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Why the Muslim 'no-go-zone' myth won't die


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My personal experience? I have never been prevented by anyone from entering any area of the UK for any reason - that includes all of these so-called no-go areas mentioned here. They don't exist - they are a figment of fevered imaginations. There are parts of the country populated by white people that are far closer to no-go areas than any Muslim district.

You will not be physically stopped that's why I say they are intimidation areas. But you will not be welcomed as an equal, you will be looked down on as the 'worst of people' your wife will be looked upon as a prostitiute and your daughters as rape material. Of course if you are Jewish or gay you might well experience open hostility. If you are OK with that then fine.

Edited by dragonfly94
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They are more like Muslim intimidation areas than 'no go' and this is NOT a myth. I used to live in one in the UK, over a couple of decades most of the white people, Hindus and Sikhs moved elsewhere. Of course there were ones who stayed like my liberal 'multicultural lover' labour supporting neighbour. However, even she fled in the end tired of being harassed in the street by Muslim males calling her a prostitute for the way she dressed and afraid for the safety of her 14 year old daughter who was constantly targeted by Muslims with sexual overtures. The koran instructs Muslims not to befriend non believers, therefore the true Muslim can not live and integrate with non believers.

I accept that there are Muslim's of that ilk. The intimidation is comparable to places such as Brixton that guy was talking about earlier where the Afro-Caribbeans held sway. I ha a problem in St Pauli in Bristol due to being a white face in a "black," bar. I had the same thing in the US, I even had the same thing on a USAF base. Same in Germany in a Turkish bar, and I wasn't exactly welcome in a certain bar in Beijing. So what - there's idiots everywhere of every creed.

Every week throughout the 80's I went into Afro Caribbean bars in the UK, blues and concerts, never ever had one bad experience or made to feel not welcome. Until my old spar uncle of an English football star, suddenly became a Muslim, then he would not even talk to anyone or shake their hand never mind go in the pub. At least you could reason with a Rasta man, with a Muslim never, once they have crossed over there is a gulf between them and the rest of us.

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They are more like Muslim intimidation areas than 'no go' and this is NOT a myth. I used to live in one in the UK, over a couple of decades most of the white people, Hindus and Sikhs moved elsewhere. Of course there were ones who stayed like my liberal 'multicultural lover' labour supporting neighbour. However, even she fled in the end tired of being harassed in the street by Muslim males calling her a prostitute for the way she dressed and afraid for the safety of her 14 year old daughter who was constantly targeted by Muslims with sexual overtures. The koran instructs Muslims not to befriend non believers, therefore the true Muslim can not live and integrate with non believers.

The hard left Labour supporting drinking buddies I knew are now mostly not voting or voting BNP, and who do they blame? The Labour governments get 90% of the blame.

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How do the apologists explain Mecca being a totally no go area for non Muslims, if Islam is so tolerant?

Don't forget Medinah in that regard either.

I've traveled both "Christian bypasses" around those two citadels of tolerance.

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As far as I'm concerned, almost all of the UK is a no-go zone. Wet, cold, dreary weather. Bad food at too high prices. Not very friendly either. At this point, I don't care if it's muslim or not. I'm not going. Leave'em to their fate.

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How do the apologists explain Mecca being a totally no go area for non Muslims, if Islam is so tolerant?

Well, I'm not an apologist (although I do think obviously the guy on Fox news talking about Birmingham was incredibly ignorant and uniformed and it's another depressing example of Fox news deliberately allowing someone to spew blatant nonsense with the knowledge that the lie will outlive the resulting apology )... anyway- my understanding has always been to do with two things- Mecca is already incredibly crowded with millions of pilgrims, so there's a crowd control issue.

And it's not a tourist destination and people who visit it don't wish it and them to be treated as such.

Maybe that's intolerant- personally I think all religions are an utter waste of time and just a relic of social control, but I guess I can understand why they'd want to keep Mecca exclusive, even if I think it's an total waste of energy.

