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CDC must be specific on non-elected Thai PM: Suriyasai

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CDC must be specific on non-elected PM: Suriyasai

Suriyasai Katasila

BANGKOK: -- THE Constitution Drafting Committee should prevent a scenario of the public rejecting the new charter, by reviewing or fixing criteria or conditions over the non-elected prime minister proposal, Suriyasai Katasila, a lecturer of College of Social Innovation at Rangsit University said yesterday.

A former yellow-shirt activist, Suriyasai said the CDC should be open-minded and take different opinions into consideration, especially over the non-elected prime minister proposal. Democracy advocates usually view the move as undemocratic.

"Charter drafters should not write this provision in general terms. Instead, they should set specific conditions and criteria for the provision of non-elected PM to become operable. Failure to do so would make the draft vulnerable to attacks and some political groups are expected to use this weakness to their advantage and will try and convince the public to reject the whole charter,'' Suriyasai said.

He said the charter drafters should clarify other controversial issues, including the drafting process, in order to avoid any misconception or public misunderstanding.

Suriyasai classified charter critics into three groups. The first was reluctant to accept reform or was not ready to change; the second group was made up of academics and other diverse groups of interests; and the last group was the absolute anti-coup group that rejects every proposal from the CDC.

He suggested that the CDC reason with the first two groups and avoid arguments with the anti-coup group.

"When you scrutinise the last three coups - 1992, 2006 and 2014 - the political crises that led to the coups were not caused by the charters but by corrupt politicians who exploited legal loopholes for their own vested interests,'' he said.

"It is unprecedented that politicians initiate any reform for public interest. Politicians should just listen [instead of criticising],'' he added. Suriyasai admitted that the new charter granted more space to public participation compared to the 1997 and 2007 constitutions.

He said that under the new charter, new political mechanisms have been designed with the aim of improving public participation in various domains, such as checks and balance as well as participation in the legislative process. This also includes the establishment of a people's assembly at the regional and national level - a body that would allow the public direct participation in the legislative process.

Despite all the progress highlighted by Suriyasai, the CDC should have a better public outreach as the drafters are currently beset by scepticism over the lack of public participation.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/CDC-must-be-specific-on-non-elected-PM-Suriyasai-30255145.html

-- The Nation 2015-03-02

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I would suggest the PM be elected by the people so the people decide by there vote the direction the country should progress. Then the PM would only be holding to the people and not to any one party it would also put MP's beholding to the people if they fail to follow the mandate of the people. This way no one group or party rules it would be the will of the majority guiding the nation. This and only this will empower the people. then these vote buying scams will not work. I would also suggest the voting records of all in office be posted in newspapers so the voters can see how there voting and on what there voting for. An informed vote is a powerful voter that would hold them in line.


Not only must the CDC be specific they have to ask the people ,it is the height of arrogance and a totalitarian, authoritarian approach with an attitude adjustment if the CDC think that they can ride rough shod over the country, the CDC must not lose sight regardless of who appointed them , they are in the employment of the people, making decision for the people and the people must have the final say, in a referendum. coffee1.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I would suggest the PM be elected by the people so the people decide by there vote the direction the country should progress. Then the PM would only be holding to the people and not to any one party it would also put MP's beholding to the people if they fail to follow the mandate of the people. This way no one group or party rules it would be the will of the majority guiding the nation. This and only this will empower the people. then these vote buying scams will not work. I would also suggest the voting records of all in office be posted in newspapers so the voters can see how there voting and on what there voting for. An informed vote is a powerful voter that would hold them in line.

Strangebrew , they live for yesteryear and power , they have been trying to claw back lost ground since the student revolt, they are also trying to close out any influence the shins might conjure up under disguise rigmarole , but at the same time feathering their own nests,( Cunning buggers) just like the Junta of old used to, corrupt to the nines.


I agree with the OP and said as much a couple of days ago, the none elected PM should be conditional and only possible when those conditions are met and under strict rules - probably overseen or implemented by the senate


How about being very specific that the PM must be elected ?

Hmmmm. Agree with you, but, depends on how the word 'election' - (currently word of the day in Thailand) is interpreted.

Elect me - or my stalking horse.

Egypt fairly recently 'elected' an unelected general.sad.png

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