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US envoy snubs NLA's foreign affairs committee


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rubl re: Post #86

Perhaps a simpleton may take an ambivalent, ambiguous approach to such words as Fascist and Elite.

(I have no idea what amart means)

"Labels to convey a negative image without the need to explain"

Labels? Speak for yourself.

I see great weight in words.

And I in particular, choose them carefully.


Edited by iReason
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You have already been asked by a previous poster what you mean by "dealt with". Why won't you respond to his post or are you just conveniently ignoring what you don't like as usual?

Why not read the posts and discover that Scarpofongnes4U asked

"USA doesn't deal w unelected government?"

with our dear Eric answering

"You so wrong. ... next"

BTW not sure why you chose "^^" to ask me a question. I only saw it because I was still in this topic. If I hadn't been I might have missed your question and seemingly not answered two rolleyes.gif

I am referring to kblaze's post.

Now, please pay attention, I'll only say this once:

I know. That's why I suggested you read some more posts as kblaze's was the last in a list of replies.

I have read every post on this thread. As is all too often the case, these replies of yours are nothing but turgid obfuscations.

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I am referring to kblaze's post.

Now, please pay attention, I'll only say this once:

I know. That's why I suggested you read some more posts as kblaze's was the last in a list of replies.

I have read every post on this thread. As is all too often the case, these replies of yours are nothing but turgid obfuscations.

Well thank you for your kind words, my dear baboon. I really appreciate your efforts wai.gif

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rubl re: Post #86

Perhaps a simpleton may take an ambivalent, ambiguous approach to such words as Fascist and Elite.

(I have no idea what amart means)

"Labels to convey a negative image without the need to explain"

Labels? Speak for yourself.

I see great weight in words.

And I in particular, choose them carefully.


My dear reason, this may surprise you, but I do speak for myself and here gave my opinion.

Which reminds me that with all 'carefully choosen words I still have found no one who can explain those carefully choosen words for me (as far as one can say such of a theNation article in English that is)

"According to the United States, there is no regulation that allows it to send the charge d'affaires to talk to the NLA."

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just pointing out the elephant in the room to the Thai 'government' in the nicest of ways and then not reacting to the current right-wing nationalist fascists and their summons is 'acting like a child'...

ok, if you say so... coffee1.gif

I think you don't know the meaning of fascists....But of course not every country can be a lighthouse of democracy and liberal human rights like the best friend of USA: Saudi Arabia...

I think you don't know the meaning of fascists

oh, of course I do. Don't worry.

but the rest of your post proves that you are just trolling...

I beg to differ.

'fascist' like 'elite', 'amart' and a few more words are just used as easy terms. Labels to convey a negative image without the need to explain as 'everyone' knows 'fascists' are bad, 'elite' are old-fashioned, etc., etc.

Now back to the topic where I'm still wondering about

'According to the United States, there is no regulation that allows it to send the charge d'affaires to talk to the NLA."

PS regarding trolling, with so much 'snubbing' is the hub in the country of those who do 'snub' or in the country of those at the receiving end ?

you might use words like 'fascist' as casual labels.

I don't.

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I think you don't know the meaning of fascists....But of course not every country can be a lighthouse of democracy and liberal human rights like the best friend of USA: Saudi Arabia...

I think you don't know the meaning of fascists

oh, of course I do. Don't worry.

but the rest of your post proves that you are just trolling...

I beg to differ.

'fascist' like 'elite', 'amart' and a few more words are just used as easy terms. Labels to convey a negative image without the need to explain as 'everyone' knows 'fascists' are bad, 'elite' are old-fashioned, etc., etc.

Now back to the topic where I'm still wondering about

'According to the United States, there is no regulation that allows it to send the charge d'affaires to talk to the NLA."

PS regarding trolling, with so much 'snubbing' is the hub in the country of those who do 'snub' or in the country of those at the receiving end ?

you might use words like 'fascist' as casual labels.

I don't.

Right. You seem to use those labels as carefully planned insults and possible bait to annoy.

"just pointing out the elephant in the room to the Thai 'government' in the nicest of ways and then not reacting to the current right-wing nationalist fascists and their summons is 'acting like a child'."

BTW you might have noticed I try to avoid labels if possible and rather try to explain to try to reate an atmosphere where mutual understanding and respect could be possible. Wrong attendance for that probably though.

Anyway, it's rather clear, about 22C, have a nice day,

uncle rubl

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I think you don't know the meaning of fascists

oh, of course I do. Don't worry.

but the rest of your post proves that you are just trolling...

I beg to differ.

