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Prayut: Terror suspect invited to army camp, not arrested


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Lest we forget that the military initially DENIED that they had custody of the suspect.

But maybe that was another misunderstanding between the military and the public. Since the military didn't "force" her to come to the military facility, she really wasn't there.

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So just to be clear, how many people arrested by the Junta have disappeared and how many have been released unharmed after a few days ?.

Considering the low-life tactics of Pheu-Thai and their supporters, it all seems much more civilised than what they might expect.

What a shame so many of Thaksin's enemies did not get the same courtesy - particularly during the 'drug wars' where anyone they didn't like got erased (in their thousands).

Of course we all know by now that gross hypocrisy is one of the better qualities of red-shirts - so keep on criticising.

No opposition or PAD leader ever disappeared under PTP rule. Please provide proof of your claim/lie. Thaksin was instructed to launch the war on drugs, if you know Thailand you will know that he would never have done that on his own. But so many times in this country when a politician does as he is told they are hanged out to dry when things go wrong. I can't give you the source for the proof of this as I would be breaking the computers info law as well as another laws. But if you want to know the truth the internet will provide you with the truth. If you want to live in a make belief world stay ignorant to the truth.

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So just to be clear, how many people arrested by the Junta have disappeared and how many have been released unharmed after a few days ?.

Considering the low-life tactics of Pheu-Thai and their supporters, it all seems much more civilised than what they might expect.

What a shame so many of Thaksin's enemies did not get the same courtesy - particularly during the 'drug wars' where anyone they didn't like got erased (in their thousands).

Of course we all know by now that gross hypocrisy is one of the better qualities of red-shirts - so keep on criticising.

No opposition or PAD leader ever disappeared under PTP rule. Please provide proof of your claim/lie. Thaksin was instructed to launch the war on drugs, if you know Thailand you will know that he would never have done that on his own. But so many times in this country when a politician does as he is told they are hanged out to dry when things go wrong. I can't give you the source for the proof of this as I would be breaking the computers info law as well as another laws. But if you want to know the truth the internet will provide you with the truth. If you want to live in a make belief world stay ignorant to the truth.

Ah, of course Thaksin the Innocent. A mere tool.

How many activists, journalists, protesters were murdered, disappeared, assaulted, intimidated and/or sued under the tenure of the various Thaksin controlled governments, including PTP of course? And all said something or did something the Shins didn't like. Funny that.

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literally every country in the world has anti-terrorism laws which allow the detention incommunicado for x # of days, weeks, years.

?what is the problem here?

she was NOT dragged kicking and screaming. she went knowing full well she had committed crimes against the country.

if found guilty in a court of law, i believe she is a prime candidate for the death penalty.

apologists for the shin klan should give their head a shake.

back in 2010 i witnessed the murder of a young guy in bkk, around midnight when the reds hijacking buses and propane trucks to create an inferno which would have possibly incinerated hundreds of children and elderly folks. he was killed while screaming at them to stop.

i hardly regret getting out of there as fast as i could.


RED stands for murder, bombing , bloodshed and terrorism.

thank Budda for prayuth having the courage to stand up for thailand.

the murder and mayhem going on long before the coup should not be tolerated in any country.

and lets not forget the FACT that most posters here are not entitled to vote anyway,

wow, i could go on and on, but TV thai bashers take the cake for having their collective head up their collective anus.

of course, in my humble opinion sad.png

Are you on drugs?...no really...

You think an unelected dictator who cannot open his mouth without inserting one or both feet is the answer, that a load of yes men and flunkies who patently haver trouble with what day it is aid the situation and make for a fairer better society??

I am not sure if the world does actually see the complete and utter drivel that is spewed on a daily basis from the junta and maybe to the rest of the world it aint that important in the grand scheme but personally I think it is sad that the military and the Thai elite are being allowed to walk all over the majority of their own people

I truly believe you and a lot of other westerners born into democracy and with the gift of free speech have truly lost it........

