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Boycott Fox News And News Corp Products


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I have seen Fox reporters shout down an interviewee and give clear opinion on an issue with which he (the anchorman) disagreed.

No you haven't.

You have seen a commentator like Bill O'Reilly interupt someone, but not a reporter.

Something like Hard Talk on the BBC. :o

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I have seen Fox reporters shout down an interviewee and give clear opinion on an issue with which he (the anchorman) disagreed.

No you haven't.

You have seen a commentator like Bill O'Reilly interupt someone, but not a reporter.

Something like Hard Talk on the BBC. :o

Actually ... UG is right on this score .... FOX News Channel is a HUGE misnomer ... in the 45 minutes a day that Fox REPORTS the news ... they do an OK job .... the other 23 hours and 15 minutes is just right-wing redneck COMMENTARY on the news

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BBC is shi*e - they used to be pretty balanced, but not anymore. Anyone who knows british news can tell you that in a heartbeat. ITV has replaced them IMHO. :o

Haven't seen BBC news. But could it be that you have grown up and have another opinion Now. Thats usually the way things happen. And again I do NOT know anything about BBC news, only that I've read here and there.

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The BBC has really gone downhill in recent years, when it comes to unbiassed reporting.

Fox News, is laughable, almost Pythonesque.

TOP TIP: If you want to know the truth, buy Private Eye the bi-monthly publication available in Thailand for 130 Baht.

What have Iran and ladies tights got in common?

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BBC is shi*e - they used to be pretty balanced, but not anymore. Anyone who knows british news can tell you that in a heartbeat. ITV has replaced them IMHO. :o

Give me the Beeb any day. Thailand has agreed to return a suspect, treated him decently by the looks of things only to be rewarded by more biased bullcrap on Fox today.

Fox guests are calling the SUSPECT evil, a monster etc, before this man has had a fair trial.

Britmaverick, I find your comments on the BBC to be rather harsh, but then again I have not seen it for a while. Is the Beeb really that bad now?

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I have seen Fox reporters shout down an interviewee and give clear opinion on an issue with which he (the anchorman) disagreed.

No you haven't.

You have seen a commentator like Bill O'Reilly interupt someone, but not a reporter.

Something like Hard Talk on the BBC. :o

Actually ... UG is right on this score .... FOX News Channel is a HUGE misnomer ... in the 45 minutes a day that Fox REPORTS the news ... they do an OK job .... the other 23 hours and 15 minutes is just right-wing redneck COMMENTARY on the news

I have no problem with this statement.

I agree with some of those "rednecks" and enjoy hearing their opinions, but my real gripe is with news channels that try to give the viewer the impression that they are getting a well-balanced report on the daily news while manipulating them by only showing one side of the equation. :D

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Fox News is a cable opinion and commentary program. I don't think they even refer to the O'Reilly Show as news, which is why it is called the O'Reilly Factor; in other words, the show is about him.

I am no fan of Fox News, except as someone who gawks at the incredible, but I am against banning and censorship as a matter of principle. If something is voiced or aired which is offensive or incorrect, then the onus is on the offended parties to explain and prove with facts why something is offensive or incorrect.

Now, I am also not a fan of his salacious commentary, but he does that to everyone on his show, because it is in fact a show of opinionated commentary. Now, if you are calling for a ban because he listed Thailand as a sex capital, then perhaps you are squabbling over semantics, because factually, Thailand is the location of one of the largest sex markets in the world, full stop.

And quite frankly, I find your assertions that child sex/exploitation is virtually non-existent in the Kingdom to be even more irresponsible than O'Reilly's, because his have some bearing in facts. Thailand has been making efforts to crack down and have had some success since 1996, largely because of Western pressure and media attention. Out of this pressure, ECPAT was born, whose primary focus in Thailand is sex tourism, and Western pedophiles. Many of the pedophiles of 15 years ago and more recently shifted to Cambodia - that is - the ones who haven't stayed around and married Thai women with children, or who still visit Pattaya and Jomtien beach on a regular basis, or who have moved on to Burmese and hilltribe children near the border.


