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US man gets 70 years in German exchange student's death


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Guess I'm the only one feeling a bit bad for this guy... 70 years for killing some one breaking into his house

Most rapists and murders get far less than this... But in my opinion face a larger risk to society

Should he go to jail... Of course... But 70 years?

I understand your point but the victim didn't break into his house. He didn't even enter the house aka "dwelling."

Rather than the victim breaking into the garage, the killer left the door to the garage open and left a purse as bait. That smells of premeditation to kill. The killer waited until the victim was in his garage, and went out to the garage with a gun and the intention of shooting which he did. This is murder because you can't kill someone over property. Anywhere in the US lives are more valuable than property and you can't shoot someone to protect property.

This was a baited trap. Yes the intruder was wrong to intrude, but HE didn't deserve the death penalty for it but he died for it anyway. The killer is a heartless bastard that needs to be locked up away from the rest of us.

I agree that because of the purse and open door, he deserves to go to jail... Just don't think 70 years is justified for killing a burglar

I also disagree with the interpretation that the garage is not part of the house...

I k ow I would consider my garage to be part of my house.

All I'm saying is that the sentence for deliberate murder, which this was, goes from 10 years to the death penalty

.... In my books, for killing a burglar ... 10 years seems plenty

Felonies in Montana range from deliberate murder—the most serious felony crime in the state—to sexual assault, kidnapping, aggravated assault, robbery, and criminal distribution of dangerous drugs. The following are specific examples of felonies and the possible penalties under Montana law:

Deliberate murder – life in prison, 10 to 100 years in prison, or the death penalty.


I, too, do not understand the garage being "not part of the house." Most American houses have attached garages and interior doors in the garage that lead directly into a room inside the house. If you're in the garage, you're essentially in the house.

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Considering that 2/3 of Americans see owning guns as a protection against tyranny LINK, (as is happening to Europeans) you have some tough sledding ahead of you.

Just to clarify:

"Two-out-of-three Americans recognize that their constitutional right to own a gun was intended to ensure their freedom."

But thanks for linking to this one:

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 51% of American Adults now support stricter gun control laws
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