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Arab Town To Be Built In Bangkok

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When I drive down into the local villages or town I see people of all nationalities and faiths living and working harmoniously together.

i've seen that village , there was bill and ben and noddy and big ears and postman pat and bob the blooody builder.

and what planet did you say you came from ?

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When I drive down into the local villages or town I see people of all nationalities and faiths living and working harmoniously together.

i've seen that village , there was bill and ben and noddy and big ears and postman pat and bob the blooody builder.

and what planet did you say you came from ?

I just sprayed the monitor..... :o:D:D


How long will it take for the this London scene to play out in Bangkok?These Pictures tell it all!

Muslims have stated that England will be the first country they take over!

These pictures are of Muslims marching through the streets of London during their recent "Religion of Peace Demonstration."


In the ME the bad Muslims are policed by the good ones, in the West the bad ones are protected by human rights and not Policed by the good ones.

I hope it goes well.

How long will it take for the this London scene to play out in Bangkok?These Pictures tell it all!

Muslims have stated that England will be the first country they take over!

These pictures are of Muslims marching through the streets of London during their recent "Religion of Peace Demonstration."

There are "aving a Larff...yea.... :o


And that was over a Danish cartoon.

A nice tolerant bunch aren't they? :o

I wonder what they'd be like if they were really upset.

edited for a typo.


It's mind boggling to see the sheer amount of ignorant racist claptrap posted on this thread.

The only good thing about it is that at least it easy to determine who is who.

Yes, there are some Muslims angry with what Bush, Blair and his ilk are doing.

But that has little to do with a property investment aimed at Arabs.

Remember that not every Arab is a Muslim and not every Muslim is caught up in the troubles.

Don't you think that the Sheiks who have invested billions in the US and UK are 'secretive terrorists'?

More dangerous is the amount of crassly stupid nonsense disguised as analysis by quite a few on this thread.

Before I'm accused of flaming anyone, go back and read some of the inflammatory nonsense posted on this thread.




How long will it take for the this London scene to play out in Bangkok.


it'll take forever ....

not nearly as long as that

Muslims call for special bank holidays in the UK


10:27am 15th August 2006

Muslim leaders summoned to talks with the Government on tackling extremism in their midst called for public holidays to mark their religious festivals.

The Whitehall meeting was set up in response to last week's airline bomb plot discovery.

Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly had prepared an uncompromising message on the need to tackle dangerous radicalism.

But, in what she admitted were 'sharp' exchanges, some senior Muslim figures turned the tables yesterday and made a series of demands which also included the introduction of Sharia law for family matters.

Dr Syed Aziz Pasha, secretary general of the Union of Muslim Organisations of the UK and Ireland, said: 'We told her if you give us religious rights, we will be in a better position to convince young people that they are being treated equally along with other citizens.'

Dr Pasha said Miss Kelly had agreed to look at the proposals, though her spokesman insisted later that she did not favour any legal change which would give 'special treatment' for the Muslim community.

Some of the 30 moderate Muslim leaders at the meeting told Miss Kelly that important days in their two main religious festivals - Ramadan and Eid-ul-Adha - should be made public holidays for followers of the faith.

Sharia law, which is practised in large parts of the Middle East, should also be introduced in Britain, they argued. While it specifies stonings and amputations as routine punishments for crimes, Dr Pasha said he wanted it only for family affairs.

Under the law, a husband pays his wife a dowry on marriage, and money and assets are shared out between family members in specified amounts after someone dies.

'We are willing to co-operate but there should be a partnership,' Dr Pasha said.

'They should understand our problems then we will understand their problems.'

A recent poll suggested that a third of British Muslims would rather live under Sharia law, while a similar number said they also hope Britain will one day become an Islamic state. But Dr Pasha claimed the legal changes he proposed would help convince young Muslims to integrate better into British society.

The Union of Muslim Organisations of the UK and Ireland claims to be a widely representative umbrella group. However, it does not include more influential and high-profile bodies such as the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB). Inayat Bunglawala, spokesman for the MCB, also attended the meeting but distanced his group from the calls for Sharia law.

He said: 'We believe one legal code should apply for all citizens of the UK. There is no place for multiple legal systems for people of different religious or ethnic backgrounds.

