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Well some really interesting replies on this topic

Well just want to share with you what occured last night on the soi. Woken up for the third time with all out soi dog war and I just flipped - pushed to the limit ! Grabbed my trusty stick and went outside in just my underwear, many dogs scattered but some stupid ones confronted me. They recieved a beating and all fled. Knowing that they woulod be back within minutes I waited in my garden for their return and proceeded to crack heads. One poster before had a good point - it doesen't matter if there are 5 dogs or 50 they will all flee when they see a crazed half asleep human with a large stick running up on them.

Just wish I got more. Anyway the end result was they didn't come back & I only heard the distant barks. NICE ONE, or maybe it was because I was soooo tired I did not wake up again.

These fleebags are ruining my life, it is a good thing I am heading back to the UK next month. When I return to Thailand I will be in a new location, let the locals deal with this sh++

OK just recieved a phonecall from my GF after writing this. She said I slept like a baby while she was up most of the night because of the dogs. My guess is that I was just too tired to take anymore of them- my brain gave me some respite. Oh well, tonight will be more of the same.

BTW I will not be resorting to poison for this problem as I do not agree with this method. So all you dog lovers out there can rest assured. For now a baseball bat is the best answer :-)

Happy hunting !

nice peace of literary history there my friend. :D

and you are right that we cant poison the soi dog.

but baseball bat sounds fair enough to me . :D

cheers mate :o

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I find that growling & a bluff charge usually scares of the dogs I encounter. A friend of mine got tired of being harassed when he rode his bicycle down his soi, so he bought a slingshot, grabbed a handful or rocks, & went for a walk. A few well aimed shots cured his problem with no lasting harm to the dogs & he didn't need to get dangerously close.

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Strangely .... THIS thread got closed quickly .... but all the talk of harming dogs and poisoning on this one has stayed open


Perhaps because the OP seemed open to other options?

For me, personally, I think this kind of thread can be useful because it can perhaps teach some of the diehard "kill them all" types that sometimes there are other choices available. Perhaps it will teach some future poisoner that they won't necessarily be killing just a pesky dog but someone's beloved pet. Perhaps it will teach some people to have empathy for other living creatures.

But then, I am a bit of an idealist :o

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Well I'm a realist.

3 years ago tonight I broke my leg as a direct result of soi dogs menacing a friend who was helping me with my luggage after a flight from Brisbane.

Since then, I have had complications with my leg and it is still bandaged 3 yrs after the encounter.

I would kill every one of the mangy bastards if I could.

I will bring as much 1080 with me as I can carry on retirning.

That's a realistic solution to a massive problem that Thais want to ignore and some of the posters here.

Cheers :o

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Strangely .... THIS thread got closed quickly .... but all the talk of harming dogs and poisoning on this one has stayed open


Perhaps because the OP seemed open to other options?

For me, personally, I think this kind of thread can be useful because it can perhaps teach some of the diehard "kill them all" types that sometimes there are other choices available. Perhaps it will teach some future poisoner that they won't necessarily be killing just a pesky dog but someone's beloved pet. Perhaps it will teach some people to have empathy for other living creatures.

But then, I am a bit of an idealist :D


we are on the same page here as i hate the idea of killing dogs as i love them. :D

but those bloody soi dogs ? :D

i must add that i'm impressed with the punters, as not too many are screaming out to, " poison all soi dog's " :D

all we would like to see is for the dogs to be culled in an humane way and this is our conundrum:

what is the correct way to cull said soi dog so it does not suffer . :D

it is not realistic to say these are some ones pets as its simply not the case. :D

but thats only an observation. :D

cheers SBK. :o

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Well I'm a realist.

3 years ago tonight I broke my leg as a direct result of soi dogs menacing a friend who was helping me with my luggage after a flight from Brisbane.

Since then, I have had complications with my leg and it is still bandaged 3 yrs after the encounter.

I would kill every one of the mangy bastards if I could.

I will bring as much 1080 with me as I can carry on retirning.

That's a realistic solution to a massive problem that Thais want to ignore and some of the posters here.

Cheers :o

cricky's ubon,

you need to relax a bit there fella.

i can feel your blood pressure rising.

if you not carefull old squire you'll end up in bum rungrad frigging hospital.

connected up to a freaking heart lung machine.

of you go and have a nice drink.

cheers mate

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I can see the headlines now ....

Farang beaten badly! BOTH legs broken! for poisoning local pets!

Certainly a consideration. Not all dogs labeled as soi dogs are strays and the chances of owners, even though they may seem not to care much for their dogs, being thrilled by some farang poisoning them are slim indeed.

In fact this opens the 'big door' on what to do in these cases. If we complain bitterly to no avail then resort to poisoning, won't everyone know whodunnit? And if so, prepare for the likely repercussions. The same goes for using something other than what is used by the Thais; if you go the expense and ingenuity to come up with a fast-acting poison, you may as well post flyers as to culpability... :o

Edited by Dustoff
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A very interesting and appropriate thread!

