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New Bangkok Nightlife Curfew Rumors Cause Tourism Concerns

Jacob Maslow

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I think that this self-righteous prig, Jungle Gin is one closeted, alcoholic pervert himself.

Way too outspoken for a bystander. Maybe a recovering alcoholic diddler himself

Hey quote function buddy! You attributed that crap to me :)

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Will the price of hookers go up or down?

Thai business philosophy: Prices to go up - because: No business (same as with orange juice, cement, spare parts, developer's land etc.etc.)

Well if the business dries up its a strong chance they will saying yes to lowerprices..think about it wink.png

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Insert Smart-Alec comment here:

Sic transit gloria mundi. (As requested)

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

vigil-vigilum vigilabo vigilum. (Better stop there before the mods beat us up for using Latin).

Yes, their motto is Semper Vigilo, well sometimes. :rolleyes:

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I don't live in Bangkok and haven't been there for many a long year so am grateful to the posters who have clarified which areas are and are not designated entertainment zones.

I wonder why the law covering midnight closing is suddenly being enforced and for only 2 weeks ?

Lots of room for speculation of course but wouldn't it be nice if someone in authority came out with a definitive statement to sort this out or is officialdom in horse trading behind the scenes ?

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I don't live in Bangkok and haven't been there for many a long year so am grateful to the posters who have clarified which areas are and are not designated entertainment zones.

I wonder why the law covering midnight closing is suddenly being enforced and for only 2 weeks ?

Lots of room for speculation of course but wouldn't it be nice if someone in authority came out with a definitive statement to sort this out or is officialdom in horse trading behind the scenes ?

C'mon, some of us have posted this 3 times now.

There is no speculation as to the reason. It's the 2 biggest police having a pissing contest as a result of the Din Daeng gambling raids a few days ago.

Police boss 2 days ok, if you're going to enforce the law strictly against my interests, I'll enforce the law strictly in other areas....

And so the police have told everyone involved in the industry that this is what will happen for 2 weeks. Strict enforcement of the law.

It's tit for tat nonsense. And how do you have an official announcement of the law being enforced correctly... :)

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If your hands are starting to shake and face turning purple just finish another bottle . Everything will be just fine. That is until the bottle is empty and you get the shakes again.

I don,t . try again[

That was sarcasm Jim.

Not the bit about the arsehat... smile.png
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I don't live in Bangkok and haven't been there for many a long year so am grateful to the posters who have clarified which areas are and are not designated entertainment zones.

I wonder why the law covering midnight closing is suddenly being enforced and for only 2 weeks ?

Lots of room for speculation of course but wouldn't it be nice if someone in authority came out with a definitive statement to sort this out or is officialdom in horse trading behind the scenes ?

C'mon, some of us have posted this 3 times now.

There is no speculation as to the reason. It's the 2 biggest police having a pissing contest as a result of the Din Daeng gambling raids a few days ago.

Police boss 2 days ok, if you're going to enforce the law strictly against my interests, I'll enforce the law strictly in other areas....

And so the police have told everyone involved in the industry that this is what will happen for 2 weeks. Strict enforcement of the law.

It's tit for tat nonsense. And how do you have an official announcement of the law being enforced correctly... :)

Yes it's the law but not rigorously enforced so its not unheard of for an official announcement that the Tra La days are over and the law is to be applied. Simple really.

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The question asked yesterday is still VERY valid and that is " who authorised this 2 week ban ? "

There's no comment I know of from the BMA and the police are saying nothing which in itself raises more questions that most definitely need to be answered. It's frightening to think this is in place simply on the say so of a senior police officer whose motives may be questionable.

Its "Grease the wheel" time.

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The Thai establishment and elite fed at the trough of Bangkok's sex trade and nightlife for decades. Now that they have their wealth off the backs of the Thai girls, they want to curfew the operations. Nice going Thais.

What has this got to do with sex? Have you ever been on a night out in Bangkok? It's not just Nana, Cowboy and Patpong you know! And as the latter two places are Entertainment Zones, as is RCA, I would think they are unaffected.

I go out in BKK every Saturday, never go to Nana, Cowboy or Patpong....... ALWAYS get laid (free, u know, nornal birds into a good shag)......... You are in denial or, poor you, married to a padlock if you think sex isn't on the metaphorical menu. Not always hookers (although EVERY bar with farang seems to have them from Rangsit to Thong Lo)........ But if girls here turned in to something like English girls in England overnight....... there would be a farang exodus

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Back on topic Kiddies.... Its just a tit for tat, child like power struggle between the greedy grubs that run this place, losing face as others have said... NO REASON, just jerking their gherkins at the expense of tourists and their own countrymen to be the BIG man, why, coz they can.... Ego driven ass wipes, with absolutely no idea of forward thinking and any sane logic with ALMOST all decisions they make that affect this Country, the mind boggles....coffee1.gif

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Quote: "No official announcements of a curfew have been given at this time."

What idiot or who the ƒ@¢|< is running this city ? Police ???

By The Way: I just received a message from 2 friends that were planning to visit Thailand for 4 weeks, starting this Saturday.

Well they don't come !!!

They decided only to fly to Bangkok and will leave for Cambodia. They only will be in transfer. This due to some Dutch tourist getting fined by Bangkok finest for having a Swiss knife a couple of weeks ago (big story in Holland) and on top: this Nightlife curfew. Next to this, it was told them by the insurrance companies that NO travel insurrance is valid in Thailand. No German and No Dutch travel insurrance !!!

