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What are you vaping on?


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Hey all,

I have messed around with ecigs in the last year, I had one of those small ego ecigs which did me well but I could never fully quit using it as it didnt seem to give me a massive drag,

I have bought a vamo v5 with a protank 3 off ebay as my first real ecig, I am getting huge clouds of vape with this one and proper drags,

I would advise any of you smokers to try out one of these proper mods to quit, the smaller ecigs dont hit the spot if your a proper smoker,,

What are you guys vaping on? I have been looking at quite a few youtube videos of the different mods etc, not sure if many people vape in Thailand since I heard they are illegal?


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I too have a v5 and also a smok pro

Not cheap but worth it as I have not smoked in months

I have found a great source for e juice back in the uk

As most of the juices on general sale are crap and tasteless

Keep trying to convert people as I bought a few as presents for Xmas for my family

And not one of them has lit a cigarette since I got them one

I wish they had came out years ago ....

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I had a pretty good run with the first (and only) EgoC I bought. Gave me a good smoke with the 1,000mha battery and a new atomizer in the hole - which would eventually gum up and need replacing. Like others, the first day I used the Ecig was the last day I had a cigarette.

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