'If people object to a certain law they should campaign peacefully and democratically for a change - but only so that it applies to all people, not just Muslims.' The Government has accused Muslim leaders of a 'dreadful misjudgment' for claiming its foreign policy has fuelled the threat of extremism. An open letter, signed by three Muslim MPs, three peers and 38 community groups, said the 'debacle' of Iraq, combined with the recent failure to do more to bring about an immediate end to the Middle East conflict, had encouraged extremists who threaten Britain.

After more than three hours of talks with the senior Muslims, Miss Kelly insisted foreign policy in Iraq and the Middle East was not the 'root cause' of fundamentalism.

But she acknowledged there were 'different views' over aspects of Government policy and there had been a series of 'sharp and challenging exchanges'.

'There is a battle of hearts and minds to be won within the Muslim community, working with the Muslim community to take on the terrorist and extremist elements that are sometimes found within it, not just in the Muslim community, but elsewhere as well.'

Kharshid Ahmed, chairman of the British Muslim Forum, said: 'We believe that the threat is still external - it is people coming from outside and leading the radicalisation.

'We need to deal with that before people inside our communities are leading the radicalisation.'

There are currently eight permanent bank and public holidays in Britain. Three fall on religious days - Christmas Day, Good Friday and Easter Monday. The latter two are common law holidays - not specified by law as bank holidays as they were traditionally days of rest and to go to Church.

The other bank holidays were made law in 1871, to give their workers time off - causing other businesses dependent on the banks to follow suit.


ummmm in Thailand? Tax?

and Udon .... I live in a Predominantly Muslim village (again in Thailand) and before that for a few years in a predominantly Muslim area of BKK.

It's easier to tell who the bigots and racists are than who lives in a Muslim area


hmmm sure did miss it ... as it doesn't say that ... but anyways .. what's a drongo? and isn't this a Thailand forum?


i am afraid that i see islam , especially if the fundamentalists are unquestioningly allowed to bully their way into positions of power in the religion , which is what is happening slowly but surely these days , as a force / religion / way of life.... call it what you will , that will eventually take us all back to the 14th century.

i dont want that for myself , my family or my familys family.

it is a religion which , in its undiluted form , does not co exist easily or comfortably with other religions or philosophies.


cant they just stick to dubai they made their playground there, you watch how the TGs will see they have money and be going with them, soon the white farang days will be limited, and the TGs will be recuited for suicidal missions, but i guess farang use them as whores in foreign lands and drug trafficers, but hope they dont blast their prayers over the loud speakers, that is just wrong.

just a question though, does this mean that the arabs investing in it will only own 49%????? the thais could rob it off them no?

I suspect that this thread won't last much longer on here.

and that would be a GOOD thing!! effin racist/bigoted ######s all over it .... :o

Look at every major conflict in the world today and you will find its Muslims vs SomeoneElse....Muslims vs Hindus, Muslims vs Christians, Muslims vs Budhists etc etc...only one common factor....

Back it up a couple hundred years and it was Christians vs the World..and what untold number of lives did they take in the processes? Islam is just having a bad day, like the other Judeo Christian faiths.

Bangkok will be very lucky for their investment and I for one will happily patronize the area when it is complete.

How long will it take for the this London scene to play out in Bangkok?These Pictures tell it all!

Muslims have stated that England will be the first country they take over!

These pictures are of Muslims marching through the streets of London during their recent "Religion of Peace Demonstration."


hahah, The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire huh? Guess it's only a matter of time before the Pendulum of fate swung back in England's face.

Atleast Thailand's history is a lil cleaner and more peaceful in that regaurd

hahah, The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire huh? Guess it's only a matter of time before the Pendulum of fate swung back in England's face.

cpt monkey <deleted> speaks !!!

a fusillade of gloating and revenge , is that your money shot !


Taxexlie sooo sensetive there, Like I just made up the quote..or more importaintly the reality. When in all actuality it was the English pepole to be precise. The sentiment expressed by these words first appeared in Christopher North's 1829 work Noctes Ambrosianae. The actual words used by Christopher North were 'His Majesty's dominions, on which the sun never sets' (as these words were written in 1829, the "Majesty" in question would have been King George IV).

