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NBC anchor Brian Williams taking himself off air temporarily

Lite Beer

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He gets to join Hillary Clinton in getting caught in exaggerating the truth about his experiences in war zones.

It's always sad when the people reporting the news become the news. It doesn't lend anything to his credibility.

as opposed to the outright lies and fear mongering constantly forced into Americans faces by FOX news and their like???

Give the man a chance to explain himself before you hang him high. He is one of the most respected and trusted journalist in the USA today. IMO this is not even a news worthy story.

If we had more news men like him then maybe we could once again begin to trust what we hear.

I am all for freedom of speech but I am even more in favor of people being responsible for what they broadcast to the masses.

If a journalist makes a claim that can be confirmed as not accurate or an outright lie then they should have to spend the same amount of time with their retractions and corrections of said statements.

If they continue making the same types of claims or are found to be constantly spewing lies then they should be held criminally responsible.

Big corporations own and run many of the major news agencies. They therefore tend to put a slant on the reporting to suit their agenda. This is NOT acceptable.

Restore the integrity to the news profession!!! Walter Cronkite must be spinning in his grave.

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20 years ago, Williams would have resigned in shame. Alas, we're living in a different time in which the public has a limited attention span and markedly lower ethical standards.

I would venture to guess that there are legions of people combing through everything Williams has said on camera to find any other exaggerations or inconsistencies. Williams makes a lot of money for NBC's parent company Comcast, and ultimately they'll decide if his decreased credibility is a liability to their bottom line.

Twenty years ago, he would not have been caught.

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I think all the major network news programs in the US lack credibility.

They are all corporations, owned by corporations, reporting news fed to them and approved by the corporations they work for.

It would be foolish to report things that make themselves look bad.

It is not exactly the "free press".

The best news programs about the USA are from programs outside of the US, like the BBC.

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Give the man a chance to explain himself before you hang him high. He is one of the most respected and trusted journalist in the USA today.

Respected journalist? Not anymore. He peddled a fabricated war story about himself and claimed that his helicopter was hit and forced down by enemy fire. In reality, it was a helicopter flying well ahead of his helicopter that got hit. That is not the kind of thing that you forget.

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He gets to join Hillary Clinton in getting caught in exaggerating the truth about his experiences in war zones.

It's always sad when the people reporting the news become the news. It doesn't lend anything to his credibility.

Don't fall for the spin from these liars. They, especially Hillary, did not exaggerate the truth, they fabricated it. And then, naturally, got a free pass saying "I misspoke" making it all ok. She learned from her lying bastard husband. These reporters are a bunch of pompous jerk offs who think they ARE the news. Don't worry though, he will be back. Americans have the shortest memory of any living animal. I know. I am one.

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He gets to join Hillary Clinton in getting caught in exaggerating the truth about his experiences in war zones.

It's always sad when the people reporting the news become the news. It doesn't lend anything to his credibility.

Do you really think H. Clinton is a rare case of a politician or government exaggerating the truth? A non-exaggerating politician is an oxymoron.

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The media lies all the time. When I was in the military, I was involved in a couple things that were reported by the national news...they got the story completely wrong. They lied to make it more interesting and scandalous as the truth was too boring. How many other things do they lie about on a daily basis that I have no idea about?

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These guys have an exaggerated image of themselves, which I never figured out. I mean, they just sit there and read what the producers put in front of them. I doesn't matter if the person covered so many wars, disasters, etc. They get buried in their own mythos. Word is Brokaw is so wrapped up in himself it's like he lives on another planet.

There's a movie called Morning Glory where Harrison Ford plays one of them, not a very good film but Ford's character is great.

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Many people put a great deal of trust in their news sources and the people reporting it, so yes, it is newsworthy for those that have a concern.

For others, probably not so newsworthy.

Guess it is newsworthy for Americans but hardly World News imo.

Somewhere along the line, a decision was made to include America as part of the World. I am not sure who decided it, maybe it was committee.

Very astute~ just hope that if a news anchor in say Scotland or Australia gets the boot, it too will make front page news on tv. Lol

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Bill Maher has suggested that now he has been revealed as a liar Fox News have offered him a job.

I would hardly quote Bill Maher on anything that is not considered a joke...

The truth of the matter is that ALL western news outlets, and I use that term loosely, are nothing but propaganda channels for TPTB, and that includes Fox, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, CNBC, BBC, Reuters, AP, S&P Ratings, etc, etc, etc... All owned stooges of the banksters and corporations...

Case in point... How long has the global warming / climate change debate been going on and major televised media happily reporting that the sky is literally falling, while demonizing anyone to dare challenge the mantra? Let's see them refute and debunk this latest report that all global warming data has been manipulated by TPTB for decades to push their agenda of taxing the very air we breath with carbon credits...

The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever


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I remember the head coach from major league baseball's, Toronto blue jays, spoke about his tour in Vietnam, which was discovered he fabricated. He was relieved immediatley.

It's not as if you're sitting next to a guy in a bar with him looking both directions then whispering about his CIA or special ops assignments. If you're important enough then stories and backgrounds will be checked.

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In 1987, there was a fairly good movie released called " Broadcast News"

It showed how news anchors and reporters on TV actually knew little or nothing about the news they were presenting on the broadcasts.

They were more or less people who looked and sounded credible on camera who really did nothing but read the teleprompter.

It also went into the strange egos that grow from celebrity status when people perceive you to know much more than you do.

This whole scenario reminds me a lot of that movie.

Remember, news casters are hired for their looks and perceived credibility, not their knowledge and wisdom.

They are only entertainers!

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In 1987, there was a fairly good movie released called " Broadcast News"

It showed how news anchors and reporters on TV actually knew little or nothing about the news they were presenting on the broadcasts.

They were more or less people who looked and sounded credible on camera who really did nothing but read the teleprompter.

It also went into the strange egos that grow from celebrity status when people perceive you to know much more than you do.

This whole scenario reminds me a lot of that movie.

Remember, news casters are hired for their looks and perceived credibility, not their knowledge and wisdom.

They are only entertainers!

American newscasters and presenters never look like real people. Compare the bucket loads of make up on CNN or Fox to normal people on BBC World or Al Jazeera.

I often wonder what Greta Van Susteren looks like first thing in the morning. Not a pretty sight I imagine.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The only decent news broadcast from USA is NPR's Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I am praying you are joking.

Not at all. The Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard has honored Amy with the 2014 I.F. Stone Lifetime Achievement Award.

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And now BW has been suspended for six months. I'll bet he has some great stories when he gets back.

He won't get back.This is a stage managed firing by a Brit boss.

I spent most of my career in the broadcast business and lying or copying some one else's stuff is a career ender.

He will end up working in some well paid corporate role for a multi national.

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