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Dog Attacks 4 Year Old at Koh Chang White Sand Beach


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Correct. People go on animal safaris to look at the animals in the wild. They should be aware of the dangers and take precautions. People do NOT go to public beaches to look at and photograph soi dogs (dingoes on Fraser Island Aust. excepted). The mangy diseased animals are not native to national parks or beaches, they are there because humans introduced them and neglected to control them.

A properly controlled cull (especially on an island) would be most effective. The Australian wildlife people are experst at this and have had great success with their culling programmes of foxes feral dogs and cats. I'm sure if they put their mind to it the Thais could do the same.

Actually Australia has had very limited success with culls....and just about the only places that have had any success have been islands.

As i mentioned before, culls are extremely difficult to carry out and I think the chances on Koh Chang are slkim, especially given the likelihood of extreme resistance by locals.

Therefore it is my main contention that the only way to permanently reduce the dog population is to clean up the food supply.

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Correct. People go on animal safaris to look at the animals in the wild. They should be aware of the dangers and take precautions. People do NOT go to public beaches to look at and photograph soi dogs (dingoes on Fraser Island Aust. excepted). The mangy diseased animals are not native to national parks or beaches, they are there because humans introduced them and neglected to control them.

A properly controlled cull (especially on an island) would be most effective. The Australian wildlife people are experst at this and have had great success with their culling programmes of foxes feral dogs and cats. I'm sure if they put their mind to it the Thais could do the same.

Actually Australia has had very limited success with culls....and just about the only places that have had any success have been islands..and uninhabited ones at that.

As I mentioned before, culls are extremely difficult to carry out and I think the chances on Koh Chang are slim, especially given the likelihood of extreme resistance by locals.

Therefore it is my main contention that the only way to permanently reduce the dog population is to clean up the food supply.

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Had the same experience with my 2 year old daughter. Luckily not as bad and we got a lot of help from the Thai-people at the scene.

If you have small kids, then be very careful with the street/beach dogs. The one that attacked my daughter was lying under a beach chair and we did not see it, before it was to late.

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I wish your daughter a speedy recovery. And I'm angry that the Thais let the soi dog popular get out of hand. It's the Buddhism in the Thais that stop them from killing any living thing. For example, I wanted to stomp on a little rat the Thai girls are feeding it, she stopped me saying, "It not the Buddha way...". Reason why Thais are not doing anything about it...

I want to stomp on every soi dogs that I encountered in Thailand because I don't trust them. If this happened to one of my prodigy and the Thais are not do anything to cull the soi dogs, I feed every soi dog I see with wieners stuffed with rat poison.

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I wish your daughter a speedy recovery. And I'm angry that the Thais let the soi dog popular get out of hand. It's the Buddhism in the Thais that stop them from killing any living thing. For example, I wanted to stomp on a little rat the Thai girls are feeding it, she stopped me saying, "It not the Buddha way...". Reason why Thais are not doing anything about it...

I want to stomp on every soi dogs that I encountered in Thailand because I don't trust them. If this happened to one of my prodigy and the Thais are not do anything to cull the soi dogs, I feed every soi dog I see with wieners stuffed with rat poison.

"Not the Buddha way" is not necessarily the whole picture..it is a contributing factor.

Giving rat poison without proper precautions can extremely dangerous

Anyhow just killing a few soi dogs will have little or no effect whatsoever.

Edited by wilcopops
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I wish your daughter a speedy recovery. And I'm angry that the Thais let the soi dog popular get out of hand. It's the Buddhism in the Thais that stop them from killing any living thing. For example, I wanted to stomp on a little rat the Thai girls are feeding it, she stopped me saying, "It not the Buddha way...". Reason why Thais are not doing anything about it...

I want to stomp on every soi dogs that I encountered in Thailand because I don't trust them. If this happened to one of my prodigy and the Thais are not do anything to cull the soi dogs, I feed every soi dog I see with wieners stuffed with rat poison.

I don't think Buddhism has much to do with overpopulation of stray dogs and them not doing something about it.

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I wish your daughter a speedy recovery. And I'm angry that the Thais let the soi dog popular get out of hand. It's the Buddhism in the Thais that stop them from killing any living thing. For example, I wanted to stomp on a little rat the Thai girls are feeding it, she stopped me saying, "It not the Buddha way...". Reason why Thais are not doing anything about it...

I want to stomp on every soi dogs that I encountered in Thailand because I don't trust them. If this happened to one of my prodigy and the Thais are not do anything to cull the soi dogs, I feed every soi dog I see with wieners stuffed with rat poison.

I don't think Buddhism has much to do with overpopulation of stray dogs and them not doing something about it.

