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Serious And Disturbing Email


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The latest from Stephen. Admittedly khon Thai.

I can not give my moblie to you i can not speak english [you can speak thai]

you can contract by mail only

i sent to you by open dictionary

i understand this new it shock! for you i sorry again

before i tell you i think many day verymuch

i think you can sole this preblem you love them

Jai yen yen

I can information for you by mail

Did anyone noticed?, he can't write english very well but sure heck can write phoenetic Thai :o

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He answered most of your queries.

He´s playing along time.

Send him a well phrased, simple list of questions. Try to find out more.

No reason why he shouldn´t answer.

Don´t be random.

Be methodical.

Rule out all the impossibles

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Can't speak but can write it pretty well eh Tip? Can you speak Thai? If so, call him out on it, or ask him for the number and get a Thai speaking friend (there are plenty on this board) to call him up.

If it is a dodgy farang and they know stuff about you, it is possible they are tracking this thread in TV and reacting to it....

Many Thais are able to write English better than they can speak it, so that's not something particularly unusual. The reason is when English class is finished, they don't often speak English outside of the class since family and friends are speaking Thai, thus the amount of time spent on practicing their speaking and listening skills is sometimes very little.

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The way Tip describes his wife I guess she loves him also a lot but for whatever reason it's always a possibility that she meets someone else. I think it would be difficult for her to drop Tip like a stone (loss of face etc. etc.) so the situation ends up as described earlier with her having a possible affair.

If in the end it turn out that the whole story is true then if I were in Tip's shoes I would wish her all the best and move on.

I wouldn't hate her or the other guy. It's just one of those things that can happen in life.

Meom, I understand what you're saying. I know what you're saying. Your advice in your last sentence is exactly what I will do.

I have had 4+ blissful years with this woman. More fun, laughter and joy than I've experienced in my previous 20 years. She has given me a priceless gift and that is a gift she cannot take away from me. I will always be grateful for that. :o

She has been of outstanding character in many ways throughout our relationship. This petite little lady has shown more heart than many people I've met in life. She has aspects about her which are absolutely wonderful, are not fake, and are faces of who she truly is. That will always be a part of her no matter where she goes, and I will always love her for who she truly is.

She also has had many bad experiences in life that have caused deep psychological scars, including being battered. She has pain within her that she will not show another soul. And unfortunately she is heading for more of it. I'll be fine. My concern now is for her.

While I don't expect to be around much longer, when we do part I will wish her the very best that I can possibly imagine for her. I will wish her that she find true Thai happiness. She is devoutly Buddhist. And I will part by giving her a Buddha to let her know that my love will always be with her.

It's obvious from the above that I've almost concluded the outcome. The sender of the email has already confirmed much to me and I will continue to dialogue with them. If more is confirmed then there will be no point in the services of a PI. Come back, walk in the front door, explain to her what I know, and say goodbye. Thailand still is, and always will be my home.

From my perspective the chances seem mighty slim, my friends. I believe this Thai cop has jumped on opportunity. A khon Thai with a farang. How easy to steal her while I am away, yet only for the intention of milking me for my money through her. This is how it appears to be shaping up.

I'll continue to update. Once I reach a conclusion I will request this thread be closed.

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The way Tip describes his wife I guess she loves him also a lot but for whatever reason it's always a possibility that she meets someone else. I think it would be difficult for her to drop Tip like a stone (loss of face etc. etc.) so the situation ends up as described earlier with her having a possible affair.

If in the end it turn out that the whole story is true then if I were in Tip's shoes I would wish her all the best and move on.

I wouldn't hate her or the other guy. It's just one of those things that can happen in life.

Meom, I understand what you're saying. I know what you're saying. Your advice in your last sentence is exactly what I will do.

I have had 4+ blissful years with this woman. More fun, laughter and joy than I've experienced in my previous 20 years. She has given me a priceless gift and that is a gift she cannot take away from me. I will always be grateful for that. :o

She has been of outstanding character in many ways throughout our relationship. This petite little lady has shown more heart than many people I've met in life. She has aspects about her which are absolutely wonderful, are not fake, and are faces of who she truly is. That will always be a part of her no matter where she goes, and I will always love her for who she truly is.