'fascist' like 'elite', 'amart' and a few more words are just used as easy terms. Labels to convey a negative image without the need to explain as 'everyone' knows 'fascists' are bad, 'elite' are old-fashioned, etc., etc.

Now back to the topic where I'm still wondering about

'According to the United States, there is no regulation that allows it to send the charge d'affaires to talk to the NLA."

PS regarding trolling, with so much 'snubbing' is the hub in the country of those who do 'snub' or in the country of those at the receiving end ?

you might use words like 'fascist' as casual labels.

I don't.

Right. You seem to use those labels as carefully planned insults and possible bait to annoy.

"just pointing out the elephant in the room to the Thai 'government' in the nicest of ways and then not reacting to the current right-wing nationalist fascists and their summons is 'acting like a child'."

BTW you might have noticed I try to avoid labels if possible and rather try to explain to try to reate an atmosphere where mutual understanding and respect could be possible. Wrong attendance for that probably though.

Anyway, it's rather clear, about 22C, have a nice day,

uncle rubl

Anyway, it's rather clear, about 22C, have a nice day

and you are apparently out for a s'troll as well. Enjoy your day, Rubl.

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Iran's "elections" were held yes,

and all opposing candidates with popular support, were disqualified, some jailed

Palestine has not held elections for 10 years, and Abbas is now, the unelected leader as,

he has not held elections after his term expired, so, he is an unelected leader,

the last time they held elections on the Gaza strip, Hamas won, and the same would happen in Ramallah, so, there are no elections in Palestine, and there is an unelected leader at the post

Egypt held elections, after a coup, and there was no real opposition to speak of, although I grant you; he is good for Egypt

The US has installed a puppet government in Ukraine that they deal with, but, they weren't elected; they staged a coup

Thailand's current government is unelected,

but why are they singled out by the US for condemnation, while the US embraces Myammar?

I wouldn't want to leave anyone else out, but, even Fidel Castro's brother now has an open dialogue with the US,

was he elected?

is this conversation really necessary?

does anyone really think that the US doesn't deal with unelected leaders?

isn't that part f the job of the CIA, to overthrown actual elected leaders, so the US can then do whatever they want, and screw the people?

Libya, had an elected leader, loved by his people, Hillary Clinton had him murdered

Syria has an elected leader, loved by his people, they US is trying to murder him

the Kings of Saudi Arabia, are they elected?

the Emir of Kuwait, was he elected?

this is getting boring, even to me

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I wonder how many posters here have done business with the Chinese? Well, i have. And the playbook never changes.

Stage one is smiles, dinners, promises, gushing proclamations of Chinese honesty and good intentions and just about everything you ask for is verbally agreed to.

Stage two is where i as a wise person politely requests to write up contacts, which i require to be in English, i go over with a fine tooth comb, and need to be fully endorsed, stamped, carved into rock. Thats where stage two starts to go wrong. On the Chinese side there are then strange communication difficulties, strange and illogical misunderstandings, delays of key people explained by sudden absences....holidays, illnesses blah blah blah....it carries on like that. There are numerous attempts to wriggle out of what was agreed to and just rely on gentlemen's agreements, inexplicable objections to the most reasonable of requests, even attempts at under the table alternatives. You will carefully and politely explain that X is required and that Y will not be accepted...and they then try Y. Its like that, incredibly stubborn, totally illogical, very uncooperative.

So then stage three arrives. This is often ugly. Its ultimatum time, sign or walk, deal with my lawyers instead of me etc.

So as Thais throw their tantrums and walk away from the US, the deals between China and Thailand are in stage one now and i very much doubt they know yet about stage two and three and their ignorance will not help them. This is a game where you better play your hand well. I guarantee it will all end in tears and guess who will be doing the crying?

Thais have been doing business with the Chinese for centuries, much longer than with US/Europe/Japan. Most of the successful businesses in Thailand are run by ethnic Chinese. They probably know how to deal with mainland Chinese better than westerners. Besides, why worry so much about how Thais will do in the future if they align with the Chinese?

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Right. You seem to use those labels as carefully planned insults and possible bait to annoy.

"just pointing out the elephant in the room to the Thai 'government' in the nicest of ways and then not reacting to the current right-wing nationalist fascists and their summons is 'acting like a child'."

BTW you might have noticed I try to avoid labels if possible and rather try to explain to try to reate an atmosphere where mutual understanding and respect could be possible. Wrong attendance for that probably though.

Anyway, it's rather clear, about 22C, have a nice day,

uncle rubl

Anyway, it's rather clear, about 22C, have a nice day

and you are apparently out for a s'troll as well. Enjoy your day, Rubl.

Actually I went out to go work. Some of us do you know wink.png

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