Yes it does

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I wish your daughter a speedy recovery. And I'm angry that the Thais let the soi dog popular get out of hand. It's the Buddhism in the Thais that stop them from killing any living thing. For example, I wanted to stomp on a little rat the Thai girls are feeding it, she stopped me saying, "It not the Buddha way...". Reason why Thais are not doing anything about it...

I want to stomp on every soi dogs that I encountered in Thailand because I don't trust them. If this happened to one of my prodigy and the Thais are not do anything to cull the soi dogs, I feed every soi dog I see with wieners stuffed with rat poison.

hmmmmmm Do You?? I have nothing against a clean cull,but rat poison NO I hope the kid is now recovering,

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We had the dog catchers round in the moo baan yesterday as people were getting bitten. They rounded up 10 of the pests but about 3 are left. I will mop these up with luk chin laced with rat poison. before anyone starts crying cruelty, what did you eat for diner today? Probably an animal that got it's throat cut. Soi dogs are no better than rats and need to be eliminated one way or another, so don't bother getting the hankies out.

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We had the dog catchers round in the moo baan yesterday as people were getting bitten. They rounded up 10 of the pests but about 3 are left. I will mop these up with luk chin laced with rat poison. before anyone starts crying cruelty, what did you eat for diner today? Probably an animal that got it's throat cut. Soi dogs are no better than rats and need to be eliminated one way or another, so don't bother getting the hankies out.

Hey I would never eat meat from a animal that has been poisoned, But I have probably killed more than you could imagine, All as cleanly and fast as poss.

Poison is in my my way of thinking a no no.

You can judge a nation (person) by the way it treats its animals You are a very Sad person shame on you

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I wish your daughter a speedy recovery. And I'm angry that the Thais let the soi dog popular get out of hand. It's the Buddhism in the Thais that stop them from killing any living thing. For example, I wanted to stomp on a little rat the Thai girls are feeding it, she stopped me saying, "It not the Buddha way...". Reason why Thais are not doing anything about it...

I want to stomp on every soi dogs that I encountered in Thailand because I don't trust them. If this happened to one of my prodigy and the Thais are not do anything to cull the soi dogs, I feed every soi dog I see with wieners stuffed with rat poison.

I don't think Buddhism has much to do with overpopulation of stray dogs and them not doing something about it.

Yes it does

The thing is if you look more closely you'll see there are many other reasons too. If you were right dogs would be a problem only in a Buddhist countries but this is simply not the case.

I woulkd agree their is a strong Buddhist factor but this is a far too simplistic view; a loose dog population is actually more of a spin of a country's economic or developmental status.

As a country's population gets wealthier (and subsequently more organised) they are less likely to tolerate stray dogs etc.

I work in industry here and I can tell you that a large number of people I meet are concerned about the dog population and keen to see it reduced. The main concern is exactly the same as any country; they want a humane solution...this is not in particular a Buddhist thing and I think you'll find Buddhusm alone does not have an undue bearing on the matter compared to other factors such as health and safety which is much the same as in other countries.

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As I've pointed out earlier culling in general will not work.

Poisoning as well is highly dangerous and can result in unwanted "collateral damage".

BTW - are you aware of how rat poison works???

It also is specifically designed for use on rats within confined environments.

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Ke esters, please go back a few more steps. This problem is perpetuated by dumped dogs and cats and the lack of desexing of pets. Clean it up and it will rebuild itself as a problem in due course.....you can bank on that.

Again, a multi facet approach needs to be adopted to control the problem. Denouncing people for assisting suffering animals isn't the answer.

As I said before these dogs are not pets. These dogs are stray, runaway, feral dogs not pets. While I agree that some action is needed in training people not to dump unwanted animals are we to suffer the existing huge population of these menacing animals for the next 10, 20, 50 years as they continue to breed. Let them all starve. Perhaps then the authorities will step in and do something. Feeding them is a major part of the problem. The more food they get the more they breed and the more young children such as the one in the OP will get hurt.

We eradicate mosquitoes, why not eradicate street and beach dogs?

Ke esters,

I will try to be more simplistic.

Imagine I remove all the soi dogs today, every one of them....not a single one left.

Tommorrow at 0001hrs the first Thai pet gets dumped or litter from a Thai pet gets dumped. By 2359 the next day there probably already a few hundred dogs roaming the streets, after a few short years we will be back to where we started at. I REALISE THIS IS A SIMPLISTIC MODEL.

As I said, a muti facet way of handling the problem is needed to deal with the issue. Simply trying to starve out the soi dogs is not the answer and wouldn't work. They will feed off their own dead, if they have to and keep breeding, heck they will even eat their own vulnerable. Bit like humans.

Cruelty is never the way.

A campaign to eradicate street dogs and strays is needed along with nuking of pets and a government body that deals with the problem. Anything short of this will fail.

