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Dog Attacks 4 Year Old at Koh Chang White Sand Beach


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I was staying in Koh chang this time last year,i was at bang bao beach,having a meal ,and dogs from the restaurant surrounded my table,when i asked the waitress if she could remove them she just shrugged,some of these beach dogs are aggressive,i had my heart in my mouth at another stage watching a russian mother and daughter playing with one on the sand,they are not pets and can easily turn nasty,i agree the problem needs to be addressed,but sadly as the waitresses in the restaurant illustrated,for Thai people it is not even viewed as a problem.

May i also add best wishes to the op and his Daughter.

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Soi dogs are territorial and unpredictable...have had a few run-ins with them myself while out for a morning walk along the beach...sorry to hear about the unfortunate incident...may need to get your girl a few sessions with a psych to help her get over her fears...keep from having permanent psychological damage...

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Dogs are a major problem in Thailand and the authorities refuse to tackle it in a methodical and effective way.

In fact control of dog populations on islands is a lot easier than on the mainland - perhaps if this story makes the international press in some way, it will shame the authorities into action.

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Mark, as your PM is switched off please accept this post instead.

Mark - So sorry to hear about this incident - hope your daughter has a full recovery both physically and psychologically -

However, I urge you to contact the press/media in your home country about this or at least try to get it "viral" on the social media. There needs to be a wake-up call concerning the dog problem in Thailand.

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feeding these dogs is the WORST thing you can do. Dog populations are determined by the food supply. No food - no dogs.

And if you must ignore this very sound and accurate advice at least go back and pick up the fed dog's poop.
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to remember history: to make a place civilized, humans have always found a way to control predators, beasts or whatsoever. dogs can be attackers, this is a natural behaviour. the control/education makes it. as the thais are unable/willing to do the job, avoid the country, island or help yourself.....there will be no change in many things, some are getting worse. i think 95% like animals, but that doesnt mean, they can do bad things to humans.

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It's a terrible incident . Something has to done here. Dogs everywhere, stuck in coitus on the streets and tormenting everyone when the sun goes down here in Pattaya. I was walking down soi yensabai recently with a thai lady in front and suddenly heard her sqeal in pain because a dog dodged a gate and sunk it's teeth into her thigh. She still has the fang marks. Now she thinks I'm a bad omen as she never got bitten before. Maybe thats the issue here - deal with the problem !

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Let's see how the soi dog lovers defend this mutts right to exist. I hope the little girl recovers from her traumatic experience without physical scarring.

Not too hard. OP States we were having breakfast , so how exactly did parents allow for child to wonder off on the beach with street dogs ?

Yes it is terrible and speedy recovery to a little girl, but hate to be the bashing spoiler, parents are 100 % responsible and are to blame

Wow, you are mellowing in the New Year.

I fully expected a post along the lines of "I would have dropped my pants, straddled the mutt and dropped my balls (you all know about my balls) and crushed the suckers skull".

You pussies.

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It's a terrible incident . Something has to done here. Dogs everywhere, stuck in coitus on the streets and tormenting everyone when the sun goes down here in Pattaya. I was walking down soi yensabai recently with a thai lady in front and suddenly heard her sqeal in pain because a dog dodged a gate and sunk it's teeth into her thigh. She still has the fang marks. Now she thinks I'm a bad omen as she never got bitten before. Maybe thats the issue here - deal with the problem !

I hope you took a photo. You may report the dog to the veterinary section of public health soi buakhow. It's in the basement. They will deal with the mutt and its owner if it has one.
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Culls on an island population can be effective, but imagine the local opposition. neutering is costly and slow and unless universal, ineffective.

If efforts were made to restrict potential sources of food then the population will dwindle. Dogs won't breed if there is no food supply.

Feeding them is a problem, waste and garbage that is accessible to them is a problem and to some extent local wildlife may fall prey to them.

So proper waste / refuse disposal and a public awareness campaign about feeding these pests would probably do the trick after a couple of years or so.....( if you added to that a cull and a neutering campaign, you might get a faster result.)

needless to say you'd need a policy about bring dogs onto the island - even if they are pets!

