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Five Frenchmen arrested for Phuket ATM skimming fraud 'in the millions'


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French ?

Really ?

The French people feeling badly enough without you rubbing it in....

Thailand is a haven for these king of people, and they keep coming in in droves

as apparently the punishments doesn't fit the crime...

Edited by ezzra
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French ?

Really ?

Just French on passport........

French have got a lot problem with this type of people but in France can allow to cite them.......

In France, this case is not publicizing

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in before someone makes a comment that those black guys can be called frenchmen but yet a farang can live a long time in thailand and speak thai and marry a thai person but yet not be considered thai.

Maybe because Thailand doers not have a history as a colonial power? And where is it written that Thailand needs to apply French law; each country makes its own choices.

if you live in Thailand for forty years, and are a foreigner, YOU will NEVER be considered Thai! at best you will be considered a polite foreigner. and don't ever expect to be equal to the Thai. it ain't going to happen. however you can live a relativy peaceful life and get along with the Thai.

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I wonder how many of the countries that have people such as this getting caught actually punish their citizens? The USA passed a law a few years ago claiming that you can be prosecuted in the USA for the crimes committed overseas. crime prosecution is one thing, and I doubt a naturally born citizen of a country can be stripped of their citizenship, but I wonder about people that became nationalized or immigrated to a country? is their citizenship status a bit more tenuous?

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Who is the white guy in the photo? Translator, consular official, spy, who and what? And where is the money…..you'd expect to see a swag bag in respect of such activity.

Some of the comments here about race are really absurd and truly beggar belief. LOL

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" a group of dark skinned men used skimming cards on multiple occasions"

What, now it's not pc to say black?

PC is like women's fashion what is in and what isn't changes from year to year, it's never bothered me, i say what i think. I am disgusted by all the so called prominence making statements and then profusely apologize the next day because it wasn't PC, ''I shouldn't have said coloured, i should have said black, i am so sorry if i hurt anyone's feelings'' was the latest. Yeah, he hurt my feelings for apologizing.

These wally's look very French, not.

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I am sorry that these fools look nothing like the FRENCHMEN I have met in my life. They resemble the Muslims and Terrorists who inhabit France. Now they are coming here to disrupt Thailand. I hope the Thai Government and Law deal with these creatures severely. Not like they would be babied in France.

Muslim and Terrorists ? Can you elaborate this ?

Buy a dictionary.

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Who is the white guy in the photo? Translator, consular official, spy, who and what? And where is the money…..you'd expect to see a swag bag in respect of such activity.

Some of the comments here about race are really absurd and truly beggar belief. LOL

Yes, quite unusual for people to say what they think without looking over their shoulders for the nashing teeth of the PC brigade, go cry a river.

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Enough of the racial comments. Obviously they are from one of the old French African colonies.

Try to concentrate on the crime of card skimming/fraud. I hope these guys get locked up in Thailand for a very long time. .

THANK YOU for your comment. When I saw the faces of those guys I just KNEW there would be an immediate shower of outrageously racist comments, and sure enough, they popped up like a string of stinking mushrooms.

YES there are LOTS of black people in France (calling them 'dark-skinned' or 'coloured' is ridiculous political correctness) and the REASON for that is that France INVADED their countries (in Africa and in the West Indies) and turned them into COLONIES which they then proceeded to PILLAGE for decades, using the local 'indigènes' (as they were called then) as cheap labour or (in the West Indies) downright SLAVES. A large part of Europe's wealth is a DIRECT RESULT of colonization.

WE CREATED a relationship with these countries and peoples, they did NOT ask for it, and the present situation is a direct consequence of what WE Europeans have done.

Of course it's not just the French. The English (number one colonizing power), the Dutch, the Spaniards and the Portuguese did the same thing with other countries and they now have similar problems with other 'coloured' people who are trying to survive in their squeaky clean countries, among horrified ARYANS.

You racist lot may not like this, but that's what HAPPENED. That we should be made to pay, in all kinds of ways, for what we've done to these countries and these people, is called KARMA, I suppose.

I am NOT saying that it's OK to be a criminal and YES they deserve to be locked up, what I'm saying is that it's a pathetic show of utter stupidity to condemn these guys without even trying to understand how they got there. Try to find a job in France with a name like Mohammed something and/or a black face, even if you have good diplomas, and perhaps you will moderate your aggressive stance. SHAME ON YOU RACIST LOT.

Edited by Yann55
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This all happened in duplex villas next to Kamala Lawn Bowls Club

The staff there showed me the damage to the Villas done by these villians - smashed windows and a buckled door

They certainly hadnt kept a low profile , the doof doof music was blasting from their rental all last week while they bombed the pool and yelled at/to each other

They had Euro women with them who seem to have disappeared as well

So a bit of news from the bowling green ! 555 - Im lead to believe there are only 3 in all Thailand BTW

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French ?

Really ?

Yes they are French.

Haven't you heard that with the global warming the sun is very strong in France so the people started going black?

In the UK the sun is not so severe so people started going less dark.......let's say they look like Indians or Pakistanis.

A big problem it is this global warming........

Yeah the Global Warming. It is indeed a major problem and this is what I worry about when I see all the "Imported Thrash " along the bars of Pattaya and Phuket,...

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French ?

Really ?

Just French on passport........

French have got a lot problem with this type of people but in France can allow to cite them.......

In France, this case is not publicizing

You like them when they play football for the France national team, and have been exploiting their natural resources for many, many years. Better accept this as well.

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Kevin Tahiango Theodore Okito doesn't sound typically French to me.

This is getting so old. Not all French are called Charles Henri Duval, just like not all Brits are called Jim Smith and just like not all Germans are called Fritz Mueller. If they have French passports, then that is what they are; regardless of names or skin color.

only liberal apologists and the brainwashed PC brigade would ever say that these people are French

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in before someone makes a comment that those black guys can be called frenchmen but yet a farang can live a long time in thailand and speak thai and marry a thai person but yet not be considered thai.

They are Thai if they have a Thai passport. Not too difficult to understand.

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Kevin Tahiango Theodore Okito doesn't sound typically French to me.

This is getting so old. Not all French are called Charles Henri Duval, just like not all Brits are called Jim Smith and just like not all Germans are called Fritz Mueller. If they have French passports, then that is what they are; regardless of names or skin color.

only liberal apologists and the brainwashed PC brigade would ever say that these people are French

They are French if they have a French passport.

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Perhaps the "name" issue is actually an oblique way of asking this question:

"Why is it that North African/African minority groups make up about 13.5% of the population of France, but they seem to account for (according to the media) 90+% of the crime committed by French citizens in Thailand?"

Does it mean that "whitey" French crooks, with traditional Gallic names, prefer to thieve at home, or are the ex-colonised just easier to catch?

But you must bear in mind that the 10% of crime committed by the others are probably the heinous crimes of drunken driving.speeding and not paying correct income tax.

These are far more serious than mere muggings and drug dealings.

This is certainly the case in England.

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Kevin Tahiango Theodore Okito doesn't sound typically French to me.

This is getting so old. Not all French are called Charles Henri Duval, just like not all Brits are called Jim Smith and just like not all Germans are called Fritz Mueller. If they have French passports, then that is what they are; regardless of names or skin color.

They are french just like Said and Cherif Kouachi were french - Europe is in a Death-spiral

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