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You took the dog in ... it is your responsibility to find the dog a home.

may be tough ..but do your duty.

that's exactly why i posted... want to get advice. i think euthanizing them is a humane option, given the other options. believe me i don't want to do it.

What sort of dog is she.... I have eight already, one more won't make that much difference, and nine is a lucky number.

P.S. this is not a joke ... I hate seeing good dogs hurt when there is no need.

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cheers to you Thad ...

Thank you JD ... and I'll take a few minutes to explain why this is important to me.

I have eight dogs, they don't bark the house down unless someone walks on our land (our should be read as 'the wife's' land) they don't harass the neighborhood, they don't chase motorcycles, they don't fall asleep in the middle of the road.... they are all good little girls and boys.

I attribute that to the way they have be brought up, they get fed (real food) at least twice a day, and my wife and I love them all to bits..... that is all a dog needs..... we go away to Pattaya or Hua Hin for a few days to meet relatives or friends that have flown over and when we get back it's like an explosion in a doggy factory.... mama does her best to feed them (but the tins of Thai Tuna that we leave i.e. sardines, often go into Papa's lunch.... so, that isn't really doing her best is it?... mai bpen rai)

I just really hate seeing good animals suffering from a circumstance that is way beyond their control.

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Me too! I am a dog lover ...

watching people talk about destroying an animal they have taken resposibility for just makes me cringe!

Likewise.... man (stroke women....... one of my favorite hobbies.... joke) has been put on this planet for one reason, we are the only ones capable of securing the future for the entire planet... be it asteroids the size of mexico, or earthquakes the size of .... errr... mexico. (please don't get all geophysical on me and try to state that earthquakes are not measured on the 'mexico scale')

I have never seen any reason to belittle a lesser species, and I am not going to start now.

Yes, you may have a problem with stray hounds barking and shaking your house down to its foundations..... but who created the problem in the first place? .......errrr..... we did.

No emoticons... no smileys.

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Great Stuff Thadeus, I really hope you can bring a happy ending to this,

JD, I think you are being a little harsh on Girlx, in my opinion only, after all she did save this puppy from an awful experience, given it love and a happy life upto now and what else can she really do, she is doing everything she can to try and ensure that the last thing she wants to happen, happens.

As an aside, thanks for the info on the Chihauhaus at JJ, the wife went to see them yesterday and said they looked great, an option for the future maybe.....

Girlx, I think you are being hard done by here, but JD likes his dogs as much as I do, but in an unhappy situation you are in now, I honestly think I might be thinking the same route you are doing now... particularly as you didn't go out of your way to buy the pup, knowing you may be leaving sometime in the future.

As a further aside, I remember some time ago you posted in the pets sub-forum about the dog that got savaged by another dog, you needed info on painkillers etc, I posted later to ask how you got on, just curious how did the Dog get on, it was in a most unfortunate place to be savaged I must say.

Good Luck on your travels or finding work, whichever comes first....


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Thank you ..... I would like to see a happy ending to everything personally..... to quote your signature

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing'

Some of us should at least try to do something.... even if we fall at the first fence..... at least we tried.

No emoticons. no smileys.

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that's what I think too: that in the first place ppl created the problem.

but now, what about that dog girlx has to leave behind - would you take it in as # 9 ? :o and what about that bunch of dogs in Kankoroo's neighbourhood ?

one interesting point youv'e made though: " I hate seeing good dogs hurt when there is no need" so, is there cases when there is need ? and then - what about bad dogs - is there always need for them to get hurt ? and what are good or bad dogs?

I think people nowdays got caught up in their own perplexities: animals are animals. they live according to different laws than humans. now, I do not condone violence towards them - neither necessary nor unnecessary (needed or not needed) - and I never done any such vilolence to any animals. I'm just amused at how sometimes human morals can play.

like: there are Vet clinics in Bkk, where well-to-do owners pay good money for their pets treatment; there are many other things - even "beauty salons" for pets and some sort of restaurants. while many HUMAN kids literally live homeless on the streets, hungry, abandoned and unwanted. many babes "delivered" by teen moms in public toilets and dumped into trash (there are regular reports of such cases on Thai TV). I mean - is it moral or immoral or amoral to show more love / care / compassion to other species than one's own ?

it is good that one shows care to some animals which cross your life path - I don't argue that. however does same person, say, at least once in a while buy food for a human child who is sitting on the pass way with outstretched hand? yeah, I know that parents (or whoever else) use that child to get money. however it doesn't make this kid less hungry or happier / healthier.