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They are more like Muslim intimidation areas than 'no go' and this is NOT a myth. I used to live in one in the UK, over a couple of decades most of the white people, Hindus and Sikhs moved elsewhere. Of course there were ones who stayed like my liberal 'multicultural lover' labour supporting neighbour. However, even she fled in the end tired of being harassed in the street by Muslim males calling her a prostitute for the way she dressed and afraid for the safety of her 14 year old daughter who was constantly targeted by Muslims with sexual overtures. The koran instructs Muslims not to befriend non believers, therefore the true Muslim can not live and integrate with non believers.

Agreed, many Westerners make the mistake of thinking that all religions are for truth, kindness to others and sharing resources. Many religions are like that but followers of the Koran are most certainly not.

They have a specific agenda to take over and control the world and will not rest until they do.

I read in this thread that some Muslims are easily radicalised!

What does this mean when the Koran instructs Muslims to lie and cheat non-Muslims in order to further the spread of Islam! When they have a device like Taqiyya which encourages them to deceive non Muslims, it's a free pass to lie and cheat. Can a Muslim please post and explain how non Muslims could ever trust a Muslim please?

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Wow, now post count is related to knowledge. How about Costas? biggrin.png

...and a 90 day wonder joins the conversation with his 1,621st post.

It isn't about post count nearly as much as it is about post content.

That's an area you might want to pay more attention to.

Thanks but after 90 days i got the message already. You don't dispute UG's posts or you're accused of being a. anti semitic b. a liberal c. anti American or d. plain stupid.

Don't forget blatant lies. That fits an awful lot of the posts that I expose every day for exactly what they are. wink.png

And all on company time...........

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How do the apologists explain Mecca being a totally no go area for non Muslims, if Islam is so tolerant?

I worked in Saudi Arabia in 1970, we were not allowed to enter Mukka either, but the by-pass road was lovely though.

The answer is Taqiyya, Koran given permission to lie and cheat.

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Idiotic stuff

Idiotic stuff like telling people on the Internet that they can't comment on a subject unless they have been there personally? I hope they start enforcing that rule on the anti-American posters. laugh.png

I'm OK then I was there in June for the umpteenth time.


How the hell did they let YOU in? tongue.png

I was invited ;)

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It isn't about post count nearly as much as it is about post content.

That's an area you might want to pay more attention to.

Thanks but after 90 days i got the message already. You don't dispute UG's posts or you're accused of being a. anti semitic b. a liberal c. anti American or d. plain stupid.

Don't forget blatant lies. That fits an awful lot of the posts that I expose every day for exactly what they are. wink.png

And all on company time...........

Isn't it interesting to watch a p1$$ing contest?

Interesting how some posters can play in this contest but not post a word against people who have quoted from their personal experience?

I really have to call Troll!

Please stop hijacking a great and interesting thread with your rubbish - number of posts have a meaning? What?

Go back to kindergarten, you can find many friends to play with there!

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Well, I'm not an apologist (although I do think obviously the guy on Fox news talking about Birmingham was incredibly ignorant and uniformed and it's another depressing example of Fox news deliberately allowing someone to spew blatant nonsense with the knowledge that the lie will outlive the resulting apology )...

To prove my point, CNN did exactly the same thing as Fox News, but how much about it/

They put an expert on air who claimed the entirety of the second largest city in the UK was a no-go area?

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If you think that Fox is the only channel with guests spewing silly theories and opinions, you better do some research. They might be the only ones who get blamed for what their guests say however. rolleyes.gif

To make my point, CNN did the exact same thing as Fox News on the No-Go zones, but how much have you heard about that?

“If you’re gonna point fingers at other people’s mistakes,” Cooper said, “you should acknowledge your own mistakes, and we didn’t do that on the program.”

Cooper admitted he should have been “more skeptical” of the guests on his show who made those claims.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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The reason the claims of no-go Muslim areas continue is because there are no-go areas - in the UK anyway. In fact only recently one of these Muslim nutrocks was imprisoned in London, most English are familiar with him as he has bright ginger hair which makes him quite distinguishable! Him and his cronies have notices around in certain parts of the east end telling people they are entering a Sharia area, short skirts are not allowed, drinking is not allowed etc.