Hence just a decade or 2 shy of 200 years ago England braged and boasted about how they ruled and dominated the world....now the world has come to your cold foggy shores for a lil pay back and it's a tragedy all of a sudden.

hehe what do our beloved Thai hosts like to say???

Sum Num Naa....



Tourism in Thailand has in a weired way benefited from Islamic terrorism and most Thais are unaware of it: Since 9/11 the number of medical tourists from ME countries to hospitals in Thailand has skyrocketed and is now at 50,000 a year at the Bumrungrad alone. Go to the Bangkok Hospital and you see just as many. It is BIG business.

Rather than building an Arab town in Thailand, wouldn't in great to have little Bangkok in Audi Arabia? Would like to see the reactions to that proposal on a Forum frequented by Arabs... don't think expats living in Saudi would have much of a problem with the idea ;-)

Wow-what a hail of knee jerk, xenophobic bile, this should run and run. what's the matter girls? It's not like Islam is new in Thailand is it?

Glad to see most Thais are more tolerant of their neighbours than you are!

Excepting Tak Bai, of course...

What you are missing is that these will be "rich" muslims. Or are you just worried the price of your evenings entertainment has gone up?

Agree Seri Thai....absolutely predictable xenophobic & anti-Muslim comments with a few rational exceptions. Did the ranters miss the point about the large no of ME clients (& takeover?) of Bumrungrat Hospital, I wonder? Anyone had a friend or relative in there recently? I have...in ICU...and I can tell you that the Gulf & other Arab men and women I met there during that hideous time were friendly, courteous, dignified people....many with seriously ill relatives. They did not show any hostility toward even the loudest and rudest Americans at the hospital...and believe me there were some mighty aggro US clients! It is true that prices have increased as a result of so many wealthy ME and US clients at the hospital, but this is a trend that is bound to happen in Thailand, anyway.


Great Plan. Instead of "Thai" Thailand can be multi-cultural like Singapore.

I got this email the other day. Pretty well sums it up:

(I of course blame the authorities for allowing this cockamamie plan to ever get past the "wish" stage. :


IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some

individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we

have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.

However, the dust from the attacks had barely settled when the

"politically correct" crowd began complaining about the possibility

hat our patriotism was offending others. I am not against

immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to Australia.

However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to

our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand.

This idea of Australia being a multicultural community has served only

to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Australians,

we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle.

This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles,

trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought

freedom. We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic,

Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you

wish to become part of our society, Learn the language!

Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right

wing, political push but a fact because Christian men and women, on

Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly

documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, Because God is part of our


We will accept your beliefs and will not question why, all we ask is

that you accept ours and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.

If the Southern Cross offends you, or you don't like " A Fair Go",

then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this


We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we

really don't care how you did things where you came from. By all means

keep your culture but do not force it on others.

This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done

complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our

Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take

advantage of one other great Australian freedom, "THE RIGHT TO LEAVE".

If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here.

You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.

Pretty easy really, when you think about it. I figure if we all keep

passing this to our friends (and enemies) it will also, sooner or

later get back to the complainers, lets all try, please.





...and it is much easier to leave their families in Arab Town and head out to Soi Cowboy or down to Pattaya then it is to fly the family over and stick em' in a hotel whilist they boogie over to the nightlife.

...kinda' like Little Beirut, maybe? Nobody else sees a problem here?

it is a big mistake it will take no time that BKK will get it's terroists activities from the Arab city. be cleaver kick them out quickly. don't allow to build a mosque it will be like hornet's nest in the heart of BKK.

A bit like the invasion in Tyre, perhaps? :o


...and it is much easier to leave their families in Arab Town and head out to Soi Cowboy or down to Pattaya then it is to fly the family over and stick em' in a hotel whilist they boogie over to the nightlife.

...kinda' like Little Beirut, maybe? Nobody else sees a problem here?

it is a big mistake it will take no time that BKK will get it's terroists activities from the Arab city. be cleaver kick them out quickly. don't allow to build a mosque it will be like hornet's nest in the heart of BKK.