Edited by wilcopops
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Koh Chang is long over due a cull of the scummy dogs that roam around the island. It is a huge problem, which could be dealt with swiftly and cheaply.

As is the rest of the country, unfortunately Thais are reluctant to do anything about it and this has been made worse in the past few years by something which cannot be discussed, even though it concerns a dog.

?????? Can'y be discussed, I thought this was a free and open forum - unless it involves the Royal Family in some way.

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Can anyone ever remember seeing this issue raised in a Thai newspaper or on social media here?

No. There are many threads here on English ThaiVisa and I've seen dog attacks reported in the Pattaya Mail. The Bangkok Post ran some articles about chipping dogs in Bangkok most notably according to the BMA that if you feed a dog you own it and therefore must take proper care of it including chipping. But sorry my Thai reading skills are not up to following Thai language media.
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.....someone should be held accountable....some branch of government.....or the hotel if the beach fronts the hotel.....

...whatever happened to 'cleaning up the beaches'....

...and they should pay the hospital bill.....


...then they demand 'quality tourists'.....

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I would have killed the dog straight out.

As appealing and righteous as this may seem to you and me, chances are it would just compound the OP's problems.

So you're saying that a filthy mongrel attacks your child and you don't have the right to defend her? Or what??

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Ok appoligize for this then....


poor little thing...Mark it could have been alot worse , thank God it was'nt I was attacked by a great dane when I was 12 . nearly torn my arm off literally.They should wipe out those filthy mongrels ..

I hope she has a full recovery.

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A pet is not a street or beach dog. A pet is one that is cared for properly and kept on private property except when taken out for supervised exercise. Those kind of pets don't need desexing.

Ke esters, please go back a few more steps. This problem is perpetuated by dumped dogs and cats and the lack of desexing of pets. Clean it up and it will rebuild itself as a problem in due course.....you can bank on that.

Again, a multi facet approach needs to be adopted to control the problem. Denouncing people for assisting suffering animals isn't the answer.

As I said before these dogs are not pets. These dogs are stray, runaway, feral dogs not pets. While I agree that some action is needed in training people not to dump unwanted animals are we to suffer the existing huge population of these menacing animals for the next 10, 20, 50 years as they continue to breed. Let them all starve. Perhaps then the authorities will step in and do something. Feeding them is a major part of the problem. The more food they get the more they breed and the more young children such as the one in the OP will get hurt.

We eradicate mosquitoes, why not eradicate street and beach dogs?

Ke esters,

I will try to be more simplistic.

Imagine I remove all the soi dogs today, every one of them....not a single one left.

Tommorrow at 0001hrs the first Thai pet gets dumped or litter from a Thai pet gets dumped. By 2359 the next day there probably already a few hundred dogs roaming the streets, after a few short years we will be back to where we started at. I REALISE THIS IS A SIMPLISTIC MODEL.

As I said, a muti facet way of handling the problem is needed to deal with the issue. Simply trying to starve out the soi dogs is not the answer and wouldn't work. They will feed off their own dead, if they have to and keep breeding, heck they will even eat their own vulnerable. Bit like humans.

Cruelty is never the way.

A campaign to eradicate street dogs and strays is needed along with nuking of pets and a government body that deals with the problem. Anything short of this will fail.

There is the problem with the mindset of the people and Buddhist issues that probably mean the first steps will new be taken. Sad but true. So really, the main opponents to the problem have two choices....live with it or remove oneself from it....unless of course you think you and a few other pitch fork members can make it happen.

Me thinks not but I wish you well. Please understand, I understand your point about it not being a pet related problem, but if you pedal back a few dozen steps, you will find that dumped pets and offspring of pets is a major feeder for the soi dog and cat problems and this isn't trying to deny that they 'the soi animals' also breed.

Some years ago, the Samui authorities got serious and begun a dog cull by laying baits and issuing plenty of pre warnings of when and where by loudspeaker trucks for dog owners to ensure their dogs were tethered at home those days. Then they sent teams with tranquilizer darts so the stray dogs could be captured. This stopped after the teams were beaten up by do gooder farang tourists (mostly German). Every resort experiences Farang guests bringing beach dogs back to their bungalows even allowing the mutts to sleep in the rooms so DONT BLAME THE THAIS !

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