I think nowdays ppl are full of "double standarts".

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Soi dogs are not worth of nothing. Poison or shooting those

ones is the only solution.

This have been done places like Kosovo and Bosnia, where

these dogs makes pacs and sometimes attact against

small children/etc.

I have been working in K9 unit before 10 yrs and i respect

well trained K9´s, but these soi dogs arent worth of nothing.

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girlx, speaking of euthanasia as humane option - I'm curious, did you purchase your dog originally (you asid you raised her since when she was small) or found ? because - that time did you think about WHICH option would be humane or not ? and then, say, you were aware that sooner or later you might face such a choise and its full responsibility - that you'd have to move on and leave her behind to her fate in the midst of merciless Thai villagers (or whoever), and perhaps already considered such an "HUMANE option" as euthanasia. so, was that action of buying or taking in a love of animals or not ? and what is more love / humane - taking in / buying or NOT ? I'm genuinly interested - please educate me, coz my wife considers me one of such "merciless" people, and I want to learn how to be "animal lover" (no, not zoophile - to those who might be concerned! although it is interesting to know - can zoophiles be considered "animal lovers"? I mean - they DO "love" them - don't they? ).

yes i did think about it at the time. my neighbors found her in the street when she was tiny and they were leaving the next day to go to brazil. i didn't know what else to do but wash the fleas off of her and feed her up. then i made elaborate plans to stay in koh phangan, which i might do but there comes a time when every farang has to go home to make real money, and if not that to explore the world. so most likely i would use the upcoming rainy season to do that... & even if i kept my house here and paid rent on it while i was gone, i still can't find someone i can trust to take care of my dog(s) for the months i am gone. i can leave her at the mercy of the village or i can find a longterm farang who might watch her (no luck yet) or i can put her to sleep knowing she has had an exceptional life. ???

i used to live at tong nai pan and when the long termers moved on some other falang stepped up to take the dog. :D

im surprised you cant find the dog's a home amoung'st your own community ? :D

good luck and hope you find them a home. :D

put some flyers up. :D

cheers :o:D

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yeah that's my next step thanks. :D the local farangs i have asked either already have dogs, don't give a crap about dogs, or have to take trips back home too.

oh p.s. mossfin, scruffy's balls healed quite nicely. :o and i managed to give him aspirin for the pain and apply pressure.

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yeah that's my next step thanks. :D the local farangs i have asked either already have dogs, don't give a crap about dogs, or have to take trips back home too.

oh p.s. mossfin, scruffy's balls healed quite nicely. :o and i managed to give him aspirin for the pain and apply pressure.

Not very much aspirin I hope:


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As a dog lover, I plead with you all not to poison these poor beasts. Their brains are the size of wallnuts and like any other creature, they just want to survive. I once saw a poisonsd puppy take 2 days to die in agony, his only crime was playing with a crappy pair of cheap shoes.

Having said that, I would support a cull in many areas if it would humanely expedite the end of these poor, wretched canines. As for those owners who abandon their dogs, you are lower than whale crap in my opinion.

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i might have to leave my dog, whom i have raised since she was a little baby, at the mercy of the thai village i am staying in when i move on soon. this means she will either starve to death (not used to having to find food and the other, more wild dogs will fight her for it), or she will be poisoned by the trigger-happy thais in my neighborhood who seem to unanimously hate dogs. i cannot take her with me, and i don't know any long term foreigners (or thais for that matter) who will take her when i go. so... this is horrible but i had thought of euthanizing her when i go?! if i can find a vet to do that... if not maybe i can buy some injection or another from a pharmacy that would do the trick? any comments or suggestions? i love dogs and i take care of half of them in my village, but i am the only one here who seems to give a crap about them.

Put your dog to sleep if you have to. If not, a fate worse than death will be highly probable. :o

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but now, what about that dog girlx has to leave behind - would you take it in as # 9 ? :o

First of all, my apologies for being so late in this reply.... I had to nip out to Buriram earlier to get my real 'white' car registration plates (car registration here is a joke, but that is another topic) when I returned I found out that my TOT IPStar wasn't functioning as promised (but, that is another topic)

But in answer to the first question (I'll answer the second one in a different post as they are completely separate) ..... yes of course I would take girlx's little charge as dog number nine, anybody with any feelings would do the same.

