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Which country's men are Thai women most attracted to?


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Easy answer......... Americans, because

-All Europeans are demanding or dismissive of women, exude a superior stance.

-Koreans are cute but not really men.

-Japanese are just too weird.

-SA same as EU.

-Black Africans, well frankly, just NO.

-India, same.

-Muslin, same.

-Chinese, to tight with money and weird.

-Aussies are ok but are heavy alcoholics.

-UK, same as Aussies, and solidly set in their ways.

Thai men are butterflies, especially when the baby comes, and Thai women know that for sure.

It is Americans who arrive already pussy whipped and oh so polite and concerned with HER feelings, proud to support her and ALL of her family because that makes him not an ugly American, and will, at least, have his SS coming in and his now-stronger USD. biggrin.pngtongue.png

Pardon, do you walk straight up, on two legs? Or is there just no light in your life. , , discernment in you viewpoint. Is there a viewpoint.

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This Country;

The Lord's Prayer (traditional)

Our Father, which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth,
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,

The power, and the glory,

For ever and ever.


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In my (previous village life) i was well known there as the only

white boy that dressed and looked like a local so not really

bothered by many people,, my girl at the time was highly

regarded in the village (for being with me) that i noticed girls

would be coming to the house on a more frequent basis. One

day i was asked to go to a lady's house to translate an e-mail

and to reply in English, once in front of the computer this lady

logged in with password as 12345 and i remembered that. It

seems she was a go between for the village girls and foreign men.

The problem she had was that she asked for money from a man

overseas and the money was sent and more money was demanded

and the reply was that the man was coming to find this lady to get

his money back and he was bringing some of his friends with him.

I explained all this to the lady and it seems shortly after she took off

to Bangkok and no one knows where she is, i remember reading

some of the e-mails and they would put a Nigerian scammer to

shame,, i think the girls really just want to know you are loaded, tell

them you are rich and your family are rich, that will do it, tell them

you drive a Ferrari - blank look on their face, tell them you drive a

BMW (BM to them) or Benz and watch their eyes light up, it's all

about the money.

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Nothing to do with Nationality, its usually about MONEY as is the case with most women of any nationality.

Even rats have this problem.

Do rat women like to put out for cheese?

Stick to your medication twenty four hours a day, for our sake not yours.

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Easier to start with their dislikes:

- Thai culture dislikes dark skin as for them it resembles farm workers. So that rules out Blacks, Central/South American (Hispanic), Indians and Middle Eastern men.

- In general I have heard Thai women dislike Brits as they tend to be loud and don't have great personnel hygiene practices.

- Thai women like Korean men as they have money and like to party but their downside is they are loud and have poor manners.


- I have not heard many comments; pro or con, on Swedish or Norwegian men (nothing positive or negative).

- I have heard Thai women like American's but also they tend to be arrogant (which Thai women also like men who a re confident).

- I have heard Thai women like Japanese men as they have good manners and have money.

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They love ALL presidents.......... Benjamin Franklin, Ulysses Grant, Thomas Jefferson..........coffee1.gif

Franklin and Grant were not presidents.

Grant was a president, 2 terms...but not Ben...

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They love ALL presidents.......... Benjamin Franklin, Ulysses Grant, Thomas Jefferson..........coffee1.gif

Franklin and Grant were not presidents.

Grant was a president, 2 terms...but not Ben...
I can just see some Thai woman's will to live fading as you tell her this whilst eating along Pattaya beach.
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It's well known that Thai ladies are most attracted to men from the West and East Riding of Yorkshire.

Known for their dogged sense of loyalty, which adds charm to their simple mindedness, their non use of articles in conversations is also a delightful bonus for Thai ladies struggling with the intricacies of English.

Aye urp Nitnoy, am jus goin down to shop to buy paper...

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Nothing to do with Nationality, its usually about MONEY as is the case with most women of any nationality.

Any guy with a cleft chin, the sales girls will stop work and just stare at it for hours ! When asked why, they unashamedly reply 'because it looks just like my pussy"


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I don't think many Thais are really familiar enough with the differences in temperament between different nationalities to rank them in this way. Farang are just farang to most.

็Bar girls are probably best at making a list like this.

my wife would disagree with that. Thai women, like any other nationality, ''grade'' foreigners on all aspects, then compare with other women to see and share what they learned. Many Thai women have told my wife, and she agreed, that German men are the most polite, Australians and Brits drink too much, and Aussies are fast to fight.

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I would say Thai men , with a good job and not a drinker is #1 by a large gap.....

then if they need to stay in the group of friends they have no one would look twice if he is Japanese , Korean or Asian from Hong Kong, Singapore

but they will have some explaining to do if he is Western unless he is a businessman suit and tie guy.....if they show up with a guy in shorts flip flops and a " I love beer " T shirt they will be dead meat among their co workers.....

Thais love to gossip , Women love to gossip , put the 2 together and add the "Save Face" idea in and a Asian businessman would be the top pick after a good Thai man......

This is quite an accurate assessment of how things are.

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A very simple answer AMERICAN Men! they are mannerly, the are for the msot part handsome AND they have money coming out of the gazoo! to marry an American is just like hitting the Jack Pot! the europeans are known for being cheap charlies, forget the french, and the africans don't even figure in the conversation.

American? No, thank you. I find them too arrogant most of the time. Actually I prefer non-English speaker.

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