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Australian Visa Refused....little help please

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Hi All

I'm new to the forum and was hoping for a little advice from those that have come before me. My girlfriend and I recently applied for a subclass 600 tourist visa to Australia for 3 months. Unfortunely due to my lack of research and understanding of what was required, the application was rejected. I have since searched through these forus and applied many peoples advice to our new application.

We are now going to re-apply with the new content and I was hoping some knowledgable people on this site could check if what I'm going to submit is enough and answer some questions in relation to the application.

So a little background:

My girlfriend and I have been together for just over a year and I have visited roughly 9 times over this period. We applied in late January and was refused shortly after due to lack of evidence for our relationship (I have attached the letter), but we are hoping she can come in April as I have time off work, hence why we are applying again in such a short timeframe. Technically she is unemployed, but she sews baby cloths etc at home and sells them at the market. This was a negative against her, but I think only because our relationship evidence was lacking. Also she doesn't have a bank book.

In application for 1419 Q42 Part I it asks if you have had an application refused before and to give details. Should I write: due to lack of sponsor relationship evidence, etc or the refusal file number etc?

I have included the following documents in the application.


Tabien Bann

Passport bio page only (no stamps)

Birth certificate

Photo's of her Sewing and with finished products


Statutory Declaration

Letter of invitation (attached)

Passport bio page and Thai stamps

Saving account statement (more than enough)

Employer payslips


Photos (mostly selfies of us in tourist locations and a couple with aunt and uncle)

2 Months of recent skype communication

Thanks to all responses in advance



Letter of Application Edited.txt

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The old not answer the phone trick, I've had that happen. Tell your girl to leave her phone on and answer it.

They always call if they want more info from you. Although they often will call your girl first even if you have completed a form 956 telling them to ring you.

The visa can be done online these days. Try doing this application online, so you can upload more docs if you have. check the top of the forum for some recent applications others have done.

You'll need to strengthen proof of the relationship, so give them snippets from more then 2 months back. But also look for reason to return. Can her family help with some letters corroborating your story that she has commitments to return? e.g something more important as to why she must go home to thailand to work in the markets. A second or third letter backing you up can help

Edited by Gopro
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Thanks Gopro I'll get on to that now. Apprieciate the advice.

Yankee, she doesn't have a bank book becuase she doesn't earn enough money to justify putting into the bank. However she has recently opened an account and put a small amount in there to help this application. (No, not my money as I don't sponsor her)

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The old not answer the phone trick, I've had that happen. Tell your girl to leave her phone on and answer it.

They always call if they want more info from you. Although they often will call your girl first even if you have completed a form 956 telling them to ring you.

The visa can be done online these days. Try doing this application online, so you can upload more docs if you have. check the top of the forum for some recent applications others have done.

You'll need to strengthen proof of the relationship, so give them snippets from more then 2 months back. But also look for reason to return. Can her family help with some letters corroborating your story that she has commitments to return? e.g something more important as to why she must go home to thailand to work in the markets. A second or third letter backing you up can help

I didn't think Thailand was one of the countries whose citizens could lodge online, has this changed recently Gopro?

I agree compelling reason to return is a biggie, she has no land, no kids?

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When my wife applied for her first visa ( we weren't married then ) the most critical item seemed to be for the Australian government to know that she wouldn't be a flight risk in Australia. That's why they want to see evidence that she has good reason to return to Thailand e.g. Money in the bank, assets etc.

During that initial application she presented her bank book details, a copy of travel insurance taken out to cover any medical needs while in Australia, a return ticket back to Thailand and a letter of surety from me stating that I would cover any expenses should she require it in Australia, plus my bank details. At the time of her first application she had recently resigned from her job and was technically unemployed but that wasn't an issue.

Finally photos taken while we were in Thailand and Hong Kong.

Get your GF to google some online Thai forums because a lot of girls post relating to their applications.

The first visa she will get will be single entry and after that a one year multiple entry is easy to get.

Good luck

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I do not think Thais can apply online, certainly Vietnamese and Khmer cannot.

