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Selling Timeshare In Thailand

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Thanks for all the comments. I don't want to do this myself, but I am very curious when I hear about farangs with little or no experience making hundreds of thousands of Baht a month.

Thats because its just that, Hearsay and rumour!

I've been in the dive business and a similar scam operated by some companies is the 'pay us $$$$$ to become an OWSI instructor and earn 80 - 160k baht a month'

Few earn even clost to those figures.

Its pie in the sky mate. A small handful find the pot of gold falang to sell to but for the most part its tall tales, and attempts to get high numbers in the door to send out on the front lines. And the cops are the machine gunners just waiting for the eager falang to pass in front of their sights.

Don't be fooled by the dangled carrot. Make your money in the west and use thailand as a base rather than that kind of work-place.

There are sales people in Thailand selling timeshare who are easily earning in excess of 100,000 baht, but they are extremely rare.

The large majority of sales reps fail miserably, simply because sales was not there profession prior to arriving in there chosen country. These are normally the ones that say how great they were and how much money they made, when really they earned nothing. Likitalot is a classic example of this.

The timeshare bubble will not burst, they will just call it something else and disguise it. Just like the Laguna timeshare in Phuket which is now called "Laguna Holiday Club", and the Marriott "Vacation Club", yes, these are the biggest culprits !

Its simple, if it involves hundreds of $$$$ in yearly fees, its timeshare !

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The lust for easy money has always brought the lazy, get it now, type of person, that doesn't care if others will loose all their hard earned $$$. Thats the moral of those that find out what goes down under these type of sales, and stick around and kiss the big as, of the big named hotel chains perverts (lack of morals), just likeitalot (from behind).

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  • 2 weeks later...

My feeling is that a topic like this is better left open.

There may be some newbie who comes along and needs to know some of the things that topic has revealed, and who has some further question.

If the topic has been closed, s/he will have to open a new topic to ask the question.

But if the topic has been left open, those of us who have 'subscribed' to it will get e-mail notification and be alerted and may be able to help.

"www.thaivisa.com" started as a way of 'old hands' giving information that would help newbies 'get up to speed' more quickly than those 'old hands' had been able to do in the past.

Clearly, a lot of people use it to 'get things out of their system' now, but the original purpose can be still be achieved, despite the rantings and ravings.

Not that I think ranting and raving is bad. It clearly helps those who do it, and can be usefully revealing to others, as it is sometimes helpful to be caused to think: "Here I am, thinking my road is rough. But now I meet a man who has no legs".

So, on balance, I would prefer that topics like this are left open in accordance with the 'founding spirit'.

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Martin, after reading your post, I truely agree with you, and didn't think of it in those terms. Thanks

for your enlited post.

hi ill informed ,im flying back to bangkok today,to start work again in timeshare which i do every winter have a lot of fun work only a few hours a day and best of all make great money,the rest of the time i make peoples dreams come true selling over the telephone in manila,there is one born every minute and i love it :o greedy people think they can get something for nothing,you cant con a honest man,as for conning old people out of there money dont make me laugh,these same people are the same ones who come to asia and dont tip and barter down a thai person out of a few baht .this week a dr sent me 100,000 after a 30 minute phone call,and a lawyer 250,000.thats selling on greed,they should know better,im happy can sleep at nite and my thai wife and kids live well and its all legal,and i have just picked up my non b,and get my work permit and a salery,flame me now i dont care,maybe a few spelling mistakes i also dont care ,i most proberly got more cash than u anyway, :D:D:D:D

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Martin, after reading your post, I truely agree with you, and didn't think of it in those terms. Thanks

for your enlited post.

hi ill informed ,im flying back to bangkok today,to start work again in timeshare which i do every winter have a lot of fun work only a few hours a day and best of all make great money,the rest of the time i make peoples dreams come true selling over the telephone in manila,there is one born every minute and i love it :o greedy people think they can get something for nothing,you cant con a honest man,as for conning old people out of there money dont make me laugh,these same people are the same ones who come to asia and dont tip and barter down a thai person out of a few baht .this week a dr sent me 100,000 after a 30 minute phone call,and a lawyer 250,000.thats selling on greed,they should know better,im happy can sleep at nite and my thai wife and kids live well and its all legal,and i have just picked up my non b,and get my work permit and a salery,flame me now i dont care,maybe a few spelling mistakes i also dont care ,i most proberly got more cash than u anyway, :D:D:D:D

Nice wind up :-)

YOU really are a moron :D

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I used to sell TS in Tenerife, many many years ago.Its an Industry full of crooks and they make a killing at the top.The sellers are either wood be crooks or the type that hang off every word one says and looks up to them in a kind of hero worship mode.I was very young and impressionable.Timeshare is a con and people that fall for it are mugs FACT.Get a TS seller in a bar and 99% will tell you how they earn this and that and they've just closed a $20 k deal that morning yet they live in squalor and very rarely have enough cash on them to pay their bills.Iam extremely well known amongst the TS fraternity especially in Tenerife and a lot of which have now moved over to these shores.I will assure you of one thing.Not one would dare pull me up in the street when with my wife and try to sell me it.Look at the figures....its just a bad deal.

