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Crazy lady living upstairs


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Today I have had 4 families come up to me and give me the thumbs up. They told me they will support me (presumably as long as it's 100% anonymous).

I told the condo manager that if the police keep on being called it won't be long before the condo gets a bad name. That will affect property prices. Surely that will encourage residents to be more proactive

dont hold your breath.............theyll all run a smiling mile

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Still can't believe they let her get away. There is only 2 points of entry / exit. Surely that's lesson one in policing. If your looking for someone, cover the exits.

learn quick learn now "they really dont care" they will pretend they do.............they dont.

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Sounds she has been having psychotic fits. Is she schizo?

I know one such mental patient who got into fights with neighbors and they were kept awake at night as well. she was hearing voices...

Sounds like she is having psychotic fits. You need to act next time this happens. Can you drive to the Police station with a few hundred Baht to make some cop come along? This gotta be stopped!

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Still can't believe they let her get away. There is only 2 points of entry / exit. Surely that's lesson one in policing. If your looking for someone, cover the exits.

learn quick learn now "they really dont care" they will pretend they do.............they dont.

No more need to be said. Unfortunately.

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Still can't believe they let her get away. There is only 2 points of entry / exit. Surely that's lesson one in policing. If your looking for someone, cover the exits.

Do you own this condo or do you rent?

If you own own the condo, then there must be a juristic management company that you pay a yearly maintenance fee. You say that you made the condo manager aware of the situation but no further action has been taken. If that is the case, than firstly, this woman must be contravening some terms of the lease by spoiling the enjoyment of your home. This time put your complaint in writing or send an email to your estate management company, give them 7 days to respond. If they ignore your correspondence or refuse to take any action against the offending party, than explain that you will not pay any further maintenance fees until the problem is resolved.

If you are are renting, contact your landlord in writing. Explain the situation, ask the landlord to contact the estate management company directly and again give 7 days for a response. If no joy, explain in writing that you will refuse to pay anymore rent until the problem is resolved. If all becomes too complicated and stressful, then you have the option of either remaining in the condo as the long and suffering or moving out.

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Still can't believe they let her get away. There is only 2 points of entry / exit. Surely that's lesson one in policing. If your looking for someone, cover the exits.

Do you own this condo or do you rent?

If you own own the condo, then there must be a juristic management company that you pay a yearly maintenance fee. You say that you made the condo manager aware of the situation but no further action has been taken. If that is the case, than firstly, this woman must be contravening some terms of the lease by spoiling the enjoyment of your home. This time put your complaint in writing or send an email to your estate management company, give them 7 days to respond. If they ignore your correspondence or refuse to take any action against the offending party, than explain that you will not pay any further maintenance fees until the problem is resolved.

If you are are renting, contact your landlord in writing. Explain the situation, ask the landlord to contact the estate management company directly and again give 7 days for a response. If no joy, explain in writing that you will refuse to pay anymore rent until the problem is resolved. If all becomes too complicated and stressful, then you have the option of either remaining in the condo as the long and suffering or moving out.

We rent this condo, however we own other unit in the same complex, which we rent out. Therefore we do pay a management fee.

I have been told that I will meet the committee next week to discuss

Edited by LDNBKK86
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I'm not moving. I shall continue to pursue using the correct channels inline with the condominium rules and regulations, whilst calling the police whenever she goes crazy. I shall speak with the ex husband about the situation.

On Monday I will also contact the daughters school. I know where she goes as a friend of mine used to teach her. I shall ask whether they have a councillor on campus that can talk with the daughter.

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I'm not moving. I shall continue to pursue using the correct channels inline with the condominium rules and regulations, whilst calling the police whenever she goes crazy. I shall speak with the ex husband about the situation.

On Monday I will also contact the daughters school. I know where she goes as a friend of mine used to teach her. I shall ask whether they have a councillor on campus that can talk with the daughter.

How good your intentions are....reread post 34.

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The reasons why she acts in the way she does is irrelevant, as is the impact on her children.

These are not your concerns, its merely the disturbance to you and nothing else.

Does she own or rent her condo ?, by own does she or her ex husband or family member own it ?

If yes then just move because they know exactly what she is like and how she behaves and will defend her to the hilt..

Absolutely no point in pursuing other avenues, although you seem to have taken it as a personal crusade, daughters school and so on.