Any considerations about the life of another living being should be serious indeed and I am pleased to see everyone involved in very cooperative conversation. And there are SO many issues to consider concerning Thai soi dogs and potentially dangerous animals in general. I can explain my attitude about street dogs with only minor modifications of my code toward humans:

1 - Treat me like a friend and I will treat you the same, including providing treats;

2 - Treat me with disrespect and/or challenges to my peace and I am going to enforce some serious rules;

3 - Be stupid enough to put teeth in me/my wife/our son and you earn an instant ticket on the spewing green stuff train that is taking you to whatever comes after this life..

While settling into Thailand, we have moved several times and of course have had to deal with the behaviors of many different dogs over the past five years. Our most recent move/encounter I think is representative: two large dogs that are always in the street in front of their owner's house just a few houses away scared the hel_l out of my wife and I went to investigate. You know the kind, right? They hide just out of sight then charge at full tilt with savage snarling and the whole terrifying mask of teeth and saliva. A week later I took my wife for a walk down the street and both dogs not only came out with tails wagging and heads lowered, the male happily escorted us safely through his territory (about 9 sq blocks) lest any other dog give us trouble.

Even Soi dogs are not terrorists with some kind of political or religious agenda. Even if they were, everything/everyone has wants and needs and character traits. I noticed a couple of comments about 'negotiating with' aggressive dogs and while it is true that you cannot negotiate on a human level, you certainly can on a canine level. If a dog is going to bite you, he is going to bite you but there are ways to disarm all but the most dedicated of dangerous dogs:

Do not confront/run - when dogs find themselves challenged in another dog's territory, they turn sideways in a show of non-aggression, but not surrender or submission and certainly not fear/flight!;

Disarm them - ever see a father act like a total idiot with his new baby? Try it on a dog, any dog. Reduce him to a puppy and 99% of all dogs (I know it works on me) will be affected by this totally unexpected behavior;

Make an offer - If you see that your 'baby-talk' has caused even the slightest change in their assault (even if they are still barking; watch for a quizzical look, a tilt of the head, a pause in their approach) and you have them! I usually talk to them in a calm manner saying, "don't give me that crap" and offer my hand, pointed downward, palm out and if they seem in the least interested, squat down to their level to eliminate any threatening posture. If they don't come over and lick your hand, they will on your second or third visit. And once you tame the alpha-dog, the rest in the neighborhood will drop their challenges to you. Trust me.

Back to the dogs that are seemingly dedicated and likely a threat, keep in mind that the Thais, as kind as they are, don't put up with being bitten and will crush an offending dog's skull with a brick or poison them in a heartbeat. Consequently every dog in this country knows the simple gesture of a human bending over (even pretending) to pick up a rock or a brick and will (always so far in my experience) turn away from their attack and run like hel_l - and view you with more respect the next time you come around...

And of course, being the nice people that you are, you will remember to bring them a little treat once they have done you the honor of welcoming you into their territory, right?

Don't beat 'em, join 'em.

Oh, and a funny aside. My formally chickenshit wife now confronts dogs with her hands on her hips and proclaiming in sort-of English, "Who you are, you think?! Huh? Who you are, you think?!" They roll on their backs in total embarrassment...

Dustoff - an old soi dog

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  • 4 months later...
OK I will probably catch a lot of heat for writing this but I feel a neccesary rant coming on !

I live in a deep soi in BKK and have come to the conclusion that dogs actually rule most aspects of my life IE : when I can sleep, when I have to wake, having to turn the television volume up to rediculous levels just to hear it, having to carry a large stick AND use it every time I leave my house after dark to go to the shop etc etc.

I didn't fuss so much in the past putting it down to one of the downsides of living here but now I cannot ignore this problem but alas am powerless to change it :o

Last night couldn't sleep because of packs of wild animals tearing each other apart and howling like wolves. Barely got any sleep and woke up at 5am unable to go back to sleep. When I went out onto the balcony half the neighborhood (all Thai) were on their balcony. It was surreal and we talked together about our shared hatred of these damned creatures. Many of my neighbours walk about with umbrellas or brooms/sticks and so on to make a 10 second journey to the shop! I myself have been bitten by an animal that barely resembled a dog as we know it and had to endure 11 injections at the hospital and thousands of baht out of pocket.

A planned meal to an Italian restraunt yesterday with my GF was ruined because of dogs. I cleaned the porch and swept like normal and went to check my email. In that time unbeknowst to me two dogs came in crapped everywhere(I left the gate unlocked) and one put period blood all over the ground :D This was the view that confronted my GF after coming home from a hard days work and an argument ensued as she thought I was too lazy to clean it all up !!!!! Again another example of dog's controlling my life.

Today I am sitting here with a swollen ankle as a dog pounced on me while I was trying to stop it from entering the porch and bending over to close the gate. As I write this post the poodle across the street hasn't stoppped barking a high pitched squeal that is grating on my nerves AAAAARRRRGHHHHH !!! :D

I see only 3 options : prescription tranquilizers from my doc / move to another country or A HUMANE CULL OF THESE CREATURES

Please share your pain with me :D

I live at the Baan Chao Praya = Baan Chao Phraya and the dogs barking is terrible.

3 Temples nearby and a slum with hundreds of dogs barking all nite long.

Dog fighting, barking, howling, yapping ALL NITE LONG!!

Packs of sick willd dogs congregaet all around the area, Dangerous to even take a walk

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