She also has had many bad experiences in life that have caused deep psychological scars, including being battered. She has pain within her that she will not show another soul. And unfortunately she is heading for more of it. I'll be fine. My concern now is for her.

While I don't expect to be around much longer, when we do part I will wish her the very best that I can possibly imagine for her. I will wish her that she find true Thai happiness. She is devoutly Buddhist. And I will part by giving her a Buddha to let her know that my love will always be with her.

It's obvious from the above that I've almost concluded the outcome. The sender of the email has already confirmed much to me and I will continue to dialogue with them. If more is confirmed then there will be no point in the services of a PI. Come back, walk in the front door, explain to her what I know, and say goodbye. Thailand still is, and always will be my home.

From my perspective the chances seem mighty slim, my friends. I believe this Thai cop has jumped on opportunity. A khon Thai with a farang. How easy to steal her while I am away, yet only for the intention of milking me for my money through her. This is how it appears to be shaping up.

I'll continue to update. Once I reach a conclusion I will request this thread be closed.

What a wonderful attitude you have, Tippaporn! I've always found it sad when a couple breaks up and one or both of the partner are so filled with revenge and anger. If you truly love someone, you will be happy for them if they've found true love elsewhere, inspite of your internal deep sadness. Being able to walk away from a relationship with your kind of attitude proves you really did love her. Breaking up with revenge just proves you never really loved her to begin with. Of course we all still hope for the best for you and that this is all just a hoax. Remember, at times like this it's very easy for your mind to play tricks on you and for you to believe things that are not real. Try your best to remain rational at all times.

If the worst happens and your fears are confirmed, do just like as you said you would do. And look on the bright side, there's so many more available women out there. You'll be in a lot of pain for a long time, but you certainly are virtually guaranteed that given enough time for your heart to heal you'll be able to find another wonderful woman and have many years of happiness with her. Think of the great times you've had with your wife, and know with certainty that you'll have equally or better great times in the future, whether it's with your current wife or a new wife. Keep your wonderful perspective of life and love and I'm sure you will be succesful and happy in life. Don't let any bad expereinces taint your view, but do learn from them and perhaps add more caution in your future relationships.

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after 17 pages and several requests you haven't mentioned how the $13k went missing, I understand if it is too personal or embarrassing, but lots of thai girls have ripped off farangs like this before.

If this all turns out to be true I'd be grateful to the e-mail sender to warn you from losing more.

And if you're willing to forgive her for having an affair for a moment of weakness, you're just asking for it.

The ฿13,000 (that's baht) was alledgedly lifted from her while she was out with friends. Plausible? Under normal circumstances, yes. Change the circumstances to another lover, no.

Forgiving and accepting her back would depend on many things. I'm not that soft-hearted that a good cry would make me melt. And in any case, I would have the understanding that I'm taking a risk. But it would be up to me to judge based on all that I know. From my perspective she deserves a chance. She's earned that with me on many counts.

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I've been dealing with Thais for 20 years in business and marriage.

Screwing over Farangs is a national pastime.

Her friends would probably ridicule her if she wasn't taking advantage.

My best friend married a lovely Thai lady.

Single with no kids.

He is out to Sea every 2 months.

If ten years down the road I hear she had a Thai husband and kids would still not suprise me. TIT.

Truth, integrity and trust are important to westerners, not Thais.

Not saying they are bad people, just raised different with different priorities.

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I'm very sorry to hear of your difficult situation. Whatever the outcome, brighter days lie ahead I'm sure.

Thee questions if I may. Does your father in law drive your truck when he visits you ? Has your wife granted the use of your truck to others on prior occasions that you're aware of? When would you ordinarily be returning from America?

Hang in there.

My father in law does not drive. The truck is available to my wife if she decides to make a trip, but the driver is licensed. I'm scheduled to return mid- to late September. That may very well change.