Edited by mark131v
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Defamatory post removed. Be careful what/how you type, as defamation is a very real charge, both criminal and civil, in Thailand with serious consequences, irrespective of whether what you write is true or false.

This is not about moderation but In my opinion a country who will prosecute you, or allow others to prosecute you for writing the truth has big, big problems, unfortunately after a few years here most people already know that but the sheer amount of people who were lucky to be born in a democracy who forget this is a bit scary really...

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literally every country in the world has anti-terrorism laws which allow the detention incommunicado for x # of days, weeks, years.

?what is the problem here?

she was NOT dragged kicking and screaming. she went knowing full well she had committed crimes against the country.

if found guilty in a court of law, i believe she is a prime candidate for the death penalty.

apologists for the shin klan should give their head a shake.

back in 2010 i witnessed the murder of a young guy in bkk, around midnight when the reds hijacking buses and propane trucks to create an inferno which would have possibly incinerated hundreds of children and elderly folks. he was killed while screaming at them to stop.

i hardly regret getting out of there as fast as i could.


RED stands for murder, bombing , bloodshed and terrorism.

thank Budda for prayuth having the courage to stand up for thailand.

the murder and mayhem going on long before the coup should not be tolerated in any country.

and lets not forget the FACT that most posters here are not entitled to vote anyway,

wow, i could go on and on, but TV thai bashers take the cake for having their collective head up their collective anus.

of course, in my humble opinion sad.png

Umm, maybe the problem is that if this women is a possible terrorist I would hope they would do more than just INVITE her to go with them.

She went with them knowing she had committed crimes? Please post your evidence.

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"After she had enjoyed our hospitality and home cooked meals for six days, we escorted her straight to jail"

The lies and stupidity continues.....................coffee1.gif

yep, when I invite people over for a beer and a chat I don't send 6 soldiers over to pick them up and have two escort my guest by the arms to ensure they arrive. My invitees are even free to leave at anytime they want.

What total load of lies and rubbish, she wasn't "Invited" she was siezed. Every time this guy opens his mouth it is just more lies and dribble and his brainwashed moron worshippers eat it up.

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trust you are not on the next bus they blow up.

Nattathida has confessed to transferring money to members of an alleged terrorist group

Nattathida is currently being held in prison while she awaits trial for terrorism charges.

despicable TV apologists for terrorists.

You use the word 'alledged'. So you don't know if she gave money to terrorists. So she is not convicted of anything yet. Please stop the hysterics.

I still ask, if someone is suspected of terrorism links, why was she invited? She should have been arrested.

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"After she had enjoyed our hospitality and home cooked meals for six days, we escorted her straight to jail"

The lies and stupidity continues.....................coffee1.gif

yep, when I invite people over for a beer and a chat I don't send 6 soldiers over to pick them up and have two escort my guest by the arms to ensure they arrive. My invitees are even free to leave at anytime they want.

What total load of lies and rubbish, she wasn't "Invited" she was siezed. Every time this guy opens his mouth it is just more lies and dribble and his brainwashed moron worshippers eat it up.

It's quite a jump from being the top army officer who simply gives an order knowing it will be carried out without question or who speaks knowing he won't be challenged to running a country where the public are not members of a disciplined organisation and not obliged to jump when ordered or remain silent when they have questions.

Unfortunately the PM expects, even demands, total obedience and expects all he says is accepted without question.

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So just to be clear, how many people arrested by the Junta have disappeared and how many have been released unharmed after a few days ?.

Considering the low-life tactics of Pheu-Thai and their supporters, it all seems much more civilised than what they might expect.

What a shame so many of Thaksin's enemies did not get the same courtesy - particularly during the 'drug wars' where anyone they didn't like got erased (in their thousands).

Of course we all know by now that gross hypocrisy is one of the better qualities of red-shirts - so keep on criticising.

