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"The tourists then walked away as if nothing happened."

I don't think Thais can complain about that part.


The uncultured cavemen are truly unbelievable.

cavemen.....Your education seems not to be very detailed...China had already culture when we white men were still chasing deers in the forest.....

Troo dat. But then we passed them with a vengeance and never looked back!

who is "we"?

Well, if you read the quoted posts then it won't take the deductive skills of Sherlock Holmes to figure that out. Actually, it's pretty hard to not figure it out.


No amount of whinning and complaining can change the Chinese Tourists. They are the people from the countrysides and mountain areas of China. It doesn't matter how long they existed for they will never know how to be respectful and mindful of other people. To them, the only respect they know (it is in their blood) is the sharp edge of a sword. The Chinese are the only race that does not know how to say "excuse or sorry".

" The Chinese are the only race that does not know how to say "excuse or sorry"." I would like to add the Russians that I have come across to that statement.


Even if some foreigners do not like to pay to visit parks and landmark, most agree that Thailand still cheap for most tourist, and to pay 100thb = $3.00 will not creates any problem for them, and may stop some kind of people to get into those places. Free entry for Thais, and Foreigners living in Thailand too, if its can show a driver license, that most have. That entry fee also will help to employ more Thai people, for janitorial and security services.

In most countries, legal fees and fines (like traffic and parking), helps to pay for city services. Makes sense?


They are surprised that a wooden house gets broken?

The "wooden house" didn't get broken - the top of a pole was broken off by a kick from a Chinese tourist, who, along with the rest of his group walked away as if nothing had happened - no apology, no admission of any wrongdoing - ignorance!


Not liked even in their own Backyard

Hong Kong 'parallel trade' protests

Angry protests have taken place in a shopping centre in Hong Kong against mainlanders who visit the territory to shop.

Hong Kong residents have long complained about mainlanders buying up goods at lower tax rates and then selling them on at

They say this leaves Hong Kongers with a shortage of basic supplies and pushes up the cost of goods, while also accusing the mainlanders of bad behavior.



Most Chinese tourists are uneducated villagers without any idea of traveling etiquette. Mao successfully destroyed any remnants of the Chinese culture long ago, leaving it's people to live a self-centered and selfish lifestyle. They operate in a vacuum with no reguards to anyone else around them.

So now they spend ridiculous amount of money paid to tour companies and expect nothing but the "King" treatment everywhere they go. THEN, after all this complain bitterly to the tour company in the hopes of getting some refund on their tour package. Meanwhile they travel expecting that everywhere they go to be catered to, and all others to kowtow to their every wish. For Chinese, rules do not apply to them. Even in China, rules or laws do not apply and are no followed. Chinese drivers are a good example of this. Often if stopped by the police, they will not hesitate to slap and fight a policeman. Most police will not confront someone unless there are several officers with them.

Things are changing in China.......slowly. But until China gets serious with punishing law breakers, their behavior will not change. Once outside China, they all assume the rest of the world works the same way.

However, if you (as a farang) confront a Chinese person, they usually will respond positively to adjust their mistake. If you are Asian, they will not lend the same response and become angry or abusive. TIC

Well just after Christmas on the Skytrain heading out from Central World, I told people in Chinese (as there were a couple of Chinese right near me) to be careful and not push too much as there was a throng of people on the Skytrain and I didn't want myself nor my fiancee to get crushed. Everything went fine, but I felt it was necessary to get my point across. Luckily I speak Chinese (not fluently, but enough to get by) and it does come in handy when necessary. Fortunately, I have rarely needed to be very assertive in my dealings with Chinese tourists whether in China or abroad, but if I ever do, I'll know there won't be any language difficulties.

Anyway, I am quite sure that anyone in China attempting to get physical with the police will be quickly taken care of and arrested. The Chinese authorities are very powerful and the little ordinary citizen can do very little to fight them off. If it's a verbal confrontation, then sure, but if it gets physical I can assure you they will get hauled off, and I've seen it happen.

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