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one interesting point youv'e made though: " I hate seeing good dogs hurt when there is no need" so, is there cases when there is need ? and then - what about bad dogs - is there always need for them to get hurt ? and what are good or bad dogs?

The first one was easy, this is a little bit harder.

I'm with Pavlov on this one, no dog is born good and no dog is born bad.... yes, certain pure breeds do tend to exhibit certain characteristics, but when you weigh up that Labradors tend to get hugs and pit bulls tend to get hit with sticks, it sort of throws that sort of theory out of the window.... except for the one pure breed dog I have, she's a poodle, which, being French, means that she is very good at starting fights, but also, being French, she has yet to win one :o

Let me tell you a little story.

Last year we had our house blessing party, you all know the one, nine monks on cushions, the furniture at 90 degrees to what it should be all piled up on one wall and about sixty toothless Thai women spilling food all over the floor that you spent seven hours polishing (no, it doesn't hurt anymore)

After the party, when everybody had gone home, or passed out in the next field, we had one guest left over..... he was cute, he was cuddly, and he was by no means a stray.... he had been well looked after... you could tell that from the size of his belly...... " why didn't his mum and dad take him home with them" says the wife...... "I don't know, maybe they were drunk and forgot" says I.

We took care of him, called him 'Suer' because he was quite stripy, but it became apparent after a few days that this dog was quite vicious.... all our dogs play fight, that's what most well adjusted dogs do, they ascertain the pecking order and then stick to it, in a doggy play fight, one quick 'yelp... that hurt' and it's all over.

Not with this dog..... I saw it myself and I got reports from Mama that this dog didn't stop, it had my dogs pinned to the ground and still carried on going.

So what did we do.... we stopped feeding it (it was at this point that he became an it)... we chased it away from the house, we lobbed stones at it to make it go away.... but it still kept coming back.... and by this point it hadn't caused any other problems with our other dogs.

So what did we do, we took it back in.


A few days later, it went for me.... and I mean seriously went for me.... snarl, saliva, big chunk out of my right fore arm...... tetanus shot, thinking.

If it could do that to me, being the Alpha Male (which I'm not as far as the wife is concerned, but I am to the dogs) what could it do to my little step-daughter, who was only five years old at the time.

I had no choice.... the next time the 'naughty doggie' pick-up came round.... on he went.

I'm not proud of that fact, it still makes me cringe now while I type this, but when faced between the choice of a dead dog or a maimed daughter..... my little girl wins every time.

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But in answer to the first question (I'll answer the second one in a different post as they are completely separate) ..... yes of course I would take girlx's little charge as dog number nine, anybody with any feelings would do the same.

Great Stuff, Thad

Good Luck


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I'm with Pavlov on this one, no dog is born good and no dog is born bad.... yes, certain pure breeds do tend to exhibit certain characteristics, but when you weigh up that Labradors tend to get hugs and pit bulls tend to get hit with sticks, it sort of throws that sort of theory out of the window.... except for the one pure breed dog I have, she's a poodle, which, being French, means that she is very good at starting fights, but also, being French, she has yet to win one :o

Ha, Ha

I'm not proud of that fact, it still makes me cringe now while I type this, but when faced between the choice of a dead dog or a maimed daughter..... my little girl wins every time.

No other choice I am afraid, Thaddeus


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oh p.s. mossfin, scruffy's balls healed quite nicely. :o and i managed to give him aspirin for the pain and apply pressure.

Good to hear it girlx, believe it or not but I did think about the poor thing for a while.

Good Luck


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but now, what about that dog girlx has to leave behind - would you take it in as # 9 ? :D

First of all, my apologies for being so late in this reply.... I had to nip out to Buriram earlier to get my real 'white' car registration plates (car registration here is a joke, but that is another topic) when I returned I found out that my TOT IPStar wasn't functioning as promised (but, that is another topic)

But in answer to the first question (I'll answer the second one in a different post as they are completely separate) ..... yes of course I would take girlx's little charge as dog number nine, anybody with any feelings would do the same.

excuse me thudy,

can i ask you a question please and i do realise that it is off topic. :D

but dont you worry, as the mods know that my good self have only 2 intentions on this forum.

A. to be fully up front with the punters at all times. :D

B. To keep light years away from the sin bin as ive been there and dont like it at all. :D

its frigging boring mate. :D

urr umm, back to my question. :D

the topic star function ?

i ain't heard about that ?

im thinking, that it alerts you when you have a reply to your post ?

am i close to the mark ?

cheers my good man. :o:D

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the topic star function ?

i ain't heard about that ?

