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Thailand is your paradise?


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One hears about how Thailand is paradise. I am curious as to what the important characteristics of Thailand are that make expats move here, and what is possibly different than in your home country. Being specific in your reasoning would be appreciated.

For instance, better weather is an obvious one for many. Cheaper prices (but not in all categories). Etc.

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the temples,

the beaches,

the weather,

the wildlife,

or sod it the great sex with nice ladies,,,lol

All that....and you havent been to weegee's place yet?....pandemonium is paramount here.biggrin.png

Hmmmmmmmm, and drunkenness..............rolleyes.gif ............coffee1.gif

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If one took out the free availability of young ladies in Thailand one really wonders how much of a paradise Thailand would be for a lot of farangs

Is Thailand my paradise ? Not by as long shot

Agree. It's an interesting place to work for a few years. And I like I can take a holiday without getting on a plane (like singapore/hk) but I don't think it's paradise. I do live in bangkok though so I'm sure my outlook is different to someone who is retired and lives at the beach.


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Paradise doesnt exist and Thailand isnt it.

Its cheap, I dont get too much interference from the govt, its the total opposite to where Im from, my Wife lives here and wouldnt live in the UK I do not worship the Thai people Temples or culture.

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No question that I would live elsewhere if the women were ugly and the food crap, but who would have even come here as a tourist with that combination on the tourist brochures ? As much as I enjoy the company of women from the PI and Indonesia, I'm in no hurry to get on a plane - Japan, OTOH, has the best food and the most beautiful women anywhere but at a price I simply cant afford to pay (Winter would be a major part of that price). Someone mentioned cheese and sausage toasties and now I cant stop thinking about food - the microwaveable fish and chicken dinners at the convenience store near my hotel in Tokyo were easily the best pre-packaged meals I've ever eaten and it depresses me to see whats on offer 7-11 here, but temps in the low to mid 20s in Pattaya atm assuage some of that pain - I guess paradise is where you find it.


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Paradise? No, definitely not.

Paradise is half as nice as heaven that you take me to - Amen Corner.

Without the women, as Soutpeel and others have said, what else is there? Temples? Heat? Corruption? Stuff that. I can find those or their equivalent in many other places.

I'd be off to Bulgaria or somewhere. Cheap. Plenty of women. Cold too. Maybe the P.I. Some great women there. Portugal - same.

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Great weather??? Ever been to San Diego? Thailand is like living on the sun! That said I enjoy visiting but definitely not my vision of paradise. The beautiful green mountains of Central PA and 4 beautiful seasons spent with my beautiful wife and large family is my paradise.

I'm going to stick up for you here. Thailand is a great place to vacation but after a while it gets old for me. It is, at its roots, third world. I also think perhaps some members don't know how much cheaper it is to live in rural USA than it is in Europe or Australia. I said rural; not San Diego. smile.png

Someone who hasn't been to Central Pennsylvania or many other more rural parts of the US may not know how beautiful it is or the costs, added to the benefits of a first world environment. Living in the rural US is a lot cheaper than W. Europe or Australia.

The UK is very cold and I can see their point. It's also very expensive giving another good reason. In the US you can choose your climate and your housing costs by where you live. Consumer goods are cheaper than even Thailand.

To me the best of both worlds is to live in the US and make an annual trip to Thailand for a couple of months.

You're better off raising your family in the US also because the culture and schools are so much better for the children.


I find Thai cheaper due to the low rent(<$150/month). I can not find rent under $350/mo. in the US and that is in a bad neighborhood in the midwest. Besides, in America there is no real culture. You need a car to drive everywhere. Everything is suburban w/ strip malls & such. Healthcare is a giant scam and wildly expensive. Weather is bad unless you live in an expensive state like California where you need a huge income to live middle class. Overall, I'd say Thailand is for me. You can make more money in the US but the US has a very low quality lifestyle. And the women? That's an entire 'nother topic altogether.

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Better women. More women. Couldn't even find a girlfriend in my own country. Took me less than 12 months in Thailand to find a wife. Prettier and classier than anything I could have ever found in the US by a long shot. giggle.gif


So a long flight and a few time zones turned you into a "hansum man".

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Thailand is a paradise in some ways, not so much in other ways.

If you like year-round warm weather, Thai food, are financially secure and don't need to make money/pursue a career, can adapt to change and ambiguity, speak some Thai, aren't tied to rigid ways, and would like to meet younger Thai women or men (for the gay guys and the ladies), then perhaps Thailand can be paradise.

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