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Restaurants and cafes that play 1 CD only, always, forever


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One of the things that drives me crazy in Bangkok. Already stopped going to several Coffee Bean outlets in spite of convenient location for me, and same at Dressed, which has been playing the same CD for at least 6 months now. The music would be shit on first hearing, leave alone if you have to hear it again and again and again.

Thais are generally good at interior design, then end up ruining it with shit music, the same CD incessantly, and / or complete obliviousness to cacophony (e.g., music of mall or nearby restaurants streaming in).

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thats not as bad as a hotel bar in Wuhan, china playing old time gospel music, repeat repeat. etc. a couple days later, i explained the origen and where it was popular, and the following day, no music. made for a kind of spookey silence after that.

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"hotel california" comes to mind...

LOL. A great song, but the bane of audio salesmen.

Or on the same theme, I also spend quite a bit of time on guitar forums, and guys who work in guitar stores think they're going to die if they hear the opening riff to Sweet Child of Mine one more time. smile.png

Bit off topic, but this series of videos is hilarious.

Edited by sundrenched
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Just to say it's not only in Bangkok: Before when I lived in Singapore, there was a Coffee Bean right near my workplace. I used to go there every morning, until I couldn't take their CD anymore. One day I'm in there and they greet a Chinese-Singaporean customer with "How are you? Haven't seen you for a while." Him: "If you want to see me more often, then stop playing the same F***ing CD all the time!" He also offered to buy them a new one, but they refused, and eventually I gave up and went somewhere else myself.

Starbucks is normally one of my last preferences, but I'm starting to go there more often now. Also Burger King and McDonald's even though the atmosphere leaves something to be desired. The coffee's actually pretty decent in those places.

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This is a joke pose... right.

Firstly, if this is the biggest issue in your life, lucky you.

Secondly, if you have a favorite coffee shop that plays music that isn't to your taste... why the hell not buy a couple of CD's that you do like..... now, wait for it... GIVE to the coffee shop.. as in for free. You'll probably be their favorite customer & even might get the occasional discount.

Just sayin..... Cheers..... Mal.

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Right, if you hear AC/DC at the Coffee Bean tomorrow you know it was me. :)

I'm sure it's a corporate policy and part of the atmosphere you're creating as a store or cafe, but what beats me is why they don't realize you can't rotate the same 10 songs infinitely for a year or longer. Are there seriously people in management positions who don't realize this might be an issue?

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Yeah I agree. It seems as far as western music they are a few decades behind the times. You hear a lot of trite harmonies and melodies in their pop music as well that would be decades out of step here in the US. I do enjoy the upcountry music though!

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Yeah I agree. It seems as far as western music they are a few decades behind the times. You hear a lot of trite harmonies and melodies in their pop music as well that would be decades out of step here in the US. I do enjoy the upcountry music though!

To say something positive for a change, I like some of the Thai music. Most if what gets played is weepy ballads and Eurovision-style nonsense, but there's also some decent indie rock bands. Maybe not mould-breaking, but with good melodies and instrumentation, and preferable to the rap and R&B crap that's popular in the US right now. As a guitar player, it's also nice to see that the instrument is still popular here, whereas in the US it's mostly electronic music nowadays.

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When I trained at Tiger Muay Thai in Phuket 300 years ago they had the same cd on repeat during training. So that's a good 5-6 hours a day 6 days a week of Pitbulls ruuomba or whatever and a cover of "Have you ever seen the rain" and a few other gems, so wonderful I cant describe it with words.

Edited by Kaalle
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Some time ago there was a Jewish restaurant just off Khao San Rd in BKK that played the same 3 episodes of Seinfield over and over for several years. Every time you went in there, one of the 3 episodes was playing. Haven't been back there in a while. They may still be doing it.

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Moved to expat Life.

27) Additional forum rule for the "General forum": It is a forum for general interest & discussion topics related to Thailand only and not covered by other sub forums. The General Forum is not a place for chit chat, banter and daily life observations. Those sort of topics should be placed in the Farang Pub sub forum.

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Come to Pattaya - you can hear five different Thai bands murder Highway to Hell within 200 metres of one another. Once they 'discover' a Farang song, Thais just cant seem to get enough of it - I dont know anywhere else in the world where 'Zombie' is still played constantly, but somehow Bizarro Disneyland seems like a perfect fit or this tune.

As for CDs, I own two expensive SACD players but there is zero excuse for anyone still using silver discs when it's so easy to setup an inexpensive computer running iTunes in shuffle mode - just keep the CDs for any police checks or whatever.

Edited by MrWorldwide
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consider yourself lucky, last week I had to endure, Sweet Caloline, Ligh(t) Stone Cowboy and the Mighty Quim.

Usually drink on 2nd rd, Wonderful Beer Bar 2, great stuff, "Big Mama" knocks out a stonking version of Alice (<deleted> is Alice) once she buggarz off to WBB 1, we usually head next door to the Meeting Point, at least they play some alterantive music, warning, if you are over 60, it aint for you.

Grab a quick 60 baht kebab from the guy on the corner, jump in a baht bus and head for WATW, if you are lucky old "white hair" will give you a wai, who cares, more of the same.

Drink another 5 or 6 beers, head up the soi, had a stonking good night out, saw 3 live bands, drank about 15 bottles, all for 1,000 baht.

Pattaya rawks, value for money.

Yeah the music sux, learn to speak some Thai, last week "Big Mama" asked, any requests, I requested this, she was gobsmacked, the place went crazy.


Oh so True.

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