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Thailand health officials blame electronic gadgets for slow down in kids education

Jonathan Fairfield

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Thailand health officials blame electronic gadgets for slow down in kids education


Officials from Thailand’s Mental Health Department have warned parents in Thailand to exercise caution with regards to allowing their children to use electronic gadgets such as smartphones, tablets and computers.

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Sure exercise caution on useage but perhaps health officials should have a word with their pals at the education ministry. I'd guess that the failing education system plays a bigger role in the lack of development of Thai kids.

Also, didn't the previosu govt want to give all kids in Thailand tablets?

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Joc post # 3

Of course it has nothing to do with bad teachers??

Blame the gadgets...............................coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJARfU4

Of course it has nothing to do with bad teachers??

Indeed a pithy comment.

There is no such thing as a bad student but there are such things as bad teachers.

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So once again everyone can blame YL and the Gov if their kids are stupid since they are the ones who paid for every student to have a new tablet last year.

Another scheme gone bad from the last admin that will leave lasting effects on this society in the future.

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Perhaps they could start with the little 3 year k1 children. Sitting on a computer for an twice a week. With no scheduled free play the entire week.

These are the subjects I never learned at nursery. Science, health, computer, keyboard, sports, swimming,social studies.

We learned these subjects instead pre-reading, pre-math, sand play, waterplay, indoor play, outdoor play, arts and crafts. There were no TV at our kindy. It was great.

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Perhaps they could start with the little 3 year k1 children. Sitting on a computer for an twice a week. With no scheduled free play the entire week.

These are the subjects I never learned at nursery. Science, health, computer, keyboard, sports, swimming,social studies.

We learned these subjects instead pre-reading, pre-math, sand play, waterplay, indoor play, outdoor play, arts and crafts. There were no TV at our kindy. It was great.

You remember your nursery school curriculum? Just how "green" are you?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So once again everyone can blame YL and the Gov if their kids are stupid since they are the ones who paid for every student to have a new tablet last year.
Another scheme gone bad from the last admin that will leave lasting effects on this society in the future.

Given that this sort of technology is part of education globally, it's a hell of a logical stretch to say that Thai kids will suffer from being exposed to it. At least something was done to try and bring Thailand's shitty education into the 21st Century. Far worse right now, is the funding being stripped for the ridiculous 12 values nonsense.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So once again everyone can blame YL and the Gov if their kids are stupid since they are the ones who paid for every student to have a new tablet last year.

Another scheme gone bad from the last admin that will leave lasting effects on this society in the future.

Given that this sort of technology is part of education globally, it's a hell of a logical stretch to say that Thai kids will suffer from being exposed to it. At least something was done to try and bring Thailand's shitty education into the 21st Century. Far worse right now, is the funding being stripped for the ridiculous 12 values nonsense.

I have never believed anything the Thai health minister has said and I agree with you on this about trying to make it more important to know the 12 values. I was simply making an observation that no one else had thought about yet
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Statistics from the survey have revealed that almost 30 per cent of Thai children are falling behind in their mental development and that their exposure to technological devices is to blame.

How can they come up with such meaningless c...p. A survey can show a trend or map opinions. It cannot prove a cause and effect relationship. The health officials are using this survey to support their self-serving opinion. There could be many reasons for this... a poor education system, poor nutrition, poor parenting (and parents too addicted to technological devices to care about their children), etc. How about doing some research !!!

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Like most other posters here I initially thought this was simply another case of the authorities not taking responsibility for their failed education system, and, as I usually do, before I posted I did a little search to back up what I was going to write.

It seems they're not too far off the mark!

electronic gadgets mental development children - Google Search

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Very debateable topic, age matters alright, but supervision and control even more so.

With our world running ever further down the future of technology, it needs helps along the way. It's still fairly new, studies aren't "perfected" by definition and cause and effect boil down to the individuals already.

Games for education so far have been poor and need much more thought put into it so they can be properly used, but seeing as our school systems are triple galactically outdated this doesn't really come at a surprise.

Some schools have implented Minecraft into their curriculum, which seems to have had a really great boost, though I haven't followed up with that recently to see the actual turn out of it.

Then again, we might as well just keep blaming games (among other things) for all the social problems, educational deficits, school shooters and what have you, it's not like humanity so far hasn't been extremely amazing at ignoring (easy) root problems and just pointing fingers at the next best thing to avert attention from the things that matter.

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So once again everyone can blame YL and the Gov if their kids are stupid since they are the ones who paid for every student to have a new tablet last year.

Another scheme gone bad from the last admin that will leave lasting effects on this society in the future.

Let's be serious. The gadgets the kids are playing or using at the moment are 99% bought by their parents. The government threw money in the wind by implementing this project as their tablets are not used by the students and are thrown in the bin!

Edited by Thunder26
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The educational system is the problem. Not digital devices.

There are countless apps that can help a child (and adults) learn. Blaming the device is foolish. However, if you spend your time playing Flappy Bird and Candy Crush, the problem is the user, not the device.

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So once again everyone can blame YL and the Gov if their kids are stupid since they are the ones who paid for every student to have a new tablet last year.

Another scheme gone bad from the last admin that will leave lasting effects on this society in the future.

Let's be serious. The gadgets the kids are playing or using at the moment are 99% bought by their parents. The government threw money in the wind by implementing this project as their tablets are not used by the students and are thrown in the bin!
Yeah! Let's be serious. I saw the kids getting handed their new iPads and saw them being used in the classrooms. Not for helping them in their work, but for sneakily chatting with their friends in FB and playing games instead of doing their work. I had them banned in my classes for this reason.

In all sense of the matter they are right that these pads aid in ignorance but it is because the students use them for the wrong reasons. Kids should have access to the internet and other resources but not with their own tablets. Just as a kid needs supervision as in other things they also need supervision in this.

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First: is this yet another "opinion" or is it fact/research based?

Second: Thai educational system SLOWS down kids education. The current system ought to be trashed IMMEDIATELY. Oh, but never mind b/c then some "lo so" thai would be able to think critically, or move up in the world reeking havoc with the current owners monopoly on EVERYTHING.

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Nothing wrong with using technology for education. It's when technology interferes with education that the problems start. Every day, at least a quarter of students in my classes are playing with their phones. I've tried reasoning with them (doesn't work) Then I started confiscating phones and tablets until the end of the school day. That's when the real fun started. Parents complained to the school, and threatened to call the police.

It all begs the question, 'Who runs the schools?'

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