I did not however regret my time in TS and had great fun as I soon realised you where only taking money off the muppets as anyone half clued up would hit back with the figures and at the end of the day tell you exactly what the deal represented.

:o EPG

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samuimens toxin and puketilus you are a sad bunch....no doubt you have a pitiful income..as for the 2% supporters of my case well i disclaim them...i earn 4-6 million a year FACT as some really eloquent posters like to say i have visa work permit and many happy owners ...so sorry but if you sad peeople cant accept that there may be some good out there ...som nam nah

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samuimens toxin and puketilus you are a sad bunch....no doubt you have a pitiful income..as for the 2% supporters of my case well i disclaim them...i earn 4-6 million a year FACT as some really eloquent posters like to say i have visa work permit and many happy owners ...so sorry but if you sad peeople cant accept that there may be some good out there ...som nam nah

som num nah,prats on here dont even know what they are talking about,dont worry about it likeitalot ,what i do is perfectly legal a valid point that they missed good luck to u,these guys would love to live in thailand got no balls and ill imformed and so easy to wind up :o any more name calling bring it on :D

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I still have a slightly uneasy conscience about selling a few encyclopaedias, to people who didn't need them, nearly fifty years ago.

Thank goodness that, at that young and gullible age, I wasn't suckered in to being a timeshare salesman.

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Get a TS seller in a bar and 99% will tell you how they earn this and that and they've just closed a $20 k deal that morning yet they live in squalor and very rarely have enough cash on them to pay their bills.


Yep, and theres 2 of them here Gaz ! Imagine myfriendu and the other dreamer likitalot together in a bar !? Going on how much money they are making, then watch them panic when the bar tab comes in !!?? :D

I can imagine poor likeitalot now, his sales manager patting him on the back saying what a great rep he is, all the time hes still waiting for his 1st pay chq to come in. Likeitalot when he says you have made 4-6 million he means for the company you idiot, not you ! Love the way you crawled back out the woodwork when another fellow dreamer appeared, brilliant !!! And you can call others a sad bunch !!

Myfriendu (real name Garry) was on here looking for staff this time last year, he was so successful he had to bail out to Manila coz he couldn't afford to stay in Thailand ! Garry, nobody is going to flame you, your a dreamer and people only pity dreamers.

Congratulations however on finding another desperate company to give you a months accommodation, bet that really impressed the missus !

Well at least you have made likeitalots year anyway !


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Get a TS seller in a bar and 99% will tell you how they earn this and that and they've just closed a $20 k deal that morning yet they live in squalor and very rarely have enough cash on them to pay their bills.


Yep, and theres 2 of them here Gaz ! Imagine myfriendu and the other dreamer likitalot together in a bar !? Going on how much money they are making, then watch them panic when the bar tab comes in !!?? :D

I can imagine poor likeitalot now, his sales manager patting him on the back saying what a great rep he is, all the time hes still waiting for his 1st pay chq to come in. Likeitalot when he says you have made 4-6 million he means for the company you idiot, not you ! Love the way you crawled back out the woodwork when another fellow dreamer appeared, brilliant !!! And you can call others a sad bunch !!

Myfriendu (real name Garry) was on here looking for staff this time last year, he was so successful he had to bail out to Manila coz he couldn't afford to stay in Thailand ! Garry, nobody is going to flame you, your a dreamer and people only pity dreamers.

Congratulations however on finding another desperate company to give you a months accommodation, bet that really impressed the missus !

Well at least you have made likeitalots year anyway !


god i love this site :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think he is right, timeshare have a future expecially n Thailand.

It's how I see the whole thing :

the new rule 90 days in, 90 dyas out will certainly applay to many expats. So it will be a new time share system, based on that 90 dyas rotations.


Sure, but as the whole TS scam is in fact , totaly senseless!

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Ok for those of you who say i earn no money and im full of it...how about this.....meet me in bangkok or phuket and bring 10,000 baht (you maybe have to borrow it or it or forego you monthly pension)

ill bring my official payslip, for this year upto end of may it will say 3 million baht or so...for last year i thnk about 4 million. if you find it to be fake payslip or the numbers not in that region, i wil DOUBLE your 10,000. If however, i am correct you hand over your 10,000 and say im sorry we were wrong...easy!

so come on samuinuts pukilus et al post your date and time to meet................

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Just a note of warning, just got back from Cambo where i wanted a non imm B ...they refused to accept it point blank, scribbling on a piece of paper that i should go to kl sing or home country as they are too busy(lazy) plus the docs required were ridiculous...but it was nothing to do with the docs, as i could have faxed in the additional, the reason given was got to somewhere else.

