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The Doomsday Clock moves closer to midnight


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I don't wish to be the bearer of bad tidings but today, the Doomsday Clock moved three minutes closer to midnight. That's the time Armageddon is supposed to wipe the human race from the face of planet. Reasons given for the adjustment are global warming and the continued development of nuclear weapons.

As far as global warming is concerned, methane is the main danger and around 5.5 million metric tones of the stuff is produced every year solely by cows. That equates to around 20% of global emissions according to the US Environment Protection Agency.

Methane is a good source of energy, but harnessing it is the main problem.

If you suffer from flatulence yourself, here's what can happen if you try to light one: http://youtu.be/hluzdmzrpKo

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So how long do we have before the end of the world?

Probably a very long time. I've been waiting for "the big one", the long awaited San Andreas earthquake in southern California, for 57 years, and they keep saying it will happen in the next 30 years. I'm running out of time.

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