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Swede dedicates his life to children in Thailand


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If he wishes to avoid work permit troubles, he should become a registered charity organization. There are many in Thailand, with admittedly varying degrees of transparency. I have been involved with some very worthwhile charities. Most larger donors require that the charity be registered as such. No matter how admirable his intentions, without being registered and without a work permit, legality comes into question.

So.... why would you think this person doesn't have the correct documentation?

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Kudos to Mr. Sebastian for what he is already doing and all he is planning to do in the future.

Let us hope that the authorities will not block him with to many undue and hindering regulations

and for Briggsgy and your concerns... would a "person of bad intentions" publicly announce his plans? Did you also read that he is

  • working with the local church
  • organizing supporters for the trip
  • even ensure the kids will have insurances...

Will throwing toys and money at this problem solve it or will the same corrupt entities simply steal the aforementioned toys and money and sell them at the local market? What is required is not clueless, well-intentioned, misguided foreigners thinking Thailand is sub-Saharan Africa but protection of vulnerable children from exploitation by government entities performing their duty. Thailand is not a poor country.

On your second point, you obviously never heard of Jimmy Saville. He had a prime time tv show on Saturday night helping children.

You really are a piece of work aren't you.

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Lets just hope he is aware of how difficult it is to trust people when money is involved. If he is in control then fine , his work will be appreciated. But Thailand is not a poor country like their neighbors.

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There are very few real poor in Thailand.........replace poor with bone idle and you get nearer the truth.

On saying that "everyone" who likes kids and wants to help em is not a freakin paedophile, I love the kids here and often play silly games with them when out.............hey Im 51 with no kids.......guess I must be a pervert right?

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I don't give much to charities these days as too many have bloated bureaucracies sucking up the donations.

If you want to donate to a Charity organisation that does not suck up the donations you can donate to Rotary International or one of their Districts or the closest Rotary club. No one working in Rotary gets paid, Not the staff that work full time, not the presidents, nobody. The only thing paid it the trip to the yearly convention for district governors that is mandatory for every district governor. But they do not get paied for their time just the trip, nothing more. Ofcause Rotary has costs for their office and such, but that is covered by fees from the members or donations made by their members.

Every one working in Rotary does that for free. The club president has to work for free for his club for one year, same with other staff and also on a district or international level.

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The majority of posters on this site are sick sick sick and it reflects the average naysayer mentality of the people on this site. Is there any mention of him doing bad stuff, abusing children? One schmuck even likened him to Jimmy Saville (nice work)

No, but you cretins creep out of the woodwork to criticize and conjecture about his intentions.

If you don't have anything good to say, even on a "good news" story like this, keep your trap shut.

I am thinking all those criticizing are jealous as they've never lifted a finger to help anyone less fortunate.

Pedophiles seek out positions of trust/situations with children. They seek to work in orphanages, churches, boy scouts, schools, etc. They often seem to be the most charitable, kind, big-brother type of guys ...or they seek out single mothers and seem to be the most devoted step-fathers, uncles, etc.

We also have people who are charitable, want to help kids, want to donate to the poor, are great step-parents, teachers, boy scout leaders, who are not pedophiles.

We should highly scrutinize people who put themselves in these positions, or seek them out. It is the only responsible thing to do. It is quite common to NOT know anything about this dark side of life, so your feelings are somewhat understandable but not helpful to people who are being exploited.

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One more thing...

If you contact the Swedish Tax Agency, you will see that this is a "non-profit" organization registered as such,

the Organization number is: 802487-5646

Good night...

Just to note that being properly registered as an NGO/charity/non-profit in Sweden, UK, or USA has nothing to do with one's status to operate in Thailand. E.g.:

http://www.csbc-law.com/thai-law-insights/difficulties-in-establishing-ngos-in-thailand-observations-proposals-for-law-reform.html (JUN 2013)

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The majority of posters on this site are sick sick sick and it reflects the average naysayer mentality of the people on this site. Is there any mention of him doing bad stuff, abusing children? One schmuck even likened him to Jimmy Saville (nice work)

No, but you cretins creep out of the woodwork to criticize and conjecture about his intentions.

If you don't have anything good to say, even on a "good news" story like this, keep your trap shut.

I am thinking all those criticizing are jealous as they've never lifted a finger to help anyone less fortunate.

Pedophiles seek out positions of trust/situations with children. They seek to work in orphanages, churches, boy scouts, schools, etc. They often seem to be the most charitable, kind, big-brother type of guys ...or they seek out single mothers and seem to be the most devoted step-fathers, uncles, etc.

We also have people who are charitable, want to help kids, want to donate to the poor, are great step-parents, teachers, boy scout leaders, who are not pedophiles.

We should highly scrutinize people who put themselves in these positions, or seek them out. It is the only responsible thing to do. It is quite common to NOT know anything about this dark side of life, so your feelings are somewhat understandable but not helpful to people who are being exploited.

