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i dunno

their mind set is SET

this is not fundamentalist stuff its basic Koran teaching

go here http://members.ozemail.com.au/~dbates/koran5.htm


Oh, a fundamentalist Christian website! Now THAT wouldn't be biased at all, would it? For those who can't be bothered, this site contains amazingly basic bs, totally Islamophobic, predictably enough.


you always totally amaze me

here is a site that sets out on one side of the page the christian belief and on the other side the Islamic belief

let people decide

stop making up peoples minds for them and being so off the cuff judgemental and P.C.

let them read it as

People need to be aware of these teachings as they are discriminatory and very very dangerous in the minds of young children

IN CASE you didnt realise it the Sura prefix ie Sura 5:51 means that its from the Koran - its not made up by the christians

I can only summise that you have never lived in a majority Muslim country

The point is that this website is a Christian one designed with the express purpose of converting "Konfused" minds to fundamental American Christianity. The so-called quotes from the Koran and the Bible are made out of context and in case the "Konfused" missed the point, articles written by so called "Christians" reinforce the message that their religion is superior. This is blatant missionary propaganda, not an objective comparison IMHO..However, I agree with you, let people read it for themselves and decide....

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i dunno

their mind set is SET

this is not fundamentalist stuff its basic Koran teaching

go here http://members.ozemail.com.au/~dbates/koran5.htm


Oh, a fundamentalist Christian website! Now THAT wouldn't be biased at all, would it? For those who can't be bothered, this site contains amazingly basic bs, totally Islamophobic, predictably enough.


you always totally amaze me

here is a site that sets out on one side of the page the christian belief and on the other side the Islamic belief

let people decide

stop making up peoples minds for them and being so off the cuff judgemental and P.C.

let them read it as

People need to be aware of these teachings as they are discriminatory and very very dangerous in the minds of young children

IN CASE you didnt realise it the Sura prefix ie Sura 5:51 means that its from the Koran - its not made up by the christians

I can only summise that you have never lived in a majority Muslim country

The point is that this website is a Christian one designed with the express purpose of converting "Konfused" minds to fundamental American Christianity. The so-called quotes from the Koran and the Bible are made out of context and in case the "Konfused" missed the point, articles written by so called "Christians" reinforce the message that their religion is superior. This is blatant missionary propaganda, not an objective comparison IMHO..However, I agree with you, let people read it for themselves and decide....

a nice politically correct about face

thank you

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I imagine that most unthinking people watching such news would have emerged from their armchairs with an overall picture that Pakistanis are dirty cheats, Egyptians are incompetent, and we can all be grateful to the British government and police for busting this "massive" (Muslim) terrorist threat: cumulative picture = identification of Islam and Muslim countries with all kinds of negative values.

but the Pakistanis did cheat in that match , the Egyptian railway system is poorly run , and we should be grateful to the police for busting that ring of terrorists. why not just let the facts speak for themselves instead of showing your immaturity , superficiality and ignorance by seeing racism everywhere , especially where it doesnt exist.

how can you report news if you dont give the full facts , a cricket team cheated yesterday and a train crashed somewhere.

when there is a train crash in the uk , then you can bet your blinkered little life that the inquiry will be public and the press , including the BBC , will investigate every possible cause in order to find out where responsibility lies and how to prevent a recurrence.....and will take every opportunity to name and shame those at fault.

whites , christians and jews get named and shamed frequently , whats so precious about muslims that they should be protected???

The point is that the very selection and method of presentation of only certain news stories tends to direct people's focus along particular well-trodden pathways of existing prejudice...IMHO your response is living proof of how successful the media is in doing that.

You propose that the news is merely reporting "facts". Whose "facts" are these? The news is a story, made up by human beings with particular interests and prejudices, and according to what sells audiences to advertisers....to think otherwise is totally naive.

And as for your point that everyone gets an equal lashing at the hands of the media, that is arrant nonsense. Check it out for yourself sometime when you are not too busy casting personal insults at other posters to this thread who happen to disagree with your hateful anti-Muslim views.