In the first photo the other day she was being held by both arms by guards and led away, and the military denied she was taken, then ok admitted she was taken, and now she was "invited", for a talk, and now in prison on terrorism charges,

Now if she was in fact involved in the bombing and can be proven, then let the law be see to be done.

As for declaring she was NOT taken, and days latter having to admit that in fact she was, and then saying she was "invited" just ads more weight to the augment or the non junta supporters.


"Considering the low life tactics of the Pheu-Thai and their supporters" Really? So just who are the "low-life supporters" are you talking about? or do you mean the few extremist's? that are out there much like the yellow few extremist's also out there? cause I personally know many rather kind and polite and well educated red shirt supporters as well as yellow supporters,

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"Considering the low life tactics of the Pheu-Thai and their supporters" Really? So just who are the "low-life supporters" are you talking about? or do you mean the few extremist's? that are out there much like the yellow few extremist's also out there? cause I personally know many rather kind and polite and well educated red shirt supporters as well as yellow supporters,

"Considering the low life tactics of the Pheu-Thai and their supporters" ------> "low-life supporters"

And this, people, is an example of taking things out of context.

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"Considering the low life tactics of the Pheu-Thai and their supporters" Really? So just who are the "low-life supporters" are you talking about? or do you mean the few extremist's? that are out there much like the yellow few extremist's also out there? cause I personally know many rather kind and polite and well educated red shirt supporters as well as yellow supporters,

"Considering the low life tactics of the Pheu-Thai and their supporters" ------> "low-life supporters"

And this, people, is an example of taking things out of context.

Yes, context is important I agree, how ever I think my statement is very much in context, read the guy's text,

"Considering the low-life tactics of the Phu-Thai and their supporters" Now if he meant to say something else like the extremists, or bomb throwing murderers, or what ever, then that is what he should have said, but he didn't now did he.

And this people, is an example of blind support regardless of facts, text, and contextwhistling.gif .

If the lady is guilty of terrorism then let the law be seen to be handed down.

Edited by aussieinthailand
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"Considering the low life tactics of the Pheu-Thai and their supporters" Really? So just who are the "low-life supporters" are you talking about? or do you mean the few extremist's? that are out there much like the yellow few extremist's also out there? cause I personally know many rather kind and polite and well educated red shirt supporters as well as yellow supporters,

"Considering the low life tactics of the Pheu-Thai and their supporters" ------> "low-life supporters"

And this, people, is an example of taking things out of context.

Yes, context is important I agree, how ever I think my statement is very much in context, read the guy's text,

"Considering the low-life tactics of the Phu-Thai and their supporters" Now if he meant to say something else like the extremists, or bomb throwing murderers, or what ever, then that is what he should have said, but he didn't now did he.

And this people, is an example of blind support regardless of facts, text, and contextwhistling.gif .

If the lady is guilty of terrorism then let the law be seen to be handed down.

It has nothing to do with who I do or do not support. You should read the text. He didn't say "low-life supporters". He said "low-life tactics". Taking words from different parts of the text to give a different meaning is taking it out of context.

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Just an attempt to intimidate and discredit a witness who saw the Army murdering protesters. I can imagine her Terrorist activities involved contributing to some organisation banned by the Junta

How anyone can support these actions is beyond me

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So just to be clear, how many people arrested by the Junta have disappeared and how many have been released unharmed after a few days ?.

Considering the low-life tactics of Pheu-Thai and their supporters, it all seems much more civilised than what they might expect.

What a shame so many of Thaksin's enemies did not get the same courtesy - particularly during the 'drug wars' where anyone they didn't like got erased (in their thousands).

Of course we all know by now that gross hypocrisy is one of the better qualities of red-shirts - so keep on criticising

So you agree with arrest and questioning without recourse to the law , How many people is irreverent , 10 , 20 , 2000? its a basic deprivation of human rights. You are in the clear minority in your beliefs and lack basic human decency

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