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I have seen Fox reporters shout down an interviewee and give clear opinion on an issue with which he (the anchorman) disagreed.

No you haven't.

You have seen a commentator like Bill O'Reilly interupt someone, but not a reporter.

Something like Hard Talk on the BBC. :o

Actually ... UG is right on this score .... FOX News Channel is a HUGE misnomer ... in the 45 minutes a day that Fox REPORTS the news ... they do an OK job .... the other 23 hours and 15 minutes is just right-wing redneck COMMENTARY on the news

I have no problem with this statement.

I agree with some of those "rednecks" and enjoy hearing their opinions, but my real gripe is with news channels that try to give the viewer the impression that they are getting a well-balanced report on the daily news while manipulating them by only showing one side of the equation. :D

You HAVE to be kidding .... I know you are pro-Isreal and Pro-American Military Machine ... but the BBC AND CNN are far more balanced in both commentary AND News than Fox ... and since Fox is almost ALL Commentary and not news ..

CNN and BBC both did a good job putting forth the Israeli position that as long as rockets were itting their citizens then they would attack fiercely to protect them .. they even swayed me to their side!

But since they DID sway me ... I have to accept and view the news that the Isreali attacks killed scads of innocent people too! That is how attacks <particularly rocket andmissiles> work. People die.

so ... Back to boycotting FOX ... I never watch that tripe! But I will gladly stand up for other people's right to watch it ...

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ECPAT was born, whose primary focus in Thailand is sex tourism, and Western pedophiles.

ECPAT is an organization that wants to stop prostitution between consenting adults and exploits the issue of child prostitution to get publicity and sympathy for themselves. That isn't really their prime focus.

Just calling a spade a spade. :o

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ECPAT was born, whose primary focus in Thailand is sex tourism, and Western pedophiles.

ECPAT is an organization that wants to stop prostitution between consenting adults and exploits the issue of child prostitution to get publicity and sympathy for themselves. That isn't really their prime focus.

Just calling a spade a spade. :o

Well, in this case, you're not calling out a spade but rather asserting your opinion, which is perfectly acceptable.

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I have seen Fox reporters shout down an interviewee and give clear opinion on an issue with which he (the anchorman) disagreed.

No you haven't.

You have seen a commentator like Bill O'Reilly interupt someone, but not a reporter.

Something like Hard Talk on the BBC. :D

This was not O'Reilly. This was an anchorman interviewing a democrat politician during a mainstrean news story. He had dared to criticse the conduct of US operations in Iraq. The anchoprman interrupted a reply to a question and accused the guy of working for the other side in the war on terror. When the guy tried to respond, the interview was cut off.

The BBC charter has very strict guidelines about providing a balanced view in the news. Over the past few weeks I have seen interviews with dozens of Israeli politicians, citizens and soldiers. The very real plight of Israelis living in range of Hezbolla rockets has been highlighted. This is shown in conjunction with interviews from Lebanese civilians, politicians and Hezbolla fighters.

You may view BBC bias as left wing. But let's face it, as far as US politics goes, the political spectrum is extremely narrow.

I feel we have gone off topic a little. Sorry :o

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Yeah, Charma, I know what you mean. I've seen this too, but usually by the one of the other right-wing moutpieces that co-hosts a show with a token liberal.

Also, a political commentary entertainment show.

*but yes, I can often see a bias in BBC reports as well, even though those biases may be more favorable to my point of view. I think the BBC got called out last year for perceived biases in the way they handled coverage on Israel, so this may be their revision; good on them. I think German news is the most balanced of what I've seen so far.

Edited by kat
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When Fox gives the other side the right to reply and the party line is not toed, the guest is invariably shouted down, ridiculed and derided. Even if they do talk crap, why invite them to opine if they are not to be given their say?

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ECPAT was born, whose primary focus in Thailand is sex tourism, and Western pedophiles.

ECPAT is an organization that wants to stop prostitution between consenting adults and exploits the issue of child prostitution to get publicity and sympathy for themselves. That isn't really their prime focus.

Just calling a spade a spade. :o

Well, in this case, you're not calling out a spade but rather asserting your opinion, which is perfectly acceptable.

