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Immigration, why only passa Thai?


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Yes my spelling is not 100% in this language.

But why do you fail to read comprehensive ?

Land offices are for any real estate transaction including FREEHOLD CONDOS !

According to u foreigners need only to pay bills at the land offices and follow instructions of your thai wife.?? Thats all ?So no need English?

Not for me mate...

These thai institutions have zero interest to make the business any more transparant for us foreigners that is just how they prefer it...

Hmmn.... given your attitude one has to wonder then, why on earth have you chosen to settle in Thailand?

It's no big secret that the use of English language or signage is not common or widespread in Thailand.

There is a proverb "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" So if you wish to live in Thailand on a full time basis and integrate with Thai society perhaps you should make a little effort to learn to speak and understand the national language.. If you are too damn lazy to do that, then it would seem that you are more a part of the problem than the solution!

You may be happier relocating to the UK where you will find many forms and signs available in many languages - possibly even in your own native tongue. Of course you will also find a country that is rapidly relinquishing its national identity and customs. A country that allows foreigners the freedom to come and settle here extremely easily and effectively create there own 'no go' ghetto areas, a country whose own historical traditions and customs are now often censured for fear of offending immigrants faiths.

Personally that is one of the reasons that Thailand holds an attraction for me. With the exception of tourist areas Thailand very much maintains it's identity and customs, and is not becoming a melting pot of nationalities as is the case in other countries. If you wish to be happy in Thailand then you should probably put some effort in yourself, instead of expecting Thailand to bend to meet your needs and expectations.

i am fine i was just explaining the real reason why these institutions like amphurs and landoffices will not hang up any bi-langual signs..

Thanks for your travel advice !

Enjoy your stay with the locals in Isarn.

The only attraction where you live its probably your self..

I been here long enough to find out that laws are unfair here and mostly benefiting their own kind..That is not how it goes down in a decent country..Now is it?

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Hmmn.... given your attitude one has to wonder then, why on earth have you chosen to settle in Thailand?

It's no big secret that the use of English language or signage is not common or widespread in Thailand.

There is a proverb "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" So if you wish to live in Thailand on a full time basis and integrate with Thai society perhaps you should make a little effort to learn to speak and understand the national language.. If you are too damn lazy to do that, then it would seem that you are more a part of the problem than the solution!

You may be happier relocating to the UK where you will find many forms and signs available in many languages - possibly even in your own native tongue. Of course you will also find a country that is rapidly relinquishing its national identity and customs. A country that allows foreigners the freedom to come and settle here extremely easily and effectively create there own 'no go' ghetto areas, a country whose own historical traditions and customs are now often censured for fear of offending immigrants faiths.

Personally that is one of the reasons that Thailand holds an attraction for me. With the exception of tourist areas Thailand very much maintains it's identity and customs, and is not becoming a melting pot of nationalities as is the case in other countries. If you wish to be happy in Thailand then you should probably put some effort in yourself, instead of expecting Thailand to bend to meet your needs and expectations.

i am fine i was just explaining the real reason why these institutions like amphurs and landoffices will not hang up any bi-langual signs..

Thanks for your travel advice !

Enjoy your stay with the locals in Isarn.

The only attraction where you live its probably your self..

I been here long enough to find out that laws are unfair here and mostly benefiting their own kind..That is not how it goes down in a decent country..Now is it?

Well thanks for enlightening us all with 'the real reason' why amphurs and landoffices don't provide bi-lingual signs. I'm sure you obtained this information by in depth discussions with the local officials of these offices - oh wait you couldn't have because you don't speak or understand Thai...

If you did they probably would have asked you "How many of the top 100 languages spoken in the world would you like us to display on our signs sir? Just 'your' preferred choice of English, or should we also include all the other top 100 to be fair to them too?" In fact there are 4,500 languages spoken by more than 1,000 people worldwide - they are going to need some pretty big signs to be 'fair' to everyone....

Given the content of some of your other posts, and the general attitude you express towards Thailand, I'm amazed that you selected it as a country of residence in the first place - didn't you do any research first?

I'm sorry to say that if you're not prepared to change your attitude and philosophies to more closely align with the country you have chosen to make your home in, you will forever be part of the problem instead of part of the solution.

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How difficult could it be for the Immigration office to provide information in the languages used by most people applying for visas?

Nearly impossible, besides what would be the motivation?

Difficult???? Nearly impossible??? to translate immigration's forms into say the top 10 common visitors languages, I think it would be easy to get it done.

Motivation???? How about; have a pleasant stay, welcome to Thailand, please visit again, no negativity; tell your friends. Plenty of reasons for motivating Thais to be nice and helpful to visitors that, in the case of immigration, pay their salaries.

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