I see you are from Israel, you lot a the biggest problem in the Middle East. The way you people handled the situation in Lebanon is disgraceful. I hope you feel proud that YOUR Country murdered hundreds of innocent women, children and men.

As for Thailand they already have several mosques here and the people who frequent them are no problem in the community. The other point someone mentioned was 49% ownership, well I imagine that would apply just like any other condo development.

This brings me to my last point, 96% of the Thai population is Buddhist and 4% is Muslim (source Lonely Planet) and yet with this overwhelming majority the Thai Government still can not control the radical Muslim insurgents in the south, why? :o

How long will it take for the this London scene to play out in Bangkok?These Pictures tell it all!

Muslims have stated that England will be the first country they take over!

These pictures are of Muslims marching through the streets of London during their recent "Religion of Peace Demonstration."

These protesters are insane. Just look at the posters!!

I certainly do not want to be muslim. I do not mind living next door to a muslim. The only thing that they need to do is to accept the laws and rules, unspoken or documented that the NEW country have set for themself and every other one that is VISITING their country. Then they need to respect the diversity of other people, cultures and religions, and adapt to them. No one else is trying to make them convert to another religion.

Rule the world? Thats a lot of crap.

Why do they need to rule the world?

If the people in the world does not share their view its bound to happen again, War, War, War..

Isnt it better to try to rule themselves first and control the bad elements within this group. It is these people that do all the harm and DESTROYS for all the good muslims.

It certainly looks as if it is all about power through respect by terror. what is that all about !!!!@@@#


Great Plan. Instead of "Thai" Thailand can be multi-cultural like Singapore.

I got this email the other day. Pretty well sums it up:

(I of course blame the authorities for allowing this cockamamie plan to ever get past the "wish" stage. :


IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some

individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we

have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.

However, the dust from the attacks had barely settled when the

"politically correct" crowd began complaining about the possibility

hat our patriotism was offending others. I am not against

immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to Australia.

However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to

our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand.

This idea of Australia being a multicultural community has served only

to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Australians,

we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle.

This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles,

trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought

freedom. We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic,

Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you

wish to become part of our society, Learn the language!

Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right

wing, political push but a fact because Christian men and women, on

Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly

documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, Because God is part of our


We will accept your beliefs and will not question why, all we ask is

that you accept ours and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.

If the Southern Cross offends you, or you don't like " A Fair Go",

then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this


We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we

really don't care how you did things where you came from. By all means

keep your culture but do not force it on others.

This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done

complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our

Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take

advantage of one other great Australian freedom, "THE RIGHT TO LEAVE".

If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here.

You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.

Pretty easy really, when you think about it. I figure if we all keep

passing this to our friends (and enemies) it will also, sooner or

later get back to the complainers, lets all try, please.




If you are going to quote stuff like that then I suggest that all farangs in Thailand should do the same. Unfortunately 95% of farangs would have leave because most are not conforming to Thai culture and most can not speak Thai. All non Thai speakers are invited to pack their bags and leave according to your email.

"could you please tell me where thier is a muslim arab town settlement outside of the arab nations, where it has been intergrated and working within a different community succesfully.

i am in no way being racialist but only realistic, i would love to see this type of thing work, but i would hate to see it ruin an area of bangkok, this should take a lot of planning and research to get it right, and not just rush into the planning and take the attitude 'lets see how it pans out' "

Cannot say that I can name a place where this has worked. Can only speak of first hand experience here in Sydney. If you are white anglo saxon you are not safe and will find yourself isolated on the streets.

ColinJ: ever been to Malaysia and Singapore? Despite your protestations, your last paragraph betrays you as indeed having internalised racist and anti-Muslim notions. I know who I would fear in Sydney: the increasing packs of crazed Caucasian Ice-Zombies....see them all the time when i have to visit that truly insane and intolerant country called Oz.


"could you please tell me where there is a Muslim Arab town settlement outside of the Arab nations, where it has been integrated and working within a different community successfully."

Sure can...Fremont, CA has a large ME Muslim community, including a showcase mosque, open to the entire community. Although dubbed "Little Persia", there have been no uprisings, no bombs, no threats, no problems. How about toning down the racist tirades? It's not becoming to ThaiVisa, but it's becoming a nuisance.

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