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"Orgy-offering" Thai sisters nabbed for preying on foreigners

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peterb17 has made a very relevant and pertinent point, how easy is it for all of us to sit here and pass judgement on those around us?

Have we all been here so long that it is now acceptable to "buy" what pleases us with no regard for the person supplying the service?

I can hear the comments about it being the "oldest profession" or that they are "supporting their families" Does this then give us the high moral ground when handing over a few dollars to allow someone to debase themselves?

Yes these two women are criminals and should be punished, there can be no argument over that, but next time you are engaged in a negotiation with a female (or male) young enough to be your child give it a bit of thought. That is another person you are dealing with, are they so worthless as to put them below your gratification and pampered ego for just a few fleeting moments?

I suppose the issue of self respect comes into this as well, if you have no self respect or any sense of self worth, how can you possibly show the same to others?

What time do you and peterb17 hold your prayer meetings? Inferring that either side of a consenting act is immoral, or that negotiation with someone young enough to be your child is somehow despicable, when a similar-age negotiation of the same ilk is acceptable; is sanctimonious nonsense. What sort of low-budget Elmer Gantry are you trying to emulate?

Now, now smotherb don't get carried away with yourself, your pacemaker will blow a gasket...

The point I was trying to make is fairly simple, back in your own environment negotiating for services to be rendered is fairly straight forward and business like, but you are not in your own environment are you?

This is a far less developed country with no social safety net, where the socio-economic pressures are far greater on unsupported families, where the less fortunate among us are ripe pickings for the more financially gifted or fortunate.

If you (or anyone else for that matter) are generous in your dealings then the points you raised are understandable and justified, if your rewards to the other person are fair (by any standards) and make a difference (even small) to their life that may be to some as "fair enough" But if your more like some of the stingy, tight arsed old codgers who want a good time for less than the price of a decent case of beer then you are the type of person my original post was directed at.

Taking advantage of someone because of their social standing or situation is unacceptable, no matter where you live. I for one do not have all the answer's, nor do I sit here in judgement on what anyone does. One point I was trying to get across was when you have a healthy attitude towards yourself you may then look at the people you deal with differently.

Going by your reaction I think I may have hit a nerve, at least you have what appears to be a semblance of a conscience, good on you for retaining that.

Me, getting carried away; you are the one pontificating. You’re not good at changing horses mid-stream. I read your twaddled response and see nothing but weak attempts, using trite sayings, to justify your previous post—e.g., it’s different here, how informative; the poor and downtrodden are ripe for picking, leally?

I see nowhere in the OP where the old geezer was trying to get something for little or nothing; which seems to be the focus of your pitiful response. Instead your original post said, “ . . . but next time you are engaged in a negotiation with a female (or male) young enough to be your child give it a bit of thought . . .” which eludes to age differences as the root of your problem.

Then you say, “Taking advantage of someone because of their social standing or situation is unacceptable, no matter where you live.” You’re acting as if the two “ladies” in question are the victims, instead of criminals who have honed this modus operandi on other aged farangs.

Speak up Bignose, what is your problem? Your backtracking rants are too confusing for this poor old codger.


I have an acquaintance who worked consular assistance in Bangkok for a few years. She told me it was not unheard of to be called by a hotel who had a male in one of their rooms, feeling very groggy, passport, cash, cards, phone, CLOTHES, etc. gone.... naked as the day they were born not able to leave the room....

The thought I had was if you take a girl(s) to your room surely you secure your stuff.....hotel safe.....safety deposit box.....Granted the clothes might be tricky....but the rest....no excuse....

Basically thinking with your dick.....


i got robbed january 12/13..all i remember is i went to katsiree bar soi bukhao...i was alone...2 ladies spoke to me and came and sat at my table...

i went for a piss..came back..thats all i remember....i got back to my room...above 7/11..opposite chaba hut...

the room had been turned over....i lost 3 gold wedding rings...2 seiko watch galaxy 5 phone...cash and bank cards..

done the police report...and thats it

i have no idea how i got from the bar where i went or how i got home....for sure i do not drink a lot as i am diabetic...so the most i would have had is 2 chang beers...

i am back in the uk now....if any one sees these girls photo on tv or any where can you pm ..me and get copies for me...

i have the poice email to contact them...if i find out any thing

many thanx

Just Google the names of the two arrested women. One of the hits will have a picture of them and two

farangs pointing at them. I imagine the farangs were slightly more embarrassed than the two rather tough looking females from Tak.

It is against forum rules to directly link the source of the photo.


Heartless, souless, predatory animals.


The 70 year old 'boys' with the 19 year old ladies?

You are great!

Did you take a wrong turn on the way to You-Tube to post your Trolling gibberish?


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