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Family sick

BKK Beat

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(Thai) Family sick, now I'm sick.

I feel a bit of a girl to complain, but I caught what seems to be the latest bug.

Sore throat, lot's of snot. Just feel like cr*p

Others complained of headaches. It seems to be slowly working it's way through the extended Family.

In the West I rarely get sick, but this has laid me low.

Anyone else got this? Cures? Not the Thai WitchDoctor variety please!

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go out and get sloshed ... you'll feel a lot better next morning burp.gif

have the flu and hangover at the same time is hell.....Don't do it......

Some hot wine with herbs may help to sleep better, but in moderation

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Silly I know, but usually when I get sick I go to visit a doctor rather than asking for medical advice on non medical themed forums.

For a usual flu you don't need a doc and he can't help......It is normal 1-2 weeks. 3-4 days to recognize the enemy, than martial law and call for weapons and than the war which you finally win. No need for a doc unless you have other health problems or if it didn't clear itself

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Whatever you do, don't research online. You'll be sure within an hour that you have full blown AIDS.

I had swine flu a few weeks back, a cough now, and a bad cold over new year. Definitely AIDS.

Or cancer or both....

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Silly I know, but usually when I get sick I go to visit a doctor rather than asking for medical advice on non medical themed forums.

maybe the reason people ask on this forum is because they know a visit to the doc will end in the doc giving the patient unknown quantities of pills that do absolutely nothing to improve said patients condition.

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Try honey and lemon works for me. put it in a littel hot water and drink

Thanks for all the suggestions, even the ones going to the Doctor (Duh).

If it gets serious I will, but I was also trying to gague if our mob was just an isolated case or it's something doing the rounds.

So, I took a few FA-THALAI-CHON cabsules as that was prescribed by the doctor for one of the Family.

Searched it on the internet, harmless enough. A few GPO MOX.

She who must be obeyed made essentially what was mentioned above. Honey and lime (we didn't have lemons) and hot water (tasted good also).

Then a warm water and salt gargle, and a few times during the night, a Listerine Gargle.

The drinks seem to sooth the sore throat. Snored like cabin full of drunk sailors with the snot buildup.

Didn't sleep much.

But, it seems to have done the trick.

If I could just stop the sneezes and turn the tap off for the nose, I'd be sweet.

I did make a promise that no more beer till I was better, so I hope that's soon.

Cheers again for the responses ... thumbsup.gif

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This virus went though Jomtien like a plague. I was surprised that I had a slight cough but the big problem was 0 energy for 10 days. I couldn't taste anything also.

That was one of the main complaints here also, 'no energy'.

Didn't get me, but I have to admit, I don't have the luxury of being doing little or nothing for a week, such is life.

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