Boy, that was a lot easier than I had imagined! :D

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When Fox gives the other side the right to reply and the party line is not toed, the guest is invariably shouted down, ridiculed and derided. Even if they do talk crap, why invite them to opine if they are not to be given their say?

This is why I hate Fox News, but am compelled to watch, like some kind of freak accident. They bank their ratings on gut, emotional response, not news. They are like the news equivalent of bar brawls.

ECPAT was born, whose primary focus in Thailand is sex tourism, and Western pedophiles.

ECPAT is an organization that wants to stop prostitution between consenting adults and exploits the issue of child prostitution to get publicity and sympathy for themselves. That isn't really their prime focus.

Just calling a spade a spade. :o

Well, in this case, you're not calling out a spade but rather asserting your opinion, which is perfectly acceptable.

Boy, that was a lot easier than I had imagined! :D

No problem. But I was also calling a spade a spade.

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I haven't watch Fox New's coverage of the child sex trade in Thailand but if Bill Reilly is criticizing Thailand for being too lenient on pedophiles...isn't he the same guy that settled out of court with a female Fox News producer who accused him of sumitting her to repeated instances of sexual harassment and who spoke often, and explicitly, to her about phone sex, vibrators, threesomes, masturbation, the loss of his virginity, and sexual fantasies??

You can read all the juicy things he is supposed to have said her


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I haven't watch Fox New's coverage of the child sex trade in Thailand but if Bill Reilly is criticizing Thailand for being too lenient on pedophiles...isn't he the same guy that settled out of court with a female Fox News producer who accused him of sumitting her to repeated instances of sexual harassment and who spoke often, and explicitly, to her about phone sex, vibrators, threesomes, masturbation, the loss of his virginity, and sexual fantasies??

You can read all the juicy things he is supposed to have said her



Between him and Rush's drug addiction .... we have so much quality right wing programming that we need a good liberal Gay News Network ... <we can tell people GNN stands for Global>

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I really like the idea of Thailand banning Fox! Did that guest really trash the King? If so, that would be excellent grounds. I wish the USA could ban Fox too. Unfortunately, CNN wasn't much better on this story.

no, in fact the monarchy was not mentioned. im insinuating - hey, if he can do it why cant i???

but hey - it is the KINGDOM of thailand and by inference the king is allowing whatever o'lielly claims to be occuring here happen no??


You may want ot look up the term "lese majestes". It is a serious crime here.

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I watched Foxnews once. I've boycotted it ever since :o

Me too. FOX is the rights answer to the lefts BBC. If one must watch, stick to the middle of the road but vapid CNN. Me, I stopped watching altogether.

Oh no .... please don't mock the BBC, with BBC World, if you don't like a programme, you can not like it again an hour later :D

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I really like the idea of Thailand banning Fox! Did that guest really trash the King? If so, that would be excellent grounds. I wish the USA could ban Fox too; they are nothing more than a propoganda arm for the Bush administration, reminds me of the old days of Pravda.

Unfortunately, CNN wasn't much better on this story.

I fully second the idea of banning them.If you will better infos;try BBC or TV5 if you speak french

Yes...Lets ban all media that gives a view that conflicts with our own. Wouldn't that be a wonderful thing? I think Al Jazeera is pure shit too but ya know what...I will read their headlines online when it comes to middle east conflicts because it is sometimes educational to get a feel for how the natives over there might be getting info fed to them...at least as much as their english site may offer. I'm sure the content differs to some extent from their Arabic site.

It's only propaganda if it doesn't support your view.

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I think it is an objective statement that Fox News is primarily a propoganda machine for Bush policies. If anyone thinks they are objective, they have serious Chang poisoning.

I suppose Fox is useful to observe Bush propoganda and what right wing Americans are fed to "think".

By right wing Americans, I do mean the majority of Americans, because America is now a very right wing nation.

So no surprise Fox "news" is the number one US "news" source.

Of course, Al Jazeera is also biased.

It would be wonderful if we could have more real, objective, professional journalism on our major tv networks. BBC seems quite good, but as an American, I am not so interested in their understandable emphasis on British news.

Edited by Thaiquila
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