And those who do volunteer are in a better position to keep their eyes on any others who may be up to no good....I consider part of my "duty" as a volunteer teacher to be aware of what is going on around the school . I have seen first hand that the local school checks nothing and trusts everyone.... The biggest problem i have encountered thus far was a farang english "teacher" in a public school who thought he was a "preacher" and was trying to convert the Buddhist kids to Jesus by telling them they would go to hell if they didn't drop Buddhism. What a HORRIBLE thing to do to a bunch of kids.

Good for the swede....my only caveat is please make sure the churches don't attach strings to the gifts like requiring the kids to attend christian services etc.....give from your heart but respect the fact that almost all the kids are Buddhist, their parents are Buddhist and keep religion out of the giving.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Hi Guys, i will not make a big thing of this really, haters like some people here seems to be, is found in all forums...

If You want to check me out, feel free to contact me, the best way to find the right answers in order to avoid speculations, is to go to the scource itself...

So, here i am, the "Child moulesting psycho", as some refer to...

Send me an e-mail at [email protected], with your questions, and i will answer them...

If You want to run your background check on me, feel free to do so, my Swedish social security number is not a secret: 720804-3575, if you find anything there that says that i am what some of you people claim, let me know...

If you don`t...?

At least don`t stand in my way...

Thank you

You're doing GREAT work man! Keep it up. I'm proud to have you as my countryman!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The majority of posters on this site are sick sick sick and it reflects the average naysayer mentality of the people on this site. Is there any mention of him doing bad stuff, abusing children? One schmuck even likened him to Jimmy Saville (nice work)

No, but you cretins creep out of the woodwork to criticize and conjecture about his intentions.

If you don't have anything good to say, even on a "good news" story like this, keep your trap shut.

I am thinking all those criticizing are jealous as they've never lifted a finger to help anyone less fortunate.

Pedophiles seek out positions of trust/situations with children. They seek to work in orphanages, churches, boy scouts, schools, etc. They often seem to be the most charitable, kind, big-brother type of guys ...or they seek out single mothers and seem to be the most devoted step-fathers, uncles, etc.

We also have people who are charitable, want to help kids, want to donate to the poor, are great step-parents, teachers, boy scout leaders, who are not pedophiles.

We should highly scrutinize people who put themselves in these positions, or seek them out. It is the only responsible thing to do. It is quite common to NOT know anything about this dark side of life, so your feelings are somewhat understandable but not helpful to people who are being exploited.

Is he exploiting anyone? You know something the rest of us don't or are you just talking out of your a**


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Hi Guys, i will not make a big thing of this really, haters like some people here seems to be, is found in all forums...

If You want to check me out, feel free to contact me, the best way to find the right answers in order to avoid speculations, is to go to the scource itself...

So, here i am, the "Child moulesting psycho", as some refer to...

Send me an e-mail at [email protected], with your questions, and i will answer them...

If You want to run your background check on me, feel free to do so, my Swedish social security number is not a secret: 720804-3575, if you find anything there that says that i am what some of you people claim, let me know...

If you don`t...?

At least don`t stand in my way...

Thank you

Totally agree.

Ultimately I believe the nay-sayers are reacting like this because you hit a cord that makes them feel bad about themselves. They drink their beer and maintain small petty wars with their keyboards. This is something good! It means your actions means something that makes people start talking. Also, if just one of the kids gets a better future it's worth all your efforts!

And - it was people like u that made my life better. Thank you ;)

Max / Found in the streets and raised in an orphanage.

Now, what can we do to help u help the kids? What things u need?

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Hi Guys, i will not make a big thing of this really, haters like some people here seems to be, is found in all forums...

If You want to check me out, feel free to contact me, the best way to find the right answers in order to avoid speculations, is to go to the scource itself...

So, here i am, the "Child moulesting psycho", as some refer to...

Send me an e-mail at [email protected], with your questions, and i will answer them...

If You want to run your background check on me, feel free to do so, my Swedish social security number is not a secret: 720804-3575, if you find anything there that says that i am what some of you people claim, let me know...

If you don`t...?

At least don`t stand in my way...

Thank you

Totally agree.

Ultimately I believe the nay-sayers are reacting like this because you hit a cord that makes them feel bad about themselves. They drink their beer and maintain small petty wars with their keyboards. This is something good! It means your actions means something that makes people start talking. Also, if just one of the kids gets a better future it's worth all your efforts!

And - it was people like u that made my life better. Thank you wink.png

Max / Found in the streets and raised in an orphanage.

Now, what can we do to help u help the kids? What things u need?

Well, i do not know, that is depending om where in the world you live of course..smile.png

You could help out collecting stuff, and let me send it for give-away`s in Thailand, there is a lot of stuff that is needed..

What we need most at the moment is actually hygiene products, i got a sponsor last week, that will provide with Tooth brushes, free of charge, around 2.000 pieces, they will last a week, maybe two...

Now, some of you is going to say something like: "why don`t you buy that stuff in Thailand", right..?