There is the problem with the mindset of the people and Buddhist issues that probably mean the first steps will new be taken. Sad but true. So really, the main opponents to the problem have two choices....live with it or remove oneself from it....unless of course you think you and a few other pitch fork members can make it happen.

Me thinks not but I wish you well. Please understand, I understand your point about it not being a pet related problem, but if you pedal back a few dozen steps, you will find that dumped pets and offspring of pets is a major feeder for the soi dog and cat problems and this isn't trying to deny that they 'the soi animals' also breed.

Some years ago, the Samui authorities got serious and begun a dog cull by laying baits and issuing plenty of pre warnings of when and where by loudspeaker trucks for dog owners to ensure their dogs were tethered at home those days. Then they sent teams with tranquilizer darts so the stray dogs could be captured. This stopped after the teams were beaten up by do gooder farang tourists (mostly German). Every resort experiences Farang guests bringing beach dogs back to their bungalows even allowing the mutts to sleep in the rooms so DONT BLAME THE THAIS !

"This stopped after the teams were beaten up by do gooder farang tourists (mostly German)." - sorry this is not true - just gossip.

​One incident is not a portrayal of the whole situation and anyone with the slightest knowledge of Thailand will be aware of the problems of putting down one dog, let alone a cull.

If you want a more complete picture, Google the attempted cull in Bangkok a few years back.

There is even an unfortunate tenet of sone Buddhism and Animism that suggests to some people that killing a dog may be killing one of your ancestors.......apart from the idea that ALL life is sacred...right down to mosquitoes.....

Who are you to say it is not true ? Another keyboard warrior ! I've been shooing off beach dogs and phony monks from hassling our guests for 30 years now and the dog culling teams made sure our Alsatian, Judy was pre warned as she was well known after saving several drowning kids.

Fairly obvious by your style that your anecdotes are apocryphal, wouldn't you say?

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As I've pointed out earlier culling in general will not work.

Poisoning as well is highly dangerous and can result in unwanted "collateral damage".

BTW - are you aware of how rat poison works???

It also is specifically designed for use on rats within confined environments.

sounds ok to me

Ingredients in Rat Poison: Bromethalin Rodenticide

A second, more lethal, type of rat poison is made of bromethalin. This chemical is very potent and toxic to rats and other animals that ingest the poison. Bromethalin causes cerebral edema, a build-up of fluid in the brain and spinal cord. As the fluid increases, pressure on the central nervous system causes tremors, seizures, muscle failure and eventually death. Unlike anticoagulant poisonings, where a treatment option exists, there is no antidote or treatment for bromethalin toxicity. The only possible method of treatment is to flush your pet’s digestive tract and wait to see if the toxins have already caused permanent or fatal damage.

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you cant blame soi dogs after the way they are treated by many thais who beat the crap out of soi dogs and basically make some dogs violent to attack kids on a beach

if thailand had alot better rights for animals you wouldnt see so many dogs looking to fight back against humans

animals have just as much right to live on this planet as humans do

Simple question, do you eat them? if you do you obviously do not think they have as much right to be here as us. Meat eaters who claim to be animal lovers don't seem to see the contradiction

Humans have eaten meat since the dawn of time. We have teeth specially designed for it. It is absolutely possible to love animals and still eat them. I love trees, redwoods are my favorite and you know what? I love log-cabin style homes.

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you cant blame soi dogs after the way they are treated by many thais who beat the crap out of soi dogs and basically make some dogs violent to attack kids on a beach

if thailand had alot better rights for animals you wouldnt see so many dogs looking to fight back against humans

animals have just as much right to live on this planet as humans do

Simple question, do you eat them? if you do you obviously do not think they have as much right to be here as us. Meat eaters who claim to be animal lovers don't seem to see the contradiction

Our streets and beaches are no place for stray dogs any more than they are a place for stray pigs and/or cows.

Pretty sure that if we saw a cow or pig wandering down Rama IV road it would soon be rounded up and removed. And a cow or pig is unlikely to bite you on the butt and give you rabies.

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you cant blame soi dogs after the way they are treated by many thais who beat the crap out of soi dogs and basically make some dogs violent to attack kids on a beach

if thailand had alot better rights for animals you wouldnt see so many dogs looking to fight back against humans

animals have just as much right to live on this planet as humans do

Simple question, do you eat them? if you do you obviously do not think they have as much right to be here as us. Meat eaters who claim to be animal lovers don't seem to see the contradiction

Our streets and beaches are no place for stray dogs any more than they are a place for stray pigs and/or cows.

