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what does this mean ?


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" i heea " or something similar like " i hear"

an insult ? i was ignoring a thai girl recently who was doing my head in and getting closer than close and i heard her speak this. i also remember someone told me this is the worst insult, i dont know. so advice .

i could have picked it up wrong but i dont think so as when i questioned her about it she apologised, it was not accepted .

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ไอ้เหี้ย ai hia.

Pretty much the mother of name calling insults.

Literally "low serpent" but this doesn't even begin to convey how derogatory this term is. You can pretty much substitute any four letter blue language from "motherf##k#r" "c##ks##k#r" "scum bag" "SOB", etc, etc., to understand how severe a put down this is.

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Very much an insult - see ไอ้เหี้ย. เหี้ย means 'water monitor', and the synonym ตัวเงินตัวทอง also means 'money maker'. The video of the anti-Taksin rap song ไอ้หน้าเหลี่ยม (2006) has brief flashes displaying Taksin as a water monitor. Be warned that the song's quite offensive - it isn't just red shirts who may object to your playing it. Having said that, here's the link:

- you may want to watch with the sound off. Edited by Richard W
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Literally "low serpent"

Not really. The hîa part refers to the large lizard common in Thailand and widely despised, Varanus salvator.

ây is a derogatory prefix, perhaps best translated as "damned". (Bizarrely, ây is also used as a prefix of affection when people name their pets.)

So, literally it's closer to "damned monitor lizard".

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the same girl is o facebook , i questioned her again this morning about this insult, she said she was very very sorry, she was drunk. she was angry at me. though is this thai insult really as bad as we farangs believe it to be ? or can such a thing be forgiven ?

i mean if someone insulted my children or my dead mother then no no but is this calling someone a lowlife or a lizard etc really so bad, i have in the past insulted people by saying far worse...............so

your thoughts please

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the same girl is o facebook , i questioned her again this morning about this insult, she said she was very very sorry, she was drunk. she was angry at me. though is this thai insult really as bad as we farangs believe it to be ? or can such a thing be forgiven ?

i mean if someone insulted my children or my dead mother then no no but is this calling someone a lowlife or a lizard etc really so bad, i have in the past insulted people by saying far worse...............so

your thoughts please

It's a forgivable outburst.

Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me.

Edited by Gecko123
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Its a bad word, but you will often hear this stuff said in jest, said seriously, said under someones breath etc etc.

friends will often chide one another with this type of stuff

a girl saying it to you in that context is probably bad but on par with normal drunken name calling or arguing. like ^^ that guy said, sticks n stones

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