My humble reply to that must be, that all of the fundings here is going to pay for forwarding all of the stuff from Sweden to Thailand

I stopped asking for economical fundings, that is a matter of pure self preservation, and a matter of time, i do not have the time to argue with people that never intended to lift a finger to assist, but seems to live their life only to criticize others...

I saw someone have opinions in the registration of my work in Thailand, what can i say.... i do not think the Thai authorities mind that much about me sending stuff for helping the children, do you..?

However, when it comes to open the orphanage, as planned this year, this must of course be made the correct way, i am myself going to Thailand soon, to learn more about this procedure, but please, do not worry about this, it will be both legal and in good manners towards the Thai people...

The link below is by the way from last sunday, we visited a "shelter for abused children and woman", now, please tell me that this is not worth the efforts...


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You will note then that the The Jimmy-Rosalynn Carter Women's Clinic and Nursery is an activity of the Association for the Promotion of the Status of Women under the Royal Patronage of HRH Princess Soamsawali and was named after President and Mrs. Carter after they made a 1 million baht donation in 1987 to the Thai Foundation to establish the Clinic & Nursery.

It is a totally Thai operation. http://www.apsw-thailand.org/About%20APSW.htm

Edited by JLCrab
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You will note then that the The Jimmy-Rosalynn Carter Women's Clinic and Nursery is an activity of the Association for the Promotion of the Status of Women under the Royal Patronage of HRH Princess Soamsawali and was named after President and Mrs. Carter after they made a 1 million baht donation in 1987 to the Thai Foundation to establish the Clinic & Nursery.

It is a totally Thai operation. http://www.apsw-thailand.org/About%20APSW.htm


Do you mean that we can't donate to them because of that..?

Can you Please make me a list then of places you find ok....?

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You will note then that the The Jimmy-Rosalynn Carter Women's Clinic and Nursery is an activity of the Association for the Promotion of the Status of Women under the Royal Patronage of HRH Princess Soamsawali and was named after President and Mrs. Carter after they made a 1 million baht donation in 1987 to the Thai Foundation to establish the Clinic & Nursery.

It is a totally Thai operation. http://www.apsw-thailand.org/About%20APSW.htm


Do you mean that we can't donate to them because of that..?

Can you Please make me a list then of places you find ok....?

You can donate to them, to others in Thailand and surrounding countries all you want. But you are talking about setting up your own orphanage as a new foreign-involved Foundation in Thailand which is a whole 'nother can of worms.

BTW my corporation is federally registered as a non-profit/NGO in the USA with professional credentials from the US Library of Congress specifically in dealing with disadvantaged populations. My current activities are mostly, though indirectly, through the UN in Geneva. My first NGO experience was with a Thai Foundation under the Patronage of HM The King.

Edited by JLCrab
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You will note then that the The Jimmy-Rosalynn Carter Women's Clinic and Nursery is an activity of the Association for the Promotion of the Status of Women under the Royal Patronage of HRH Princess Soamsawali and was named after President and Mrs. Carter after they made a 1 million baht donation in 1987 to the Thai Foundation to establish the Clinic & Nursery.

It is a totally Thai operation. http://www.apsw-thailand.org/About%20APSW.htm


Do you mean that we can't donate to them because of that..?

Can you Please make me a list then of places you find ok....?

You can donate to them, to others in Thailand and surrounding countries all you want. But you are talking about setting up your own orphanage as a new foreign-involved Foundation in Thailand which is a whole 'nother can of worms.

BTW my corporation is federally registered as a non-profit/NGO in the USA with professional credentials from the US Library of Congress specifically in dealing with disadvantaged populations. My current activities are mostly, though indirectly, through the UN in Geneva. My first NGO experience was with a Thai Foundation under the Patronage of HM The King.

Wow... I am impressed now

Well, we will see, dont we.....

I get a feeling that you are afraid of competition, is that so..?

How we do this, is, and i say this again, not decided yet,

i am checking the possibillities...

I take the proper actions when the actions is needed,

active problem solution it's called...

This will begin the next time i come to Bangkok...

Stop being that negative, and help me out instead..?

Is that difficult ?

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Your current work is admirable and I have not in any way said otherwise. I linked an article (now at post #43) which says in the 3rd paragraph:

"The guidelines and procedures for applying to operate an NGO in accordance with Thailand’s NGO laws are strict and complex."

I would also say it would take a lot of experience in the area that you plan to obtain government approval, professional credentials in childhood education, etc. and LOTS of cash.

... and I can assure you that you in no way now or with your prospective plans would you compete with me or even know I exist.

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Kudos to Mr. Sebastian for what he is already doing and all he is planning to do in the future.

Let us hope that the authorities will not block him with to many undue and hindering regulations

and for Briggsgy and your concerns... would a "person of bad intentions" publicly announce his plans? Did you also read that he is

  • working with the local church
  • organizing supporters for the trip
  • even ensure the kids will have insurances...

Google Jimmy Saville. That's exactly how they do it. I share Briggsy's misgivings. Should be easy enough to allay them shouldn't it?

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