Nope.... neither have I..... if you mean the little bit where I wrote 'TOT IPStar'. that actually refers to my Broadband Satellite connection, which has a habit of just dropping off the internet for up to a couple of hours at a time.

If there is a way of being notified when I post is made, I don't know what it is ..... but I haven't tried looking for one :o

Self Edit, just looked, there is an 'Options' button in the Topic title bar..... click on that and choose "Track This Topic"

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one last thing about the dogs- if i can not find a home for my girl and decide it's time for her to sleep, does anyone know what is the most humane thing to inject and in what dose? bambina?

also, do you think dogs can survive on their hunting skills alone? she is a pretty good hunter, she brings home something putrid and dead just about every day.

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one last thing about the dogs- if i can not find a home for my girl and decide it's time for her to sleep, does anyone know what is the most humane thing to inject and in what dose? bambina?

also, do you think dogs can survive on their hunting skills alone? she is a pretty good hunter, she brings home something putrid and dead just about every day.


Why are you still considering killing your dog? "Thaddeus" has very kindly offered to take it. Do you have that poster on ignore?

Edited by lannarebirth
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the topic star function ?

i ain't heard about that ?

Nope.... neither have I..... if you mean the little bit where I wrote 'TOT IPStar'. that actually refers to my Broadband Satellite connection, which has a habit of just dropping off the internet for up to a couple of hours at a time.

If there is a way of being notified when I post is made, I don't know what it is ..... but I haven't tried looking for one :D

Self Edit, just looked, there is an 'Options' button in the Topic title bar..... click on that and choose "Track This Topic"

something else i learn't and thank you very much my good man;

cheers :o

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one last thing about the dogs- if i can not find a home for my girl and decide it's time for her to sleep, does anyone know what is the most humane thing to inject and in what dose? bambina?

also, do you think dogs can survive on their hunting skills alone? she is a pretty good hunter, she brings home something putrid and dead just about every day.


Why are you still considering killing your dog? "Thaddeus" has offered to take it. Do you have that poster on ignore?

I'll send her a PM.... see if we can sort something out.....

Any Terry..... no problem :o

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Do you have that poster on ignore?

no apparently he has me on ignore! :o i tried to PM back but the message was not able to be sent.

anyway i live in koh phangan, doubt he is anywhere near here. as a last resort i will of course consider sending her elsewhere, but if he has 8 dogs already it's not an ideal place.

still trying to appeal to long term foreigners in my area. crossing fingers...

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Well some really interesting replies on this topic

Well just want to share with you what occured last night on the soi. Woken up for the third time with all out soi dog war and I just flipped - pushed to the limit ! Grabbed my trusty stick and went outside in just my underwear, many dogs scattered but some stupid ones confronted me. They recieved a beating and all fled. Knowing that they woulod be back within minutes I waited in my garden for their return and proceeded to crack heads. One poster before had a good point - it doesen't matter if there are 5 dogs or 50 they will all flee when they see a crazed half asleep human with a large stick running up on them.

Just wish I got more. Anyway the end result was they didn't come back & I only heard the distant barks. NICE ONE, or maybe it was because I was soooo tired I did not wake up again.

These fleebags are ruining my life, it is a good thing I am heading back to the UK next month. When I return to Thailand I will be in a new location, let the locals deal with this sh++

OK just recieved a phonecall from my GF after writing this. She said I slept like a baby while she was up most of the night because of the dogs. My guess is that I was just too tired to take anymore of them- my brain gave me some respite. Oh well, tonight will be more of the same.

BTW I will not be resorting to poison for this problem as I do not agree with this method. So all you dog lovers out there can rest assured. For now a baseball bat is the best answer :-)

Happy hunting !

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Do you have that poster on ignore?

no apparently he has me on ignore! :D i tried to PM back but the message was not able to be sent.

anyway i live in koh phangan, doubt he is anywhere near here. as a last resort i will of course consider sending her elsewhere, but if he has 8 dogs already it's not an ideal place.

still trying to appeal to long term foreigners in my area. crossing fingers...

Odd.... I don't have anyone on my block list, I haven't got enough friends to start ignoring people :o I was just updating my email details though, maybe the board blocked it automatically while I was doing that.

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