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Vice Admiral Taratorn Thinsuwan Employs Wife and Daughter in 4 Roles

Jacob Maslow

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I see Prayut getting annoyed with "busybody nosy" reporters for asking about this.

Watch out when he shows up with a basket of bananas.

You got me. You will need to explain that reference.

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I'm surprised at how low his salary is. A Vice Admiral is equivalent to a 3 star General so that's obviously a high ranking position....

Quite amazing how the majority of the Generals in Thailand amass great wealth given their paltry salaries... T.I.T. whistling.gif

Edited by merlin2002
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In some Thai circles, the Vice-Admiral would be applauded for his obvious dedication to his family.

The righteous ranking of loyalties is:

Me first, Family second, my Boss/Patron third, and my obligations to my Job fourth.

It's a pity that Prayuth yesterday said that there is no need to re-shuffle his appointees.

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And so........all you military junta, coup,supporters again things arent all peaches and creme in your camp (pun intended). Oh yeah id be remorse in my cynicism if I didnt point out these are "yellow" people lol

"Yellow" people? Are you insinuating Asians are all corrupt? Pot calling the kettle, eh? Need I remind you of all the corruption in the lands of the other races--Africa, Europe, US . . . . ? Any nation without a sufficient system of checks and balances will have corruption. And, my caveat, any system of checks and balances monitored by humans will still have corruption; albeit, perhaps less.

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Lets see how serious Prayuth is.....I am expecting some harsh action now....

If Prayut is really serious I would fully expect new headlines tomorrow about him saying this will be dealt with severely. If you hear nothing tomorrow then he is not and never has been serious about extinguishing corruption.

If this isn't a BLATANT form of corruption then I don't know what is.

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In some Thai circles, the Vice-Admiral would be applauded for his obvious dedication to his family.

The righteous ranking of loyalties is:

Me first, Family second, my Boss/Patron third, and my obligations to my Job fourth.

It's a pity that Prayuth yesterday said that there is no need to re-shuffle his appointees.

I was always of the opinion that is was wallet, dick, stomach and family.

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"Vice Admiral Taratorn Thinsuwan is a well-known figure and commanded the Royal Thai Navy 3."

That's one of your finest, hand-picked NLA, Uncle Too. wai2.gifwai.gif

You know, the NLA that you have defended, while saying, they have a legal right to employ family members?

Peas in a pod.


Reform, my ass...

Edited by iReason
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I see Prayut getting annoyed with "busybody nosy" reporters for asking about this.

It is not illegal, but can be construed to be unethical.

I can see the PM taking a decision to outlaw this situation.

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Regrettably not restricted to Thailand. There was a big case in Bavaria last year were several members of the state parliament had hired relatives at amazing salaries and benefits. And plenty of US Senators that employ relatives, too.

Despicable in any case and even more so in Thailand where the Army took over to clean up.

We could also mention the recent resignation of Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber due to hiring his new squeeze/fiancée. And yes, most members of the US Congress would be out of a job if hiring family members was to be made a crime. But relative to corruption in Thailand, this case is not really worth noting.
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Actually it thrills me to death to know I make way more than a Vice Admiral......except I don't think I have quite the luxury lifestyle they have. I rent a small house and drive a Nissan Juke. I have a feeling he's not driving a Juke.

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They can't help themselves...........same trough, different snouts.

Corruption is endemic here; part of the culture; laws made to assist in it being carried out; poor Thais looking up to and fawning over those with money irrespective of how it was obtained; schools participating in it and students see it happening; the greed knows no bounds.

Too ingrained to change it so be prepared to accept that Thailand will always embrace it.........money is the driver and morals the loser.

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So she earns just over £1000 per month for doing 3 jobs. Seems like a bargain to me.

It would if you're living in the UK, but £1000 a month in Tailand is quite good, considering the minimum wage is 300 baht a day, or 9000 baht a month, working 30 days a month !!

But this woman gets 50K baht a month and doesn't have to graft too hard out on the farms for that !! ?

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Regrettably not restricted to Thailand. There was a big case in Bavaria last year were several members of the state parliament had hired relatives at amazing salaries and benefits. And plenty of US Senators that employ relatives, too.

Despicable in any case and even more so in Thailand where the Army took over to clean up.

We could also mention the recent resignation of Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber due to hiring his new squeeze/fiancée. And yes, most members of the US Congress would be out of a job if hiring family members was to be made a crime. But relative to corruption in Thailand, this case is not really worth noting.

It is also not worth noting, because this is not the OregonVisa- Forum!

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Nice to know that Costas200andwhatever's dear leader's government are looking out for the best interest of the country by hiring people who are no doubt not even qualified for the said positions, from one corrupt government right straight into another.

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The belief of entitlement is stunning just didn't blink an eye.

Funny thing for me is and many would know that for a person (the wife) she has to fit in 3 times the chat on her mobile in the work day, that is if she is truly trying to do the 3 roles.

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I don't think this behaviour is in line with "the sufficiency economy" as promoted enthusiastically by the current government and even included in Prayuth's 12 values (it's mentioned in number 10). This also contradicts number 12 too.

The very least Vice Admiral Taratorn and his family should do is recite the 12 core values every morning (and no crib sheets or prompting either!)

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Don't forget to factor in all the allowances that are not included in the basic salary and the annual bonuses and the interest-free loans and the free or heavily subsidised accommodation and the obligatory cool season jolly (I suppose since the wife holds 3 positions she could have 2 of her friends come as well) and last but not least free business class, nay first class travel on Thai Airways.

And the Thai Airline shareholders picking up 200bt million a year in operating expenses for a private jet owned by an elite....and the shareholders don't even know it.

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No previous government in Thai history have ever put measures in place to ensure this rampant nepotism is stamped out.

In fact the previous government reveled in this nepotistic approach which was abused right up to the foreign ministers role. Not a secretary mind you. The foreign minister.

One can be confident that under Prayut it will be amended and I am sure it will be part of the reform process being undertaken.

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On another note it is refreshing that Prayut has set the salary of NLA members at 113 000 a month. This reflects his respect for the tax payer and the Thai people as a whole. In fact I think it is quite a miserable salary considering the responsibilities that the role entails.

I will not divulge what I earn, but suffice to say I would not get out bed for that pittance.

Well done to the most popular PM in the last decade for not abusing his position to put his "mates" on ridiculous salaries.

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