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Thailand boosts military ties with China amid US spat


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Sad to see Thailand moving in this direction, just take a look at China's allies - countries that others won't touch with a barge pole

Well, I wouldn't touch Saudi Arabia with a bargepole.

And let's face it - how many wars did China start in the past 50 years?

How about these?



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Petulant child or what!! The fearless leader says publicly he's upset with America having an opinion so asks his neighbour to come out to play!! I wonder how much airtime this is getting in the USA? What a bozo.

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No real surprise. It has been suggested that the US, as it so often does, was manipulating Thai politics thru Taksin. Perhaps that wasn't well received?

The Chinese certainly look after their own interests but seem to be less destructive than the way the US goes about it via coups, wars and assassinations.

Would seem sensible from the Thais perspective to hedge their bets for when the US finally gets around to China assuming they finalise the problems they started in the Middle East & Russia first.

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Just a matter of time before you see Chinese military based in Thailand to better protect the Junta (not to be confused with Thais people) from both external and internal enemies.

This military alliance goes beyond the Junta's "spat" with the USA. It goes to the heart of what is most dear to the Junta - preservation of its power and wealth no matter the cost. Considering the ideology of the atheistic communist Chinese regime, constitutional monarchies and Buddhism are not any more compatible in such as regime than is democracy. This agreement marks a very sad day for Thailand's future as a free nation. Maybe Thailand now should be called "Chailand."

Stop being so ridiculous!! The Chinese will not have any military presence in Thailand, that is absurd.

It seems to have escaped you that the government is there out of necessity and once their job is complete le: they create the conditions whereby free and fair elections can be held then they will step down and move out of the way.

Do you live in Thailand? don't you think that there are enough ethnic Chinese living in Thailand already - I mean, both Abhisit and the Shinawatra clan are Ethnic Chinese, for Christ sake.

They have their own Chinese temples all over Thailand and are at the heart of business that drives the Thai economy due to their inherent 'good business' acumen.

It is a joyous day for Thailand if the cosy up with the Chinese and kick those no-good Yanks out from poking their nose in where it doesn't belong!!

It is America that tries to dictate what THEY want other countries to be like and not China (excepting Hong Kong to a small degree)!

Before posting again, try to get a better grasp of the situation.

those no good yanks? I take offense to that comment and decided you deserve an Award for that comment.


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I believe this will be the final move for the US to say " Bye,Bye " to Thailand and that they have been waiting for enough reasons to do this for a very long time. Now, with no American Ambassador seated would be an excellent time and the Grand Embassy can be rented out as a 5 Star Brothel ! They have been a financial anchor around the US taxpayer's necks for decades acting more as a spoiled child. China would be a great partner !

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Sad to see Thailand moving in this direction, just take a look at China's allies - countries that others won't touch with a barge pole

Well, I wouldn't touch Saudi Arabia with a bargepole.

And let's face it - how many wars did China start in the past 50 years?

Ah yes, China the beacon of human rights for the rest of the world.

Seriously a China apologist in 2015? China don't start wars, they just abuse their own citizens, support dictatorships and bully neighboring countries

Give me the US every single day over the Chinese, but if that's your cup of tea then best of luck to you

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Well, I wouldn't touch Saudi Arabia with a bargepole.

And let's face it - how many wars did China start in the past 50 years?

How about these?

Ah yes -you win. The last incident involving China was only 35 years ago.....

And all of them were in their own backyard -unlike the US instigated ones.

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Well, I wouldn't touch Saudi Arabia with a bargepole.

And let's face it - how many wars did China start in the past 50 years?

How about these?

Ah yes -you win. The last incident involving China was only 35 years ago.....

And all of them were in their own backyard -unlike the US instigated ones.

Yeah you're right. They thankfully seem to create havoc in their own back yard (and country).

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Ah yes -you win. The last incident involving China was only 35 years ago.....

And all of them were in their own backyard -unlike the US instigated ones.

Yeah you're right. They thankfully seem to create havoc in their own back yard (and country).

Thankfully in your country you have other that do that for you.....

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Ah yes -you win. The last incident involving China was only 35 years ago.....

And all of them were in their own backyard -unlike the US instigated ones.

Yeah you're right. They thankfully seem to create havoc in their own back yard (and country).

Thankfully in your country you have others that do that for you.....

Edited by asiamaster
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Ah yes -you win. The last incident involving China was only 35 years ago.....

And all of them were in their own backyard -unlike the US instigated ones.

Yeah you're right. They thankfully seem to create havoc in their own back yard (and country).

Thankfully in your country you have other that do that for you.....

Indeed we do, we have Muslims that come to our country and create havoc. Thankfully, we don't have too many clowns like you there though

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Thailand is making a BIG mistake courting China, we Mongolian people no a thing or two about China

an old mongolian saying "Of the good,we have an understanding, for fools we keep a stick upstairs.

So? It means all should court the US?

Then they can live happily ever after?


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