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FREE master class : Living on Bitcoin


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Anchor Space is hosting a FREE talk about Bitcoin this saturday 31st January 2015.

As usual at Anchor event is free to join.

From the website : http://anchorcoworking.com/en/blog/113-master-class-living-on-bitcoin.html

This time we invited Happy George, who knows everything about Bitcoin A.K.A “stateless virtual money”. This atypical person uses Bitcoin for 99% of his purchases and have been living on it for more than 4 years. He will share his story and unique experience with you at Anchor space!

You will find out:

  1. What Bitcoin is and how to use it.
  2. What can be purchased with Bitcoin and where to exchange it.
  3. Discussion on why people like, or do not like Bitcoin
  4. Answers to all the questions you might have.

There is also a FB event if you have any question this is probably the place to ask :


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Sounds interesting. But seems to volatile at the moment...educating yourself on this technology would be useful, it's sure to gain traction as a concept...just not sure Bitcoin will be the final solution.

How much traction remains to be seen, When credit cards came out they were supposed to replace cash, then it was use your debit card instead of cash, Then it was pay with your cell phone.

I will stick with cash, It's easy to carry, accepted everywhere, can't be hacked, Yes, it can be lost or stolen but so can every other type of payment and cash is a lot easier to replace then the other forms of currency.

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Yes it can be "hacked" this is fake money.

You can also get stole.

One of the great advantage to Bitcoin it's because there is no third part like a Bank in the middle of each transaction. This is really important to understand, paper money in every currencie are controlled by gouverment and Bank. Nowadays they keep printing money so the direct effect of this is inflation. The one dollar you had today worth a bit less than the one dollar you had yesterday.

With bitcoin there is no printing of money as the number of bitcoins is know in advance (which will bring some other problem later in the time). No inflation. No bank or gouverment involved.

Well all this will be explained at the confere this is why you all should assist, it's really interesting.

By the way I don't say you should not use cash, I'm also using cash everyday, but the reallity is that most people have very low understanding of what is money.

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