When it comes down to others supporting your actions, what they say to your face is what you want to hear but probably not the way they will act.

If though she is commercially renting her place try to find out from whom and actually who owns it, vent your ire on them as well as the condo management for allowing their tenant to behave in this way they must be in breach of the terms of ownership.

They will be far more concerned about potential consequences than than family. .

I had the misfortune to be renting a house in a row and the owners of an adjoining one decided to put their thug son into it, late parties, very unpleasant groups of young guys suddenly were all around.

I moved within weeks, lost my security deposit.but I didn't care as renting is a risk as is buying but losing a months rent is really nothing .

If I had owned the place I would have acted it differently purely because of the capital investment but losing a months rent was a tiny price to pay.

It seems to me that as you have let this go on for so long its become a matter of principle rather than one of practicality.

Devote your energies to finding another place to live rather than pursuing a crusade against this woman, life really is far too short.

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Still can't believe they let her get away. There is only 2 points of entry / exit. Surely that's lesson one in policing. If your looking for someone, cover the exits.

learn quick learn now "they really dont care" they will pretend they do.............they dont.

When you call the police state that here has been an explosion 3rd floor and might have been a bomb going off and debris all over the street. That should get her apartment a visit and possibly a fine.

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you could offer to pay her first couple of rent payments in some other condo. my experience is that its just a matter of time till the bad news moves in next door to stay. so keep your tenancy as flexible as you can

3 month lease or under :)

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you could offer to pay her first couple of rent payments in some other condo. my experience is that its just a matter of time till the bad news moves in next door to stay. so keep your tenancy as flexible as you can

3 month lease or under smile.png

currently on day by day but have been know to do monthly. there is a lot of train wreckage around

Edited by rabid old goat
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I'm not moving. I shall continue to pursue using the correct channels inline with the condominium rules and regulations, whilst calling the police whenever she goes crazy. I shall speak with the ex husband about the situation.

On Monday I will also contact the daughters school. I know where she goes as a friend of mine used to teach her. I shall ask whether they have a councillor on campus that can talk with the daughter.

You are going over the top with this and probably getting in way over your head.

You mention about going via the correct channels, yet you are not following the correct procedures.

This is a civil not a criminal matter. If you continue to bother the police each time you consider the said woman is annoying you, than they are going to become peeeesed off with you for wasting their time on such trivial matters. The police can only ask the lady to tone down her behaviour, they do not have the powers to arrest her unless she commits a criminal act. You will not win favour with the police or the authorities using these tactics.

On what authority do you have for contacting her daughter`s school and requesting that the girl sees a councillor? That by law is a form of harassment and will only jeopardise your case against your upstairs neighbor. Also do you legally own and run your restaurant business on the estate? Do you have a work permit and is this run under a registered company? If not, your part in the restaurant business may fall under scrutiny, which could mean you come off worse out of this.

Your first course of action should be to persist with the management company, as this is what you pay your maintenance fees for, before calling in the police and stalking the lady`s daughter at her school. Otherwise you may bring on more trouble than what you bargained for.

Quite honestly, if you and I were neighbors in dispute and you tried these tactics on me, I would come down on you like a ton of bricks. Try to do this properly without over stepping the mark and trying to fast track the resolving of this problem, because it won`t work.

Very good points. Thank you.

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Before throwing in the towel and moving yourself, I would try talking to all of the other residents she is bothering.

If all of you, collectively, tell the management that if they do not deal with her you will all move out, I think you may get results.

It is much easier and cheaper for the management to fill one vacant apartment than it would be to fill four apartment, and the money they will lose until the vacancies are filled is much greater too.

Even after they fill four, the problem will remain and the four new tenants will be complaining and moving out too.

Don't move out until you at least give this a try.

P.S., you might also encourage management to inspect her apartment and see what kind of damage she has done to it!

This won't work ... this is thailand .. not US or Europe or a western country.

The other residents won't get involved ... it's your problem , not there's ...

You think they will all just agree and say ... we are all moving .... cheesy.gif

complete waste of time .

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I can only hope the posts on here recommending,to through her out the window,slash the car tyres and punch her in the face or shoot her are tongue in cheek,i think violence would be an overreaction,and only land the op in a lot of trouble,jail,and deportation,but at least then the noise would not be an issue.

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