Thank you Thailand, you could have had real quality tourist (researchers that make over 100,000 €uros / year). I see less, less and less family members and friends coming over due to corruption, murders, abuse of power of Thailand's finest, the coup, etc..

Why do your friends think Cambodia is any different? Far more lawlessness, violence and corruption over there!

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The Thai establishment and elite fed at the trough of Bangkok's sex trade and nightlife for decades. Now that they have their wealth off the backs of the Thai girls, they want to curfew the operations. Nice going Thais.

What has this got to do with sex? Have you ever been on a night out in Bangkok? It's not just Nana, Cowboy and Patpong you know! And as the latter two places are Entertainment Zones, as is RCA, I would think they are unaffected.

I go out in BKK every Saturday, never go to Nana, Cowboy or Patpong....... ALWAYS get laid (free, u know, nornal birds into a good shag)......... You are in denial or, poor you, married to a padlock if you think sex isn't on the metaphorical menu. Not always hookers (although EVERY bar with farang seems to have them from Rangsit to Thong Lo)........ But if girls here turned in to something like English girls in England overnight....... there would be a farang exodus

I was referring to regular Thai clubbers, not horny farangs desperate to get laid!!

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Quote: "No official announcements of a curfew have been given at this time."

What idiot or who the ƒ@¢|< is running this city ? Police ???

By The Way: I just received a message from 2 friends that were planning to visit Thailand for 4 weeks, starting this Saturday.

Well they don't come !!!

They decided only to fly to Bangkok and will leave for Cambodia. They only will be in transfer. This due to some Dutch tourist getting fined by Bangkok finest for having a Swiss knife a couple of weeks ago (big story in Holland) and on top: this Nightlife curfew. Next to this, it was told them by the insurrance companies that NO travel insurrance is valid in Thailand. No German and No Dutch travel insurrance !!!

Thank you Thailand, you could have had real quality tourist (researchers that make over 100,000 €uros / year). I see less, less and less family members and friends coming over due to corruption, murders, abuse of power of Thailand's finest, the coup, etc..

Why do your friends think Cambodia is any different? Far more lawlessness, violence and corruption over there!

But the bars stay open :)

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Maybe its just me living out here in the Styx. But why do folk have to drink after midnight , who leaves work at ,say , 11pm and need to find a drink somewhere ? Surely you can eat dinner ,go out at 8pm and drink merrliy 'till midnight, Who is desperate to need the bar to prop up for another hour ?

No. Not just you. I think there are maybe four others. coffee1.gif

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The Thai establishment and elite fed at the trough of Bangkok's sex trade and nightlife for decades. Now that they have their wealth off the backs of the Thai girls, they want to curfew the operations. Nice going Thais.

What has this got to do with sex? Have you ever been on a night out in Bangkok? It's not just Nana, Cowboy and Patpong you know! And as the latter two places are Entertainment Zones, as is RCA, I would think they are unaffected.

I go out in BKK every Saturday, never go to Nana, Cowboy or Patpong....... ALWAYS get laid (free, u know


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A (quite irritating) friend of mine always used to respond to these types of crack-downs by saying:-

"Well, If you aren't in bed by midnight you might as well go home (or back to your hotel etc)".

I guess this is what Jungle Jim and the other "I never drink or stay out late" moralists are trying to tell us. They do say that sex without beer is a lot more enjoyable; if I were ten years younger I might be tempted to give it a try.

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Up until now, the real partying only seemed to occur from around 11:00 onward. Real bummer for the average office worker!

With this new and improved operating time, makes it far easier for people that have to work office hours to get out and tie one on before closing time, then make it home by 1:00 or so.

Good plan whoever thought this up!

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My guidebook says "Not so long ago Bangkok had the reputation of being one of the most wide-open cities in East Asia, if not the world. Lamentably ( to some at least) that is not the case anymore, for the government, worried about Thailand's reputation, cracked down, outlawed prostitution, and made Bangkok a tame town compared with most capitals of the world". In respect of opening hours: (for those would want) a last quick drink or whirl around the floor before midnight, the deadline which most of the clubs keep these days. Closing time on the weekend is 2.00am , and just a few bars stay open until 4am". It goes on to describe a number of clubs and bars and the 'staff'. ( Fodor's Guide To Japan and East Asia, 1962).

We all know these things are cyclical , restricted today but probably back next month.

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This is just the beginning. Next crackdown will be 28 days and then BOOM! 12am everyday.

Remember that terrible rape and murder on the trains recently? They cut alcohol straight away but not because of the rape, they were looking for an excuse for years and suddenly the opportunity presented itself

The cleanup is happening just look at Sukhumvit during the day, what a pleasure to walk and they didn't revert back..new taxi laws..Phuket cleansing ..and so on

I think its all fantastic! Those who don't like it can go to New York or Vegas I believe its 5am close over there

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Maybe its just me living out here in the Styx. But why do folk have to drink after midnight , who leaves work at ,say , 11pm and need to find a drink somewhere ? Surely you can eat dinner ,go out at 8pm and drink merrliy 'till midnight, Who is desperate to need the bar to prop up for another hour ?

I leave work at 11pm when dealing with Europe and i know some other people that do the same.

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