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This whole things is starting to smell like a scam.

If this mystery emailer is truly on Tip's side, why won't he identify himself? Why won't he accept a telephone call? There is nothing wrong with his written English, and as others have correctly pointed out, there are discrepancies in the writing and spelling style.

Why would a supposedly devoted wife have an affair in her own home with her father staying there?

Why would a devoted wife have an affair in full view of neighbours? She would lose face if there was neighbourly gossip about her.

Why would a happy wife throw away all the comforts that she now has over some lowly paid policeman?

Tip, don't throw away a happy marriage because of a mystery email. If your marriage means so much to you, get yourself home and sort it out personally.

If you can't leave your work immediately, at least ask her directly over the phone who has been driving your pick-up during your absence, tell her of the emails and ask what knowledge she may have of them.

Take it from there.

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I've been dealing with Thais for 20 years in business and marriage.

Screwing over Farangs is a national pastime.

Her friends would probably ridicule her if she wasn't taking advantage.

My best friend married a lovely Thai lady.

Single with no kids.

He is out to Sea every 2 months.

If ten years down the road I hear she had a Thai husband and kids would still not suprise me. TIT.

Truth, integrity and trust are important to westerners, not Thais.

Not saying they are bad people, just raised different with different priorities.

Skipper has made a very good point.

I know of two Thai ladies right now who are stringing along 2 men. They are not bar girls and they see nothing wrong with what theyu are doing providing no one gets hurt. I have known them for a quite a while and in all other respects they are nice ladies, who are fond of both men in their lives. One of them is trying to decide which man to commit to - I'm not too sure about the other.

So it's not only the 'bad' ones that do this sort of thing.

Tip, for my money those emails were written by a farang - I'd be amazed if I am wrong. I still believe your best bet is a PI and then you will know for sure - one way or another.

Don't give up yet and take care


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Tip, get the number and ask Bambi to give him a call. Getting a Thai to talk to a Thai would be better, as they are more likely to pick up on any bull (Bambi being a vet and all should be better than most a spotting bull than most).

Bambi, if you do make the call, make sure it is from a pay phone and not your home/work/mobile. Also don't use your real name. Like people have been saying, we don't know who this guy is or what he is trying to achieve. Play safe until then.

:o i can do that also ..make a call (im in bkk ..its hard for me for checking it with my naked eyes)

Maybe Bambina can call my wife as the Thai policeman's wife? That would be interesting. Not the solution to the problem but it would deservedly <deleted> up the cop.

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It's obvious from the above that I've almost concluded the outcome. The sender of the email has already confirmed much to me and I will continue to dialogue with them. If more is confirmed then there will be no point in the services of a PI. Come back, walk in the front door, explain to her what I know, and say goodbye. Thailand still is, and always will be my home.

From my perspective the chances seem mighty slim, my friends. I believe this Thai cop has jumped on opportunity. A khon Thai with a farang. How easy to steal her while I am away, yet only for the intention of milking me for my money through her. This is how it appears to be shaping up.

I'd suggest having a careful look around the house first before making any kind of farewell statement. If someone has indeed been spending time there, then it seems there is bound to be something left behind somewhere that you don't recognize. Perhaps something left behind in the bathroom on the sink. Maybe something in a closet or dresser drawer. If she's as important to you as you've indicared, then don't be too rash to jump to conclusions before you actually and absolutely know for sure. It's better to be certain than to make a mistake, unless you already have your mind made up about it regardless. Just a thought.

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Tip, get the number and ask Bambi to give him a call. Getting a Thai to talk to a Thai would be better, as they are more likely to pick up on any bull (Bambi being a vet and all should be better than most a spotting bull than most).

Bambi, if you do make the call, make sure it is from a pay phone and not your home/work/mobile. Also don't use your real name. Like people have been saying, we don't know who this guy is or what he is trying to achieve. Play safe until then.

:o i can do that also ..make a call (im in bkk ..its hard for me for checking it with my naked eyes)

Maybe Bambina can call my wife as the Thai policeman's wife? That would be interesting. Not the solution to the problem but it would deservedly <deleted> up the cop.