Pretty sure that if we saw a cow or pig wandering down Rama IV road it would soon be rounded up and removed. And a cow or pig is unlikely to bite you on the butt and give you rabies.

have you ever seen a sow protecting her babies?

ive had to jump out the ways loads of times,

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Humans have eaten meat since the dawn of time. We have teeth specially designed for it. It is absolutely possible to love animals and still eat them. I love trees, redwoods are my favorite and you know what? I love log-cabin style homes.

Humans have killed each other since the dawn of time, just another nasty habit we have. There is no nutritional need to eat meat and it is not practically necessary in the developed world, and wastes enormous amount of energy as well as the cruelty involved. It is only possible to claim you love animals and eat them if you are deluded.

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What are you talking about, people? Most Thais would flip if they saw a little girl mauled by a dog. The hotel didn't get involved as they don't want to be held accountable. Thais have children and most would empathize. If you really disagree then you should pack up and find a more agreeable place to live.

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you cant blame soi dogs after the way they are treated by many thais who beat the crap out of soi dogs and basically make some dogs violent to attack kids on a beach

if thailand had alot better rights for animals you wouldnt see so many dogs looking to fight back against humans

animals have just as much right to live on this planet as humans do

Simple question, do you eat them? if you do you obviously do not think they have as much right to be here as us. Meat eaters who claim to be animal lovers don't seem to see the contradiction

Our streets and beaches are no place for stray dogs any more than they are a place for stray pigs and/or cows.

Pretty sure that if we saw a cow or pig wandering down Rama IV road it would soon be rounded up and removed. And a cow or pig is unlikely to bite you on the butt and give you rabies.

have you ever seen a sow protecting her babies?

ive had to jump out the ways loads of times,

Same with a dog protecting her pups. Like stray pigs, stray dogs should be removed from harming the public.
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Humans have eaten meat since the dawn of time. We have teeth specially designed for it. It is absolutely possible to love animals and still eat them. I love trees, redwoods are my favorite and you know what? I love log-cabin style homes.

Humans have killed each other since the dawn of time, just another nasty habit we have. There is no nutritional need to eat meat and it is not practically necessary in the developed world, and wastes enormous amount of energy as well as the cruelty involved. It is only possible to claim you love animals and eat them if you are deluded.

I wonder why there are so many CARNIVORES in the world if there is "no need to eat meat"

Not ok to kill a cow but ok to slice a carrot to hell after youve ripped it out of the ground snapping its legs etc

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you cant blame soi dogs after the way they are treated by many thais who beat the crap out of soi dogs and basically make some dogs violent to attack kids on a beach

if thailand had alot better rights for animals you wouldnt see so many dogs looking to fight back against humans

animals have just as much right to live on this planet as humans do

Simple question, do you eat them? if you do you obviously do not think they have as much right to be here as us. Meat eaters who claim to be animal lovers don't seem to see the contradiction

Our streets and beaches are no place for stray dogs any more than they are a place for stray pigs and/or cows.

Pretty sure that if we saw a cow or pig wandering down Rama IV road it would soon be rounded up and removed. And a cow or pig is unlikely to bite you on the butt and give you rabies.

have you ever seen a sow protecting her babies?

ive had to jump out the ways loads of times,

A cow kicked my front wing in on the car here once. Owner said it wasnt their cow and why was I on "that" road??, I had a picture of the cow, the Police came and they had to pay up for a new wing

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Humans have eaten meat since the dawn of time. We have teeth specially designed for it. It is absolutely possible to love animals and still eat them. I love trees, redwoods are my favorite and you know what? I love log-cabin style homes.

Humans have killed each other since the dawn of time, just another nasty habit we have. There is no nutritional need to eat meat and it is not practically necessary in the developed world, and wastes enormous amount of energy as well as the cruelty involved. It is only possible to claim you love animals and eat them if you are deluded.

There is nothing like a good old hot dog

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you cant blame soi dogs after the way they are treated by many thais who beat the crap out of soi dogs and basically make some dogs violent to attack kids on a beach

if thailand had alot better rights for animals you wouldnt see so many dogs looking to fight back against humans

animals have just as much right to live on this planet as humans do

Simple question, do you eat them? if you do you obviously do not think they have as much right to be here as us. Meat eaters who claim to be animal lovers don't seem to see the contradiction

Our streets and beaches are no place for stray dogs any more than they are a place for stray pigs and/or cows.

Pretty sure that if we saw a cow or pig wandering down Rama IV road it would soon be rounded up and removed. And a cow or pig is unlikely to bite you on the butt and give you rabies.

have you ever seen a sow protecting her babies?

ive had to jump out the ways loads of times,

I think movie footage is essential herelaugh.png

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  • 1 month later...

Any chance of you posting a pic of the dog? I'm outside The Lagoon right now and would really like to know wich one to stay far away from.

Thank you and best wishes for your daughter. Hope she gets all better real soon.

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