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You're not talking about an allergic reaction or cytokine storm are you? Because that's totally different from an alleged accumulation of toxins through diet. Just want to make sure we get that out of the way.

The excretory system CAN be overloaded, putting the body in danger, people have died of just that

Just for the sake of argument, let's assume that's true. That would not be something that a magical detox could have prevented. If somebody is about to keel over due to arsenic poisoning or a build-up of methyl mercury from a lifelong tuna fish diet, a broccoli and celery smoothie with a twist of lemon or a high colonic is not going to do a darn thing about that.

I will stand corrected only when I see a coroner's report stating death by accumulation of dietary toxins, accompanied by supporting evidence from the medical literature that said condition could have been prevented/cured with a detox.

Another way to prove your point would be to identify the supposed toxin, measure its concentration in the body, perform a detox and then measure again. But as we learn from the article:

Herxes are no jokes and they are happening everyday to millions of people. Some herxes are so painful that people pass out.

The other day I was walking down the street and suddenly got a striking pain in my abdomen.

And yes I can control them thru diet, but no tuna.

Watch Erica herxing on 0.47 and tell me the body does not accumulates toxins


Herxes are no jokes

Now you're putting words in my mouth. Please point out where I said it was a joke. I didn't. In fact, I even cited it as a legitimate condition earlier in the thread. But - once again - this is NOT what the article is talking about.

But chronic lyme disease? Now that's a joke (insomuch as patients think they still have a post-lyme spirochetal bacteria infection causing their symptoms).


Herxes are no jokes

Now you're putting words in my mouth. Please point out where I said it was a joke. I didn't. In fact, I even cited it as a legitimate condition earlier in the thread. But - once again - this is NOT what the article is talking about.

But chronic lyme disease? Now that's a joke (insomuch as patients think they still have a post-lyme spirochetal bacteria infection causing their symptoms).

Does the woman in the vid seem to be joking?

The article says no accumulation of toxins in the body

I showed you accumulation of toxins


I would disagree as someone who has been using Colonic irrigation for over 15 years on a regular basis. Look into the link with those who have back problems. Also the feeling for many weeks after is really noticeable. I would say to the Op, if you don't believe in it then it is your decision. However, the whole debate should be researched thoroughly, which I have done. Articles that are funded are linked to medicine I am very sceptical about, as they have an agenda. Those who use colonic irrigation regularly know the benefits. The whole medical corporation is corrupt to the core. they don't want natural or healthy procedures in place, so they can sell more of their poison (Medicine) As a big meat eater) all the chemicals in that) and also drinking crap like diet Coke, Colonics really help IMHO.

My question about colonics is this:

The theory is that matter builds up over time and adheres to the walls of the colon. Thus, a colonic irrigation is necessary to remove this plaque so that the colon can work more efficiently.

Then why is it when one purges the system before a colonoscopy and has the colonoscopy, the colon looks clean as a whistle (assuming that the colon is healthy), without ever having had a colonic?

It's naive to think that only modern medicine has an agenda. Look at all of the so called "natural" practitioner's web sites. They all sell a myriad of magic supplements that will cure whatever ails you.

Common sense is the best approach -- but common sense isn't so common!

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