...no amount of patient discussion worked from the disgrace i spoke to. Entire trip a waste of money except for the Phnom Penh experience.

I will be logging a complaint..any suggestions where that complaint might have some effect( i know probably nowhere)

Glad to hear your doing so well for yourself .

why are you still putting yourself through the visa run hel_l.

Much easier to pop down to imigration and get a one year extention.

Show them your big payslip and your tax receipt, all should be cool.

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Just a note of warning, just got back from Cambo where i wanted a non imm B ...they refused to accept it point blank, scribbling on a piece of paper that i should go to kl sing or home country as they are too busy(lazy) plus the docs required were ridiculous...but it was nothing to do with the docs, as i could have faxed in the additional, the reason given was got to somewhere else.

...no amount of patient discussion worked from the disgrace i spoke to. Entire trip a waste of money except for the Phnom Penh experience.

I will be logging a complaint..any suggestions where that complaint might have some effect( i know probably nowhere)

Glad to hear your doing so well for yourself .

why are you still putting yourself through the visa run hel_l.

Much easier to pop down to imigration and get a one year extention.

Show them your big payslip and your tax receipt, all should be cool.


good point mate

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now dont be bitter......

i am just trying to help others as is my nature!

i am changing jobs so therefore unless you switch your work permit within 7 days you have to get a new non imm b to get a new work permit under the new company name, so a one year extension wouldnt work....

and my payslips etc would never have been mentioned if everyone was so conceited about none earning money in that job when i know about 50 peopl who do...

btw if you were trying to help rather than have a dig thanks

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now dont be bitter......

i am just trying to help others as is my nature!

i am changing jobs so therefore unless you switch your work permit within 7 days you have to get a new non imm b to get a new work permit under the new company name, so a one year extension wouldnt work....

and my payslips etc would never have been mentioned if everyone was so conceited about none earning money in that job when i know about 50 peopl who do...

btw if you were trying to help rather than have a dig thanks

Right, but is it numerous people earning 4 millions of bahts and who have visa problem in Pnong Phen? Unsure, really unsure.

it's about 300 000/month, is that right? I think you should simply go to Sathorn and explain your case with the salary sleeps (if oyu quited it must mean you found better, so the next will be bigger). I am sure they solutions (no kidding assuming you did paid the taxes on it).

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it wasnt even an issue about my credentials as the non imm b is not based on anything you did before in thailand or you could never get a first one !!!......

you cant take pay slips if you never had one therefore that is not part of the application

you need letter from company offering you job, plus company registration docs, which i had ...

they refused point blank to accept it without caring what docs i had they didnt refuse after processing they refused to process!!, just would not even take it over the fing counter just some wkr giving me a scrap of paper saying go to kl or singapore.

...my point was they dont want to do visa for farangs coming from thailand as it makes a lot more work for them so they either make it difficult or refuse, so i go to bar after to drown sorrows for wasted trip and talk to a US guy he is going for some other type of visa, i tell him he prob wont get he says he will no probs......

i see him back in bar one hour later and he wants to kill people as same happened.....thats it if none is interested no skin off my nose

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Ok for those of you who say i earn no money and im full of it...how about this.....meet me in bangkok or phuket and bring 10,000 baht (you maybe have to borrow it or it or forego you monthly pension)

ill bring my official payslip, for this year upto end of may it will say 3 million baht or so...for last year i thnk about 4 million. if you find it to be fake payslip or the numbers not in that region, i wil DOUBLE your 10,000. If however, i am correct you hand over your 10,000 and say im sorry we were wrong...easy!

so come on samuinuts pukilus et al post your date and time to meet................

I can smell some s^^t here, people who earn good money, don’t tell the world, even if they did and people didn’t believe them they wouldn’t care. People with don’t care about people without.

I am glad I don’t know you, I would be sick of having to avoid you in a bar so I wouldn’t have to buy you a beer again…..

Keep selling your time shares and drink with your time share buddies.. it sounds like a hoot

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Love that sting01 is pulling likeitalots chain, and he's fallin' for it-LOL

OHH-Temper-Temper, Likeitalot!

I do not, I am deadly serious. A person who can proove he/she is earning legally 300 000bht and who is willing to pay taxes will have no problems to go in Sathorn Immigration Police, report the problems and ask for help. I do believe that is the kind of person that needed by every country (hight income, possibly implying foreign currencies coming in the country) and the Royal thai Immigration Police will do all the best to secure the installation and the staying of the person.

As long as the person can proove that type of income, their legality and is willing to fullfill his/her taxes duty without breaking any laws or moral rules.

So now, if there is some irony in my words, that is simply because I do not see how Likealots can go to Pnong Pnen or some other weird places to beg for a visa ... So somewhere I am having very hard time to understand how someone so good in selling sh****t can be so fool about his/her private life.

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