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I imagine that most unthinking people watching such news would have emerged from their armchairs with an overall picture that Pakistanis are dirty cheats, Egyptians are incompetent, and we can all be grateful to the British government and police for busting this "massive" (Muslim) terrorist threat: cumulative picture = identification of Islam and Muslim countries with all kinds of negative values.

but the Pakistanis did cheat in that match , the Egyptian railway system is poorly run , and we should be grateful to the police for busting that ring of terrorists. why not just let the facts speak for themselves instead of showing your immaturity , superficiality and ignorance by seeing racism everywhere , especially where it doesnt exist.

how can you report news if you dont give the full facts , a cricket team cheated yesterday and a train crashed somewhere.

when there is a train crash in the uk , then you can bet your blinkered little life that the inquiry will be public and the press , including the BBC , will investigate every possible cause in order to find out where responsibility lies and how to prevent a recurrence.....and will take every opportunity to name and shame those at fault.

whites , christians and jews get named and shamed frequently , whats so precious about muslims that they should be protected???

The point is that the very selection and method of presentation of only certain news stories tends to direct people's focus along particular well-trodden pathways of existing prejudice...IMHO your response is living proof of how successful the media is in doing that.

You propose that the news is merely reporting "facts". Whose "facts" are these? The news is a story, made up by human beings with particular interests and prejudices, and according to what sells audiences to advertisers....to think otherwise is totally naive.

And as for your point that everyone gets an equal lashing at the hands of the media, that is arrant nonsense. Check it out for yourself sometime when you are not too busy casting personal insults at other posters to this thread who happen to disagree with your hateful anti-Muslim views.

I will repeat my earlier public warning.

Anti-media and anti-ABC NBC CNN news comments will not be tolerated on this forum.

Please read the Forum Rules.

Continued violations of the rules will result in warnings and/or suspensions issued to offenders.

Thanks for your understanding.


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Can't see why people are getting so cross. We lived in the ME for three years andhad no problem at all. Most muslims are moderate and tolerant, itis the mental few that give them a bad name. Same as everyone.


Couldnt agree more - my TGF and her familiy are Muslim and they are moderate and tolerant as are the majority

A brave man ! If I was going out with a ######ingMuslim, I certainly wouldn't state that fact here.

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disagree with your hateful anti-Muslim views.

because i am not a fan of that religion please do not assume that i am full of hate for either those who are or those who follow it.

again , you seem to think that someone who disagrees with the precepts of islam automatically hates the followers.

i dont like pickled onions , but i dont hate those who eat them.

you are one of those liberal troublemakers who stifle any reasoned argument by hurling accusations of racism around.

Whose "facts" are these?

was there no train crash in egypt then ?

did pakistan win the test match ?

was the terrorist plot just a figment of a few journalists imagination.

the fact is fruitcake , that these days islam is getting a lot of bad press , and most of it is against the radical elements of a religion/ culture/way of life that seek for whatever reason to disrupt the world of those who disagree with their views.

i worked (as the only non muslim) in a london workplace with a dozen or more muslims for 2 years.

we had discussions such as this every lunchtime , and we all sat around a tv slackjawed and watched the world trade towers burn and fall , and my views then were as they are now.

at no time was i accused of having biased or racist views and the points i raised were seen as valid.

none of my muslim adversaries ( all educated professionals , including 2 iraqis and one afghani , the rest being uk born of pakistani descent) complained about media bias and all but one were deeply ashamed that the actions of a few were responsible for so much bad feeling towards the religion.

most felt that the nature of the religion makes it very difficult for assimilation into foriegn communities and that that is a big part of the problem of acceptance. all were reticent to speak about what was taught in mosques by imported preachers.

most hoped that after iraq and afghanistan were sorted , that bush would turn his attention to saudi arabia , which was seen as the seat of all the trouble. unfortunately and not surprisingly , neither iraq nor afghanistan have been ''sorted" .

all agreed that it was understandable that all muslims could be seen as terrorists , and were amazed at the stupidity of the british for their reluctance to do things (at home) for fear of offending sensibilities and being accused of racism , with the result that british (white) people felt even more resentment.

your liberal inclusivesness is very dangerous.

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