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Hundreds of Christian Refugees in Thailand Arrested, May Be Deported to Pakistan


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Who is more qualified for asylum in the US? A Pakistani Christian or YL?

You really need to get out more.
No, the envoys of the US Embassy here need to get out more and do something for these people being deported.

in an other thread people were complaining about US's interference in Thailand and that the US should mind it's own business

in this thread people complain why the US is not interfering,and get more involvedcoffee1.gif

But to answer the question. The US is not getting involved in the Pakistani christian issue in Thailand because Obama is a Secret Muslimlaugh.png

Was he caught doing his Friday prayers?

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Look what Thailand does to Boat People from Burma, obviously they don't read the News

True but also Thailand isn't an immigrant receiving country. Although it's easy to enter and I don't think these refugees would have any intention of staying in Thailand permanently even if they could, they come here because it's an easy transit location but in reality they want to go to Australia, the USA, Canada, New Zealand, those kinds of countries, definitely not Thailand. Thailand is the place for them to organize onward transport to one of these other countries.

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Seems Australia is "Racist and Cruel" when they do not accept refugees. But when Thailand makes it clear they don't give a rats about anyone except themselves, then that's fine apparently.

You have to first define 'Refugees'. Did they set out on their journey to flee persecution, or for greener pasture?

It is completely irrelevant, given that Thailand will not take them in either way.

Of course Thailand is racist, but as baboon said, they won't take them in either way so it's irrelevant. What the refugees should have done is fled across Iran to Turkey. Would have been much closer and easier and a chance for them to get to Europe.

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Look what Thailand does to Boat People from Burma, obviously they don't read the News

True but also Thailand isn't an immigrant receiving country. Although it's easy to enter and I don't think these refugees would have any intention of staying in Thailand permanently even if they could, they come here because it's an easy transit location but in reality they want to go to Australia, the USA, Canada, New Zealand, those kinds of countries, definitely not Thailand. Thailand is the place for them to organize onward transport to one of these other countries.

I remember what ASEAN did for the boat people of Vietnam.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now geez, can't the placed them in Kanchanburi on the Thai Burma border, the Refugee camps are open and the NGOs would increase the funding.. awh.. so they could help more...awhh...

The Burmese also have a "Tristian following"

The Thai government welcomes the refugees, for over 30 years plus, the camps have been available for those who want to live in LOS...

However, Thailand does have standards, when the Refugees stormed a hospital, the refugee were left the country.

Quite an interesting situation.. coffee1.gifwhistling.gif

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One of the things I love about Thailand is that there are only .2% Christians in the country. ( please note the decimal point )

That is still .2% too many.

Thailand is one of a few places on the planet that Christians have not taken over and ruined.

There has been more pain, suffering persecution and death committed in the name of their god than any other cause in history.

Kudos to Thailand if they do deport these evil people.


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One of the things I love about Thailand is that there are only .2% Christians in the country. ( please note the decimal point )

That is still .2% too many.

Thailand is one of a few places on the planet that Christians have not taken over and ruined.

There has been more pain, suffering persecution and death committed in the name of their god than any other cause in history.

Kudos to Thailand if they do deport these evil people.



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Exactly 99% (at least) of 'refugees escaping religious persecution' turn out to be economic opertunists, pakistan sucks and Thailand is a way nicer country with better economic oppertunity-so they're trying to get a free pass to live and work here w/o a permit like the rest of us are forced to do, there areMANY places in pakistan that are safe for christians, if there is a problem rural area then the can be 'refugees' in a safe part of pakistan.

That's funny,

christian pakistanis "flee" to a buddhist country. Why not try israel?

Meanwhile, pakistani muslims flooding the uk.

Religious people... if you like to stay sane, don't try to understand them.

Not sure why this particular group were (allegedly) being persecuted.

Being a Christian in Pakistan is not generally a problem. When I stayed in Lahore I attended the Sacred Heart Cathedral most Sundays and one of the oldest schools there for Pakistani girls is Sacred Heart High School. Also when I was there I knew an American couple who were involved in missionary work for some Protestant denomination without any problem ... and that included the period when the US embassy evacuated most personnel and most airlines suspended flights to Pakistan around the time of the Sept 11 bombing in New York and aftermath.

Of course if they were from some rural area or if they had renounced Islam, there would be trouble from extremists who need a target to justify themselves. Sad to hear of their plight if they are genuine refugees in fear of their lives, but wonder why/how they ended up in Thailand.

That's funny,

christian pakistanis "flee" to a buddhist country. Why not try israel?

Meanwhile, pakistani muslims flooding the uk.

Religious people... if you like to stay sane, don't try to understand them.

Far more mayhem has been caused in the name of patriotism, nationalism, colonialism and economic exploitation.


Your opening statistic is just something you've made up.

The rest of your post is just based on facts you have also made up.

Edited by Bluespunk
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