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Farangs need to pass "Thainess" course to get teacher license

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Total Thainess.

Get Thaiified.

It would be interesting to find out why this initiatives is justified? Is there a catalogue of farangs failing in Thainess?

Or is this an indoctrination to ensure teachers know how to put up with the bull from Thai idiot managers.

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Same many years ago. Thai culture course 20 hours only on saturdays and Sundays. 5000 bth and wasting your time.

We made a deal with the Thai guy, who gave that course. We gave him 2000 bth and we only stayed at the university for 7 hours. It's again only MONEY, MONEY and MONEY.

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21 hours, can't be much to learn about Thainess.

I think in this case "the medium is the message", that is, the whole scheme is not thought through, no one has a clue as to just what is to be taught or how teachers will be assessed to see if they "got it".... no funding, few outlets to acquire this probably useless knowledge.... bureaucracy meddling in and setting back education even further: yes this is "Thainess".

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Just another bullshit hoop they expect us to jump through. The schools are already struggling to find native English speaking teachers. They should do away with the TCT it has no interest in education just in making themselves 'look' important, implementing ridiculous requirements and in justifying their positions. If they really had any brain cells they would create a standard nation wide curriculum with lesson plans included for English teachers to follow, they could allow a time margin in which the teachers could apply their own methods of teaching or expand on what was taught. They should do away with the TCT course requirement and replace the requirement for a degree with an English proficiency test (A degree in 'sports science' for example doesn't mean your English is any good). It could then be the school's responsibility to monitor the performance and competency of that teacher which could then be reported back to the TCT if need be.

Thailand, land of incompetent leaders and 'too scared to rock the boat' subordinates.

but have you ever sat in the back of the room at a directors club meeting?

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I hope it covers subjects like how to extort extra cash from children by forcing them to buy books from only them, how to pull kids hair, beat them with sticks, making bottle rockets, lighting fires in the playground and how to get the kids to jump through them without being too badly burned, forcing them to walk around all day at school without shoes but with socks until the socks are just rags-this really should be interesting indeed! The farangs will truly learn a lot, imagine the skills that they could take back to their home country after leaving here, the wealth of knowledge gained in Thailand, the hub of 3rd rate education!

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And they should also require Thai teachers to pass certification exams on teaching critical thinking skills and preparing and grading non-multiple choice exams.

So how they going to teach something they don't have a clue about?

Thai critical thinking - Hmmm, should I go the wrong way up the road or go 100 meters to the U-turn?

Should I wear that helmet sitting up front in the basket?

Should I park 3 wide at lunch time at the Samtom shop?

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Once there was a dictator in Thailand by the name of Phibun Songkhram. In addition to being a fascist, he promulgated a number of "mandates" regarding virtually every aspect of Thai socieity. Most of them were silly or bothersome, and were later abandoned. I am sure if you read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thai_cultural_mandates you will say as the French do, "plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose"

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where is the link to apply or check on this?

also a few years back they had the thai cultural certificate, which i have... included or don't need to take that again or what?

needs a better explanation and provision as the new school year is coming fast... its going to put the education system into a world of hurt if they never prepared anyone for this, but just announce it out of the blue... or they should allow the teachers to work as long as they are enrolled to take it... along the way?

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How do I qualify to teach this Thainess course? (Is "Thainess" a word?)

Be able to:

1. procure tea-money from students to assist with grade 'adjustment'

2. administer corporal punishment, and witness it without flinching

3. retrain to 'teacher-focused' education

4. talk about your breakfast for 2 hours each day

5. scream 'falang-falang' without interruption

6. write baht as bath

7. never invent, initiate or act in a creative capacity

8. upwardly manage without fear or favor

9. recognize that it's a complete waste of time

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The next measure that will be announced by the ministry of education is that all farang teachers have to ware a red hat at all times to be easier to recognize...


Can't see why they need a red hat, farang teachers are pretty easy to recognise already, cheap polyester work shirts, unpolished shoes and silly ties and typically carrying a manbag :rolleyes: Edited by Soutpeel
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And who pays for this course? The individual teacher, the teacher's school, or the Ministry of Education?

Certainly not the ministry, perhaps the teachers school is they are lucky, but generally it will be the teacher who pays. It only applies to foreign teachers who teach for three consecutive years though, so it wont be that much of a burdon to most. And considering that this replaces the recently required Qualified Teacher Status to continue teaching for more than 3 years, this actually comes as a relief.

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