As I said in a earlier post, good luck.

But as you mentioned you are starting to give up and accept the calls as fact.

You mention above having Bambina call the Thai policemans wife, do you know more? Sounds like you have an idea.

I agree with the others that the e-mails are different.

Good Luck!

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All things will pass. I posted i had a similar poison phone call a while back.

Me and my tgf had some good laughs about it yesterday when I told her your story and others had gone through this.

Back then, all the anger and hurt affected her and I. Nobody knew who to trust. We couldn't figure out what the game was and what the intention was.

THe best part was when my tgf called the "guy" and he asked who she was. 8-P

The best way I could deal with the situation was realizing that this stuff does happen and its part of living life; particularly in long distance relationships. I also realized that I had not been a saint myself; so, it it was true, so be it.

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Tip - bit disturbed mate, no offense, but seems you already given up and to be honest I think the lad emailing you is full of <deleted>. I don't think much can be learned from where you are and your falling for anonymous yank of your chain.

No offense taken, Brit. I know where you're coming from. :o

No, I'm not giving up. Perhaps a part of me is trying to release her to ease the pain of constant doubt and to give hope for the future. But I am whittling down the possibilities.

I've related much here and it's getting difficult to remember what I have and have not told. "Steven" mentions that my wife has been seeing this cop for about 1 year. I left Thailand 13 months ago. We were visited by three Thai policemen, friend's of the deceased Oad, just prior to my departure. Very odd coincidence.

Did they come to visit me? My wife and I? Or did one of the cops take a fancy to my wife? Boom, I'm gone to America for an unknown but evidently lengthy stay. The cop sees an opportunity to make a play and possibly work money out of me through my wife.

Even that angle is simply another possibility. But I'll continue to reserve final judgment.

Another fact which I have not related. My wife has not called me in quite some time. She's set up for Internet telephony but repeatedly claims that there's Internet problems. "Mai dai, mai dai." Yet she has used it before.

Just more facts, just more theories. So many facts would be utterly innocous under normal circumstances. Change the circumstances and bland facts take on a much different light.

I'll continue the dialogue with "Steven" but I have asked Bambina to translate to Thai my next reply. If the sender is khon Thai then she (I believe it's a female) might be able to divulge much more in her native language.

I wish this could all be resolved quickly but given all it will take time.

Thanks, Brit. :D

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tip , if this guy is a falang , then you shouldnt really be formulating plans and posting here , he in all probability is following this and enjoying every minute of it.

if you need advice , then , if you are not doing so already ,communicate with those from whom you seek the advice by pm.

its starting to look like a nasty hoax by someone who knows your situation.

you need to have someone take a look.

your post number 276 suggests that you are starting to "wallow" and get too emotional.

you need to harden up right now , before you fall into a depressive vortex.

........ and start to get active in this plot , not passive.

once again , good luck .

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I have not been following the past few pages word for word.

Still, from what I have read, I believe 'Steven' ought to be taken seriously, treated as a friend at least until more is revealed, and appreciated as your only source of information. Whether that info is accurate or reliable is something you will discover only in time, but for now keep him/her sweet, keep a dialogue going, and give him/her no reason to shut the valve. Do not play games, do not try to trap him/her, and if he/she for whatever reason prefers not to give you his/her phone number, stay strong and do not allow this to turn an open mind into open distrust.

Do not discount the fact that he/she has given you verifiable data. The mysterious lover is a cop, his name is Ya, your motor had an accident, left side, and that it was sorted by insurance. Add this to claims that wifey has somebody on the side, your own offer (omitted from your original post but prompted later, and only because of something he/she wrote) that it would not be unusual for cops to be buzzing around the family home, and the content of these emails more easily, or in your case uneasily begin to fit a troublesome though authentic sounding scenario.

None of us can vouch for the integrity of his/her motives in contacting you, which may be malicious or prompted by self-interest, but until you know more, I for one would not rock any boats.