Silly not to answer the phone. They called my ex-wife twice and we had to go to the Embassy in Phnom Penh before they granted the visa.

Thai citizens can apply online. Details are in the pinned thread "Australian Tourist Visa Application".

Edited by mark5335
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I do not think Thais can apply online, certainly Vietnamese and Khmer cannot.

Silly not to answer the phone. They called my ex-wife twice and we had to go to the Embassy in Phnom Penh before they granted the visa.

Thai citizens can apply online. Details are in the pinned thread "Australian Tourist Visa Application".

I stand corrected.

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Hi Sleath,

My experience is NZ as opposed to Aus, so may not be useful, but never know.

I encountered similar issues when my partner first applied for tourist visa here in NZ a few years ago. I rang up immigration, spoke to a reasonably helpful person, and offered to pay a bond to guarantee that my partner would not overstay. They accepted. Paid a NZ$3,000 bond which was returned, without any deductions, within two weeks of my partner returning to Thailand. Not ideal if cash flow is tight, but it may be a plan B or C.

Either ways, all the best.

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Thanks everyone who replied. Unfortunely she owns no land (she's 22 and I'm 28) and has no kids. She does help support the family and take care of her grand parents and I have now asked her Mum to write a letter to explain that.

Can anyone give advice on the letter of invitation, is that ok?


Edited by Sleath
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Really......you could not figure this out on your own.....Your govt does not want a burden placed on them when she ditches you.....sorry but that is is the norm and that is what happens....might not apply to you at this time.....but will when your millions run out and issan calls....

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Really......you could not figure this out on your own.....Your govt does not want a burden placed on them when she ditches you.....sorry but that is is the norm and that is what happens....might not apply to you at this time.....but will when your millions run out and issan calls....

So what are you saying Nick..that if it turns to a..h..I..t that Isaan wives take men to the cleaners the same way that western women do?

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Thanks everyone who replied. Unfortunely she owns no land (she's 22 and I'm 28) and has no kids. She does help support the family and take care of her grand parents and I have now asked her Mum to write a letter to explain that.

Can anyone give advice on the letter of invitation, is that ok?


Best you write the letter in English and just get her to sign it.

Add any Aunty's uncles you can think of etc. Mention it's just a holiday somewhere in that too.

Invitation just says your inviting her on holidays and accepting all costs for medical, food, accommodation etc.

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Hi OP,

Tough one - she's young and has no job. You are also young. Statistically, they are worried that she might do a runner and not leave Oz, or that you'll break up and she'll do a runner and not leave Oz.

Suggestions are that you fill in the form to take inquiries on her behalf, and try to provide more reasons for her to come back to Thailand. Just quote the old refusal number on your new application - no need to try to explain why it happened, as they'll already know.

If all else fails, there's always fiancee visa, where she doesn't have to come back to Thailand but you do have to marry her.

Good luck.

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Thanks Everyone

Her Mum has now written a letter stating that she helps support the family and they know she is going on holiday. I will copy it onto the computer and google translate it and get her Mum to sign both copies. I will also check for that form, I think its a 956 form or something I have seen someone mention it on the forums before. We are also putting her mothers, fathers and her phone on the contact details so she won't miss the calls this time.

We aren't re-applying until March but I'll let you know the outcome. If you think of anything else please let me know, it's been good to get all your advice.

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My girlfriend and I have been together for just over a year and I have visited roughly 9 times over this period.---OP

Wow can I get some of your frequent flyer points.-------- Sleath, I was also turned down the first time I applied, & to be honest, I hadn't been in Thailand that long & also had not known the girl for long, but I had to return to Oz to wind up my firm & really just wanted company, I remember the lady at the embassy holding her ID card & asking me what was her real name, then shaking her head when I said "Noot of course---her name is Noot--me & Noot we go back years" ....(These were the days when you applied to the Embassy directly---now of course its farmed out.)

Something I have learn dealing with Government departments a lot--is the power of the C.C.