Who you are referring to are essentially that gang of Anjem Choudary, Abu Waleed and various other notorious 'guests' who know each other well and have had their organisations banned by the British Government over the years but then always resurface again under a new name. Choudary has always been very carefull not to say things in such a way that he will fall foul of the law. After all, he is a qualified lawyer I believe. Nor do their latest incarnations explicity fall into the trap of certain legislation in this country. It is now presented as conservative Salafi teachings. SalafiMediaUk is where most of these guys (including the now notorious Ginger Nut you refer to, after the Daiily Mail reported on his 'patrols' the other year) hang out.

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The reason the claims of no-go Muslim areas continue is because there are no-go areas - in the UK anyway. In fact only recently one of these Muslim nutrocks was imprisoned in London, most English are familiar with him as he has bright ginger hair which makes him quite distinguishable! Him and his cronies have notices around in certain parts of the east end telling people they are entering a Sharia area, short skirts are not allowed, drinking is not allowed etc.

Who you are referring to are essentially that gang of Anjem Choudary, Abu Waleed and various other notorious 'guests' who know each other well and have had their organisations banned by the British Government over the years but then always resurface again under a new name. Choudary has always been very carefull not to say things in such a way that he will fall foul of the law. After all, he is a qualified lawyer I believe. Nor do their latest incarnations explicity fall into the trap of certain legislation in this country. It is now presented as conservative Salafi teachings. SalafiMediaUk is where most of these guys (including the now notorious Ginger Nut you refer to, after the Daiily Mail reported on his 'patrols' the other year) hang out.

Actually the "ginger nut" hangs about in prison these days, he got banged for his deeds. Did you hear Choudary's comments on Fox news regarding the Paris atrocity?

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Who you are referring to are essentially that gang of Anjem Choudary, Abu Waleed and various other notorious 'guests' who know each other well and have had their organisations banned by the British Government over the years

Hardly surprising considering the views Waleed is espousing in the video. 'Islam is incompatible with democracy'... 'you are with us or you are against us'... 'clash of civilizations'. Clear sedition, which no government can tolerate.

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The reason the claims of no-go Muslim areas continue is because there are no-go areas - in the UK anyway. In fact only recently one of these Muslim nutrocks was imprisoned in London, most English are familiar with him as he has bright ginger hair which makes him quite distinguishable! Him and his cronies have notices around in certain parts of the east end telling people they are entering a Sharia area, short skirts are not allowed, drinking is not allowed etc.

Who you are referring to are essentially that gang of Anjem Choudary, Abu Waleed and various other notorious 'guests' who know each other well and have had their organisations banned by the British Government over the years but then always resurface again under a new name. Choudary has always been very carefull not to say things in such a way that he will fall foul of the law. After all, he is a qualified lawyer I believe. Nor do their latest incarnations explicity fall into the trap of certain legislation in this country. It is now presented as conservative Salafi teachings. SalafiMediaUk is where most of these guys (including the now notorious Ginger Nut you refer to, after the Daiily Mail reported on his 'patrols' the other year) hang out.

Actually the "ginger nut" hangs about in prison these days, he got banged for his deeds. Did you hear Choudary's comments on Fox news regarding the Paris atrocity?

Re the Ginger Nut. Om the 2nd episode of the documentary his brother made. Speaking to the much berated Tommy. He said. "Have you noticed how the converts like your brother tend to be ginger?'

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You take a certain urban area, label it a slum and a part of the people that live their asocial, drive everyone else out, and then you finally have a slum that you call a "no go area". And when you need room to move, you "clean up" this area and drive the inhabitants out. If they happen to be Muslims you cry for deportation. And this is - sorry to sag so- Nazi style.

Edited by micmichd
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You take a certain urban area, label it a slum and a part of the people that live their asocial, drive everyone else out, and then you finally have a slum that you call a "no go area". And when you need room to move, you "clean up" this area and drive the inhabitants out. If they happen to be Muslims you cry for deportation. And this is - sorry to sag so- Nazi style.

The area where they 1st settled in my home town was where the Middle Class had homes. Also the mill owning capitalists that brought them in.

Edited by Mosha
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