Sorry, and as ever, good luck.


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Maybe Bambina can call my wife as the Thai policeman's wife? That would be interesting. Not the solution to the problem but it would deservedly <deleted> up the cop.

Actually, that does work. I once got a Thai-native 'ringer' to phone up and ask some leading questions when I was in a saga a few years ago. Worked perfectly and I had evidence that got me out of a difficult situation.

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:o hi tip, read all the posts, seems like you have given up on her already but nothing has yet been confirmed, take the bull by the horns mate confront her with all the info you have, in your mind you have nothing to lose, if none of it is true both you and your wife then need to find out who stephen is, if its true you put your mind at rest, breaking up is hard but people can move on, many do myself included, I hope its all aload of bull and things work out for you but you need to do something positive and end the speculation, take care mate Fez :D
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Skipper is right, alot of peer pressure from other thais to rip off falang

One lady upcountry told my wife to rip me off, my wife said to her "would you rip off your (thai)

husband? lady replied "Never!" My wife asked "Well why should i?" Lady said "Because he falang" :o

My wife is mint and had zillions of guys here in the US tried to grab her but she stayed true.

Unfortunately i am butterfly in Thailand, i try not to but i cant help it, i am weak, never a problem

in the US though

good luck


Edited by Nam Kao
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Tip, I feel for you and have been reading every post but haven't posted myself because my thoughts of hiring a good PI has been addressed many times already. My point for this post is to just say that wars have been started because of bad information that was thought to be true. This must be completely checked out and verified before you make any conclusions. Get a good professional PI. Don't just rely on anyone's opinion.

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Tip, based on what you've posted so far there is an extremely easy way to solve this puzzle without you having to travel to Thailand.

Have a farang friend who DOES NOT own a pickup truck go and borrow yours. The story will be to help a friend move his furniture from one location to another. The locations are not close and there is a lot of furniture so the move will take the better part of a day. Of course, you call your wife ahead of time and tell her this story and that "Harry" will be coming to get the truck.

Have "Harry" take the truck to an autobody repair place. Any good body man can tell if the spot on the truck in question has recently been repaired.

If the truck HAS NOT been repaired the emailer is full of <deleted>. Sleep easy.

If the truck HAS been repaired then why didn't your wife disclose this to you when you talked to her on the phone? The most obvious reason would be to hide the fact that another man was driving it.

If the truck HAS been repaired I would get CONFIRMATION of what you suspect by then hiring a PI. If the emailer is legit it would only take a few days (at most) to 'catch' the wife with someone else. Heck it would be easy to get photos of them out and about.

I have a bad feeling about this just using simple logic. Why would the emailer tell you about something (wrecked truck) that he/she knows can be easily verified by you? So most likely the wreck happened. Given that, why didn't your wife tell you about it on the phone?

Whatever course of action you take; remember your wife is INNOCENT of any wrongdoing until you have SOLID PROOF. Don't throw away a lot of happy years and perhaps many more based on EMOTION and GUT FEELINGS.


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Dude, is this a hoax? No MFing way man. Clearly no matter what the specific circumstances: thai cop, farang, whoever; your wife is up to no good and that is that. She's out there messing around with someone, no questions asked. No need for PI investigations, suprise visits or anything else. If you are like most ordinary folks, you can't tolerate a cheating wife. I know I can't. You need out of this situation in the most painless way possible. This is where you need to focus, forget everything else maestro

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Dude, is this a hoax? No MFing way man. Clearly no matter what the specific circumstances: thai cop, farang, whoever; your wife is up to no good and that is that. She's out there messing around with someone, no questions asked. No need for PI investigations, suprise visits or anything else. If you are like most ordinary folks, you can't tolerate a cheating wife. I know I can't. You need out of this situation in the most painless way possible. This is where you need to focus, forget everything else maestro

Butthead, you need to join the real world. Poison pen letters have been around since recorded history. Now it's poison pen emails. You're SO SURE the wife is cheating based on anonymous emails..........get real.......get off the sauce......give your brain some oxygen.... :o

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