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Thai Police impound illegally imported luxury cars


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Does someone remember that there was a thread about the DSI raided the Luxury car showroom on Sukhumvit Pattaya, which had for close to 1 billion of cars on show, and the owner said that the documents from the cars were all with the bank?

Well shortly after the showroom started to drain and for sometime now it's completely empty. All other smaller luxury car showrooms in the Pattaya area are all empty as well. coffee1.gif

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What about a Bentley, driven by a police Captain?

Pol. Capt. Chalerm has repeated stated that he is not the owner of all those fine cars he is driven in and that they were 'loaned' to him. He has never explained why someone would loan him such expensive cars, though.

Wasn't the black one so-called 'loaned' to one of his angelic sons by an unnamed business partner? As for the pink Conti, I think indeed it was so-called 'loaned' to him. But who would have the 'acquired taste' to mutilate a nice car like that? Would the captain have a wealthy homosexual admiror? Or does he secretly wear ladies' panties? LOL

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Does someone remember that there was a thread about the DSI raided the Luxury car showroom on Sukhumvit Pattaya, which had for close to 1 billion of cars on show, and the owner said that the documents from the cars were all with the bank?

Well shortly after the showroom started to drain and for sometime now it's completely empty. All other smaller luxury car showrooms in the Pattaya area are all empty as well. coffee1.gif

His private police(!) won't have had the bad taste to check the garages and barns of Kamnan Po and his family's estates, may I presume?

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Have we not been down this road whistling.gif before? Much hullaballoo about imported foreign car possibly stolen but at the very least bodgy mismatched engine and serial numbers. Said high end/ super car is impounded due to brilliant police work. Car is soon forgotten and eventually miraculously disappears from secure police/army impound lot never to be heard of again.... hmmmmcoffee1.gif

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What about a Bentley, driven by a police Captain?

Pol. Capt. Chalerm has repeated stated that he is not the owner of all those fine cars he is driven in and that they were 'loaned' to him. He has never explained why someone would loan him such expensive cars, though.

Could he get one of his friends to loan me one?

I'm sure, with his connections, that he could get one of his 'friends' to lend a car to you. Why he would ever want to do that is the question.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It's time to stop taxing nice cars at 150%. At the moment anyone paying that price might as well walk around with 'I am stupid' stamped on his forehead. But not everyone wants to drive a pick up, give people a choice. Scrap the tax on wine as well , has nobody heard of the health benefits of red wine in this country?

Think more like 250% for this kind of car.

Absolute rip off!!

I looked at the price of a mercedes cls 350 in the UK second hand and the price here. UK price 36 grand with 10000 miles on the clock, here same car same mileage 4.8 million bht!!!! &lt;deleted&gt;.

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What I find is strange is that although the import tax is about 300%, Thailand is, apart from Myanmar (although that could change soon) the only country in ASEAN to legally allow the importation and registration of cars with the steering column on the wrong side of the car, for the side of the road traffic drives on. That means that in Thailand, LHD registration is legal. I think this should end. Thailand drives on the left and RHD is the only arrangement that should be allowed.

Singapore, Bangladesh and India all drive on the left and ban LHD registrations.

Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam all drive on the right and ban RHD registrations, although Cambodia and Laos seem to not be so strict about it.

Myanmar, which I believe should drive on the left again is now debating making LHD compulsory for future car imports.

Can someone tell me why Thailand, even though it has very, very few LHD cars on it's road doesn't ban LHD vehicles too as it should for safety reasons?

Of course I'm only talking about permanent imports; temporary imports for tourism purposes should continue to be allowed.

Why would left hand drive or right hand drive rules make any difference in Thailand?

If you have lived here for any time you will know that it is not necessary to be able to see before overtaking nor are any logical rules applied on the road. Thai drivers go where they want and ignore all other vehicles.

As long as you have your lucky Buddha amulet and a few hundred baht with your licence there will never be a problem.

As for grey or black imports.....use the excuse of Khun Chalerm. You have loaned the car from a friend in Singapore.

Haha...true, but seriously having the steering wheel on the wrong side makes overtaking difficult and dangerous. Therefore LHD should be banned in Thailand. Tourists from other countries temporarily driving a LHD car into Thailand as I have, should of course be exempt from this ruling.

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What ever happened to the TV member who had a similar experience??

Nothing......still got my Ferrari..........didn't try to register it.......but I do enjoy driving it.

And the chicks are begging me for a ridethumbsup.gif

Has your badger been on the whiskey again?

His milk must carry the alcohol when you sip it, hansum Gleek man.

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