an armed gun, if she was in service working as police, guard or a miliary I could accept accidents might happen, but not something like this, where a 2 year old shoot his own mom, only in the US.

But this is a nation where the death penalty is still alive and accepted so no surprise really.....

I'm a little surprised with your post Balo as normally they are intelligent but it seems your anti- gun hysteria has sent you over the edge. We Americans have this silly thing called the Constitution by which we govern ourselves. It guarantees us, as a self-governing people, such silly and unimportant things such as the right to say and write what we think, the freedom to believe In the Flying Spaghetti Monster or not, to be free from arbitrary searches by government agents, being forced to incriminate oneself in a criminal proceeding, and the RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS, among other things.

Now, where you come from, these, and the other rights set forth in the Constitution may not be considered important and that is fine. The current nation-state international system allows for all sovereign countries to set forth their own set of laws to govern themselves. But please don't call America, and by extension, Americans "uncivilized" because we have given ourselves rights for which you don't approve. (As an aside, would you care to state which is you presumably civilized country of origin?)

With freedom and rights come responsibilities. The freedom to make mistakes and the freedom to be just plain dumb. Unfortunately, this mother didn't exercise her rights responsibly and tragically both she and her child paid a horrible price. However, this failure is no reason to question any of the enumerated and unenumerated rights given to all Americans as their inalienable rights.

As an aside, it also appears your opposition to the death penalty (again fine but why do you criticism others with a contrary political opinion...sounds a little fascist to me) has also clouded your view of the situation in America to this issue. The death penalty is only in use in about half the states, and the trend over the past decade or so has been for more states to do away with it (a headline from today's NYT is an example http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/01/us/maryland-governor-omalley-commutes-death-sentences-emptying-death-row.html?ref=us ) Another large group of states have the death penalty on the books so to speak but rarely, if ever, carry it out (the largest state, California, being an example). There is also the death penalty for certain Federal crimes, which again is imposed rarely and only for the most serious crimes. Nationwide polls also are closely split on the issue, with the pro side slightly ahead; so the issue is more nuanced that your blanket statement would indicate.

You may or may not agree with capital punishment but the important point is that a free people have decided the issue and not unelected party functionaries or government Eurocrats or party functionaries with no input from the people they supposedly govern.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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