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Dog Attacks 4 Year Old at Koh Chang White Sand Beach


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you cant blame soi dogs after the way they are treated by many thais who beat the crap out of soi dogs and basically make some dogs violent to attack kids on a beach

if thailand had alot better rights for animals you wouldnt see so many dogs looking to fight back against humans

animals have just as much right to live on this planet as humans do

Simple question, do you eat them? if you do you obviously do not think they have as much right to be here as us. Meat eaters who claim to be animal lovers don't seem to see the contradiction

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Dogs are far more likely to bite children.

100% drivel

100% correct

Significant dog bites affect tens of million of people globally each year.[1] It is estimated that two percent of the US population, from 4.54.7 million people, are bitten by dogs each year.[2] MOST BITES OCCUR IN CHILDREN.[3] In the 1980s and 1990s the US averaged 17 fatalities per year, while in the 2000s this has increased to 26.[4] 77% of dog bites are from the pet of family or friends, and 50% of attacks occur on the dog owner's property.[4] Animal bites, most of which are from dogs, are the reason for 1% of visits to an emergency department in the United States.[3]

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Sorry to hear of your predicament. hope the little lady recovers, Thais don't care because it was a Falang. Just a foreigner. I wounder how they would react if a Falang who owned a dog bit a Thai child. But we already know, Police involvement, which would include a pay off, all medical bills paid for, and the probable intimidation from more that one Thai person.

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growing up on a farm near a city, it was common for people to drive out to the country to dump their unwanted pets. the strays would pack up, chase livestock and became a threat to people, livestock, and the health of all concerned. they actually caused more problems than the coyote population. it became common for local farmers to shoot any dog on their property that did not belong to them, including neighbors dogs. they would put out bowls of antifreeze during cold weather for the strays to drink, laced meat, etc with deadly effect. one fellow even used his coyote hunting dogs to run them down and kill them.

strays,and soi dogs are a huge problem that are like many problems encountered here on a daily basis, invisable to those tasked to serve and protect the public from this type of problem.

This is just cruel,

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All the dog charities in Thailand are wanting the government to implement a dog neutering policy across the country. Not sure if its feasible but it makes sense.

Business sense. Nothing more

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growing up on a farm near a city, it was common for people to drive out to the country to dump their unwanted pets. the strays would pack up, chase livestock and became a threat to people, livestock, and the health of all concerned. they actually caused more problems than the coyote population. it became common for local farmers to shoot any dog on their property that did not belong to them, including neighbors dogs. they would put out bowls of antifreeze during cold weather for the strays to drink, laced meat, etc with deadly effect. one fellow even used his coyote hunting dogs to run them down and kill them.

strays,and soi dogs are a huge problem that are like many problems encountered here on a daily basis, invisable to those tasked to serve and protect the public from this type of problem.

This is just cruel,

no its fact, even in Australia if a stray dog enters a farmers property they are within their rights to shoot them. Years ago when contracting in the bush a carpenter took his dog with him to one of the farms we were working on, when he let it out of his ute it promptly started chasing th sheep, he grabbed his rifle and shot it before it caused ant damage or killed any. It is a well known fact that dogs kill more farm animals than any other predators, when dogs pack up they are capable of anything. Any dog that attacks anyone should be destroyed on the spot, they forfeit their right to life as soon as they bite people, especially little kids. If they are not owned so that owners can be hit with costs for any damage they cause they should be simply collected and destroyed, all stray dogs need to be removed and fines issued for letting them run free but it will never happen here.

so slowly killing an animal is ok, letting it die from poisoning. shooting is ok if they die instantly. People are the problem just abandoning the animals in the first place. Thais just take them to the Temple and leave them for the Monks to take care, putting the Onassis on the Monks. Yes some thing has to be done but as so called Buddhist they don't like killing any animal or thing, Unless suites them.

Edited by Thongkorn
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Flaming heck, a bit too close to the eye.

As the Toad, lives on the Island I will take his experiences, I was there for a short time this year and didn't find it too much of a nuisance, but it obviously is.

Hope your young lady recovers well, and if you are having breakfast, and not causing any nuisance, you are not at fault in any sense.


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Goodness....bless the stars, her eyes are still good. sorry to hear about your situation.

I trust your daughter and you recover from this ordeal...


Thanks for the heads up.. I was planning on going to the beach.

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That is a beautiful and sweet little girl in the hospital bed. I'm so sorry it happened and it wasn't the parents' fault. Thais don't have the proper view of soi dogs.

None of us would have killed that dog. We would have been too busy attending to our daughter. I certainguarantee you I would have gone back later.

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I may take a lot of flak for this, but here goes. First I am sorry the op's daughter got hurt, and I think the dog should be destroyed. Now here's the but......There's a whole lot of info missing between breakfast and dog bite. And it is a valid question. Maybe it's because I grew up around too many cops, judges and lawyers, but things don't just "happen." As my uncle used to say, "you want sympathy? Better make sure you deserve it."

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but things don't just "happen." As my uncle used to say, "you want sympathy? Better make sure you deserve it."

Firstly, I didn't see any notion of requesting sympathy, just a warning.

And of course things just don't happen, there has to be a reason.

They didn't need to have breakfast, they could have starved their child, so that they didn't have to cross a road, or go on a holiday. Risk Assessment, breakfast, just not worth the danger.

They could have gone to Samui, not K Chang, still struggling to see how they could avoid crossing a road, or have breakfast, but hey, things just don't happen.

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Very sorry to hear of this. Hope the eye is ok and she recovers quick. I would be inclined to send the hospital bill to the hotel.

Not surprised by the indifference of the hotel; they just want the fuss to go away and couldn't care less I'm afraid. That sort of carry on really brings home how things are here; the MO being, you have created a problem for them by this happening through no fault of your own. Best you can do is float this all over the web on hotel review sites, fora, travel guides and the like. Potential family visitors need to be aware that, in some respects, this is not the best place to visit.

Boy was bitten as a tot right inside a restaurant, also on the face. I was not there at the time but it would have been destroyed on the spot whether it was owned by the restaurant or not. Thailand needs to sort itself out on this because, aside from it being clearly a danger, if anything it gives off the aura of third world, then mangy, rabid dogs on the streets is it. Cull them all and massive fines for lazy owners that let them loose because they don't have to feed them and their incessant barking keeps people from breaking into their house! bah.gif

Btw: some really puke-worthy people on this thread; you know who you are! I just hope you get bitten right on the arse by one of these mangy mutts and come down with a bout of rabies. Pure karma.

Edited by daveAustin
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