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Thai KFC denies hunting down fried chicken copycats in Rayong

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KFC mix

1 teaspoon ground oregano
1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon ground sage
1 teaspoon dried basil
1 teaspoon dried marjoram
1 teaspoon pepper
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon onion salt
1 teaspoon garlic powder
2 tablespoons Accent (MSG)

Thais would never use all those ingredients.

Instead, they all use this crap, which is primarily (71%) Salt, Sugar and MSG.



Im guessing this must have been the work of local managers trying to remove competition and saw an opportunity being that they were making false claims. There is no way KFC corporate would ever approve of such actions. Let alone make threats to food stalls without legal action even if under the table... no way! But for sure I would check into the managers of the local KFCs to investigate because this smells of typical thai mafia extortion tactics.

But as a graphic designer it pisses me off to see thais ripping off well known brands to deceive people. I would love to see those guys get fined for copyright violations. Just because it might take more than a couple minutes to come up with an original idea doesnt mean you need to rip another companies branding and ideas.

Rubbish ... You are very miss guided ...

I would love to see the Nike's & the Adidas & KFC's and many other corporate thief companies go broke ...

... These big companies pay meager and minimum wages , they locate there factories in India and Bangladesh where they can abuse the system and regulations on human rights such as 14 work hour work days, no sick time allowed, horrible living quarters and no medical cover and many other issues ....

They don't want to spend big money in the US or UK where they would have to abide by the laws and install proper toilets & fire safety systems etc ... .... and many other requirements

I love copyright violations , what difference is it to say ' Guess ' or ' Rolex ' if the small guy buys a copy Rolex for say 500 baht when he will never be able to afford the original ...

he will never in a million years pay the price what a real would be, as such your corporate is not actually loosing one cent as the lower class people will never buy from them anyway .......

but the street seller who employs one other thai and tries to earn enough to feed his family every day is at least working in some way.

Good on the chicken sellers !! corporate scum mad.gif


Bwahahaha... misguided? I think not, more like you are. You're pretty much saying that stealing is ok.

Funny how you say corporate scum though.... they make the products you want. Dont be so bitter old man... without them we would be living like the Amish.

Companies pay so much money on concepts, testing, research, development, branding, etc.... are you saying its fair for another person to swoop in and steal all that hard work and money spent just to deceive the public into trying to think that its the real deal? Because thats pretty much what you're saying is ok to do.


Im guessing this must have been the work of local managers trying to remove competition and saw an opportunity being that they were making false claims. There is no way KFC corporate would ever approve of such actions. Let alone make threats to food stalls without legal action even if under the table... no way! But for sure I would check into the managers of the local KFCs to investigate because this smells of typical thai mafia extortion tactics.

But as a graphic designer it pisses me off to see thais ripping off well known brands to deceive people. I would love to see those guys get fined for copyright violations. Just because it might take more than a couple minutes to come up with an original idea doesnt mean you need to rip another companies branding and ideas.

Interested to know if you have a work permit to do graphic design in Thailand? Copyright laws are often nothing more than the theft of common language.

Copyright laws are enforceable.

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