Appeal that decision in writing , but also CC the letter to the Ambassador, CC to your local MP in Oz. Evan CC it to the Minister of Tourism & if you wish to the Newspaper. (remember you don't actually have to send it to all the people you put as a CC. just make sure their names are there with a CC next to them )

Just like "Yes Minister" everyone has to cover their bottom..... when the secretary to the Ambassador reads the letter he/she will want to provide the answer to the Ambassador in case a question is asked. Questions will be asked right down the line---In my case I had an e-mail 36 hours latter asking us both to return for a further interview.

Noot got her Visa & was such a Pain over in Oz that I sent her back a week early.

Good Luck

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Her not taking the phone call is the issue here. Consider from their pov, human contact is worth a lot.

If you're the sponsor her bank means nothing.

The whole reason to return thing is a hear say imo. End of the day anyone who wants to lie can. Any half sounding sincere reason would do.

Once she's done the right thing once, following visas are easy.

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My girlfriend and I have been together for just over a year and I have visited roughly 9 times over this period.---OP

Wow can I get some of your frequent flyer points.-------- Sleath, I was also turned down the first time I applied, & to be honest, I hadn't been in Thailand that long & also had not known the girl for long, but I had to return to Oz to wind up my firm & really just wanted company, I remember the lady at the embassy holding her ID card & asking me what was her real name, then shaking her head when I said "Noot of course---her name is Noot--me & Noot we go back years" ....(These were the days when you applied to the Embassy directly---now of course its farmed out.)

Something I have learn dealing with Government departments a lot--is the power of the C.C.

Appeal that decision in writing , but also CC the letter to the Ambassador, CC to your local MP in Oz. Evan CC it to the Minister of Tourism & if you wish to the Newspaper. (remember you don't actually have to send it to all the people you put as a CC. just make sure their names are there with a CC next to them )

Just like "Yes Minister" everyone has to cover their bottom..... when the secretary to the Ambassador reads the letter he/she will want to provide the answer to the Ambassador in case a question is asked. Questions will be asked right down the line---In my case I had an e-mail 36 hours latter asking us both to return for a further interview.

Noot got her Visa & was such a Pain over in Oz that I sent her back a week early.

Good Luck

Was worth reading just for the last sentence!

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Thanks Gopro I'll get on to that now. Apprieciate the advice.

Yankee, she doesn't have a bank book becuase she doesn't earn enough money to justify putting into the bank. However she has recently opened an account and put a small amount in there to help this application. (No, not my money as I don't sponsor her)

Sounds similar to most other countries as well. She must prove some kind of income (not yours). Unfortunately, this probably means that your hard earned cash must go into an account with her name on it. Good luck. It might work out for you...but, as in many cases, that bank account may end up being a write off by you. I cannot say how much money it would take...but I would hazard a guess that it should equal minimum wage for each month she would be in Australia. Not only that, probably need to season the account for more than a few months. Perhaps a land ownership/business ownership would indicate that she was not going to Australia permanently.

Bottom line... Aussie Rules are pretty much online with other western nations. If it were a simple task of just applying...then there would be herds of Thai ladies doing walk abouts at Ayer Rock.

Bottom line....a decent sum in the bank, well seasoned...and an intention of returning to Thailand.

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Have you got a criminal record ?

Good point…..that's a sure fire way to get into Aussie.

The boats are filling up fast.

The OP's main crime was that he never once flew Qantas for those 9 trips to LOS in 1 year.

What's 9 into 12? Sounds like a tad too many arrivals, for my maths.

<end humour>

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Thanks Everyone

Her Mum has now written a letter stating that she helps support the family and they know she is going on holiday. I will copy it onto the computer and google translate it and get her Mum to sign both copies. I will also check for that form, I think its a 956 form or something I have seen someone mention it on the forums before. We are also putting her mothers, fathers and her phone on the contact details so she won't miss the calls this time.

We aren't re-applying until March but I'll let you know the outcome. If you think of anything else please let me know, it's been good to get all your advice.

Sleath, I'd be getting as many letters from even friends at the markets. Remember it's her application not yours. The more stories from locals to support her reason to return will help.

My first time - i had 3 supporting letters mentioning girl had to return home

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