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Travel around songkran... too late to buy train tickets?


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Hi all,

Just found out I've 10 days off work and was thinking of heading out of Bangkok in the Laos direction. Looking to leave on the night of 11th/12th April, is it going to be too late to sort anything in terms of train tickets? I've heard that sleeper bunks can sell out weeks in advance, was thinking of heading into Bangkok later today (19th) and enquiring or am I just going to be wasting my time? I know its 23/24 days in advance.

Ta :)

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Songkran is the absolute best time of year for driving in and around Bangkok.

Before and after, not so much...

Not so much as driving but stuck tragic in ques, last year we had the misfortune of having to go pick the mother in law up from Sahmut Prakan, we waited in a Que about one and a half hours because some idiots where drunk, Thais may i add, stopping all the traffic on the main road, by dancing in the middle, it was resolved, a guy on a big chopper drove up and pulled a gun out and shot one of them dead, that removed the blockage, It was on channel three news,

Edited by Thongkorn
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