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Govt officials banned from using work computers after case of lese majeste

Lite Beer

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Fair enough, they are supposed to be there to work not to play facebook or anything else.

The computers are work tools not toys, if they want to play they can do it in their own time on their own computers or I phones or whatever, when they are not getting paid by the tax payer.

But those who have sat in Govt offices all their lives probably wont recognize the concept of working in paid time, possibly not even sure what the word 'work' means.

Cannot blame them for that. I tried working once just after I left school. Didn't like the idea at all so I went out and lived instead.

Thank the lord there were always other people to pay for me.

You know, the ones who always tell us that working to make someone else richer is a good thing to do.

God bless the taxpayers of the world.coffee1.gif

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Fair enough, they are supposed to be there to work not to play facebook or anything else.

The computers are work tools not toys, if they want to play they can do it in their own time on their own computers or I phones or whatever, when they are not getting paid by the tax payer.

But those who have sat in Govt offices all their lives probably wont recognize the concept of working in paid time, possibly not even sure what the word 'work' means.

Cannot blame them for that. I tried working once just after I left school. Didn't like the idea at all so I went out and lived instead.

Thank the lord there were always other people to pay for me.

You know, the ones who always tell us that working to make someone else richer is a good thing to do.

God bless the taxpayers of the world.coffee1.gif

Just to clarify, you mean you went out and lived off everyone else?

Apologies if this wasn't/ins't the case.

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Government officials will be pleased to note that the iron age office has no broadband connection . . .


attachicon.gifHuts with Satellite Disc, Tadlo Laos.jpg

Yes but you have to put the data packets on a songtaew.


Some say it's the way to go, some call it disruptive. Ideal for businesses, a headache to governments.

Would you like your private data to be accessed through a government official's private smart phone even if he does so in the office while executing his tasks ?


Edited by rubl
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When I read these headlines, I keep having the thought of writing a comedy

book, which would be comprised entirely from headlines on TV. So

government workers can no longer use their computers ?? You simply

could not make this stuff up. I certainly realize the body of the story

is indicating that workers cannot use their work computers for posting LM

messages, but the visual image from the headline is still funny...

So one worker writing something the government does not like, and suddenly

there is a nation wide ban ? Sure hope that some farang does not do

something the government does not like, and the rest of us are deported.....

Whatever type of organization you work for, in which ever country, usually has rules regarding the employees personal use of computers and its internet access.

So try accessing a site that they don't approve of, using social media all the time during working hours, posting comments that are against the law, etc etc and see if they like it or take action. And yes, usually its a few that fcku it up for everyone.

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Darker times are ahead and freedoms are now being taken away on a daily basis. So glad I no longer live in the land of coups.

Please provide of the list of the freedoms you claim are being taken away daily.

That will be some list given the amount of days since the current government came to power.

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